Value Based Questions in Science for Class 9 Chapter 12 Sound
These Solutions are part of Value Based Questions in Science for Class 9. Here we have given Value Based Questions in Science for Class 9 Chapter 12 Sound
Question 1.
Mr. Ravi Bushan, father of Mr. Atul was hard of hearing. Doctor advised him to use hearing aid after diagnosing his ears. But he was not ready to listen to the advice of doctor because he felt that hearing aid is a machine and would cause harm to him. Mr. Atul told his father that hearing aid is not harmful, rather it would help him. Finally, Mr. Ravi decided to have the hearing aid.
- What values are shown by Mr. Atul ?
- On what principle, hearing aid works ?
- Concern for his father and
- high degree of general awareness.
- Hearing aid works on the principle of multiple relfection of sound.
More Resources
- Value Based Questions in Science for Class 9
- HOTS Questions for Class 9 Science
- NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science
- NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 9 Science
- Previous Year Question Papers for CBSE Class 9 Science
Question 2.
Ajay’s uncle was advised by his doctor to have echocardiography. His uncle did not know anything regarding the echocardiography. He thought that this test is sensitive and hence he was not ready for it. When Ajay came to know about this, he decided to prepare his uncle for the test. He told his uncle that this test would help the doctor to know the condition of his heart and moreover, this test is very simple. Finally his uncle was convinced and had the echocardiography. The information obtained by the test helped his doctor to treat him well.
- What is echocardiography ?
- What values are shown by Ajay ?
- Echocardiography is medical diagnostic technique to construct the image of heart using ultrasonice waves.
- Helpful,
- concern for his uncle, and
- high degree of general awareness.
Question 3.
Harsha was watching a programme based on ships on television. She saw a device attached to a ship through which the man on the ship located the enemy submarines and sent the message to the headquarters.
- Name the device fitted in the ship.
- On which principle does the device work ?
- What values are shown by Harsha ? (CBSE 2015)
- SONAR works on the principle of reflection of sound waves (i.e. echo).
- Harsha is inquisitive. She has scientific temperament and takes interest in understanding scientific phenomena.
Question 4.
David while watching ‘National Geographic’ channel on television observed that Bats were easily flying during the night. He did not understand the concept and for this he surfed on internet, and finally found the answer that bats use ultrasound to fly and search their prey at night.
- What is ultrasound ? State its one application.
- State the principle used by bats.
- What value of David’s Nature is depicted from this context ? (CBSE 2015)
- The sound waves having frequency greater than 20000 Hz are called ultrasound. Ultrasound is used to
determine the depth of a sea. - Bats use the principle of reflection of ultrasound (i.e. echo).
- David is inquisitive. He has scientific temperament and takes interest in understanding the natural phenomena.
Hope given Value Based Questions in Science for Class 9 Chapter 12 Sound are helpful to complete your science homework.
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