CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Language and Literature Paper 1

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Language and Literature Paper 1 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Language and Literature. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Language and Literature Paper 1.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Language and Literature Paper 1

SubjectEnglish Language and Literature
Sample Paper SetPaper 1
CategoryCBSE Sample Papers

Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 9 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme as prescribed by the CBSE is given here. Paper 1 of Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Language and Literature is given below with free PDF download solutions.

Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 100

General Instruction:

  1. This question paper is divided into three sections.
    • Section A: Reading                 20 Marks
    • Section B: Writing and Grammar  30 Marks
    • Section C: Literature (Textbooks)  30 marks
  2. All the questions are compulsory.
  3. All the questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

 Section (A)
Reading (20 Marks)


Question 1.
Read the passage given below.  (8 Marks)
1. Chocolate diamonds are actually brown diamonds and, compared to the well-known white diamond, they aren’t worth much. Diamonds are produced in mines. The best known diamond mines are in Australia, South Africa and Russia. The largest diamond mine was discovered in 1976 in the desert of Australia near a little creek named Lake Argyle. Diamonds are created under very extreme conditions of pressure and high temperature. It is a general misunderstanding that there exist only white colourless diamonds. Actually, diamonds exist in many different colours.

2. In all the diamond mines of the world, almost 80% of all diamonds produced are brownish in colour. Because they were found in such large quantities compared to the other coloured diamonds, they were considered as low-value diamonds, only gdod for the industrial sector. But a famous man called Le Vian came with a marketing campaign to increase diamond the popularity of chocolate Instead of calling it a brown diamond, he gave it popular name like caramel, chocolate, cinnamon and cognac. Since his marketing campaign, chocolate diamonds are becoming very popular.

3. The value of a diamonds is based on its shape, brightness and colour. Because white diamonds are rare, their value is based on the fact that there are not many white diamonds around. But if you look at the shape and brightness, then the brightest diamond in this world known to man is a brown diamond. Before the development of the Argyle diamond mine in Australia in 1986, most brown diamonds were considered worthless for jewellery; they were even not assessed on the diamond colour scale, and were predominantly used for indusrial purposes. However, marketing strategies changed in the 1980s and brown diamonds have become popular gems. The change was mostly due to supply the Argyle mine, with its 35 million carats (7,000 kg) of diamonds per year, makes about one-third of global production of natrual diamonds;
80% of Argyle diamonds are brown. The percentage of brown diamonds is lower in other mines, but it is almost always a significant part of the total production. (342 words)

1.1 Attempt any eight of the following questions on the basis of the passage you have read.
(i) What is the false belief about diamonds? (1)
(ii) Why were brown diamonds considered low in value? (1)
(iii) Who made brown diamonds popular? (1)
(iv) How is the value of a diamond decided? (1)
(v) Why are white diamonds considered more valuable? (1)
(vi) What names were given to brown diamonds by Le Vian? (1)
(vii) Name the brightest diamond known to mankind based on its shape and brightness. (1)
(viii) Where and when was the largest diamond mine discovered? (1)
(ix) How much of diamonds does the Argyle mine supply?

Question 2.
Read the passage given below.    (12 Marks)
1. The world we inhabit is abundant beyond our wildest imagination. There are trees, dreams, sunrises; there are thunderstorms, shadows, rivers; there are wars, flea bites, love affairs; there are the lives of people, Gods, entire galaxies. The social fabric of the world we inhabit has been divided and categorised under many different headings but the division on the basis of material wealth is the most glaring and common across all the nations.

2. It is a stark reality that the world can be divided into two slots — the haves and the have-nots, and also that all affluent cities are surrounded by slums. Just as a coin has two sides, every city has two faces — the bright, the well-lit and the illuminated world of the rich and the dark, dingy, depressing world of the poor. The poor people exist on the periphery, constantly yearning for the bright world, and the rich are dependent on them to keep their world well-scrubbed and spruced up.

3. It is not surprising that Delhi is poised on the brink of disaster. With five lakh people migrating to this metropolis every year, it is not difficult to see why the quality of life has deteriorated at such an alarming rate. The newspapers are full of crimes committed because of the breakdown of basic facilities and the corrosion of human values.

4. This brings us to slums — the alleged breeding grounds of most of Delhi’s problems. Over the years, the number of slums and unauthorised settlements has leapfrogged. There is hardly any residential colony in this city that is not hemmed in by them. Yet they too serve a purpose — they provide cheap labour and captive vote banks. The very people who turn up their noses at the dirt, disease and filth that festers in these areas, use these ‘breeding grounds’ as a pool for domestic servants that can be hired and fired at will and daily wage labourers who are grateful for any kind of employment. Even the children born in slums do not have a bright future. Their future becomes bleak and they are forced to work in order to help their families meet their daily needs. They live in acute poverty. Isn’t it about time we examined our own role and acknowledged our responsibility for the proliferation of these slums?

2.1. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each.
(i) How can we categorise the world? (2)
(ii) How do the rich and the poor depend on each other? (2)
(iii) What has led Delhi to the brink of disaster? (2)
(iv) What purpose is served by the slums? (2)
(v) Why do the children, born in slums, not have a bright future? (2)

2.2 On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the following.
(i) The word in paragraph 1 which means the same as ‘classified’ is (1)
(ii) Choose the word most opposite in meaning to ‘dingy’ in Para 2. (1)
(iii) Which word in the paragraph 3 is a synonym of ‘calamity’ or ‘misfortune’? (1)
(iv) The word in the paragraph 4 which is opposite in meaning to the word ‘cheerful’ is (1)
(v) What does the phrase ‘breeding grounds’ in the last paragraph imply here?

Section (B)
Writing and Grammar  (30 Marks)

Question 3.  (8 Marks)
You are Nikul. Your best friend Priyansh/ Priya has fallen into bad company. He/ she misses school often to go out with friends or watch movies. You are very concerned. Make a diary entry to record your feelings about the same. You can take help from the given clues (100-150 words).
• Drifting away
• Fallen into bad company
• Lost interest in studies
• Must inform parents
Write a descriptive paragraph in 100-150 words based on the visual clue given below.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English language and literature Paper 1 1

Question 4.
Write the story in 150-200 words based on the visual given below and using your own creativity. Give an appropriate title to story. (10 Marks)
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English language and literature Paper 1 2

Write a story in 150-200 words with the help of the following outline

Travelling by train – masked men – guns – cash – valuables – women – screamed in terror – dacoits – searching people – karate chop – neck – grabbed – gun – hands up – surrender -passengers helped – police – next station

Question 5.
Fill in any four of the blanks in the paragraph given below with the help of the options that follow. (1×4 = 4)
Reading is one of the best hobbies
(a) ……you can adopt
(b) …. not only helps you to pass your leisure time usefully
(c) …… keeps you well informed
(d) ……develop it
(e) ……reap success besides enjoying life,
(a) (i) that    (ii) if    (iii) so   (iv) when
(b) (i) that   (ii) if  (iii) Which  (iv) what
(c) (i) but    (ii) although  (iii) but also   (iv) that
(d) (i) If   (ii) Since   (iii) Because   (iv) so
(e) (i) to   (ii) if   (iii) for   (iv) as

Question 6.
The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the error as well as the corrections as shown in example. Do any four.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English language and literature Paper 1 3
Question 7.
Read the following conversation and complete the passage given below. Attempt any four. (1×4=4)
Sahir Can I go and play, father?
Father Have you finished your homework?
Sahir No father, but I can finish it afterwards.
Father No, my boy, you must do your work first.
Sahir asked his father (a)……His father asked him (b)…..Sahir replied that (c)…At this, his father (d)…..not to go to play and advised him that (e) …….

Section (C)
Literature (Textbooks)  (30 Marks)

Question 8.
Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.     (1×4 = 4)

Said the Duck, “As I sat on the rocks,
I have thought over that completely,
And I bought four pairs of worsted socks

Which fit my web-feet neatly.
(i) What was ‘that’ mentioned by the duck which it thought about while it sat on the rock?
(ii) Why did the duck buy these socks?
(iii) Whose feet do the ‘webbed feet’ refer to?
(iv) What were they both going to do?

While Einstein was solving the most difficult problems in physics, his private life was unravelling. Albert had wanted to marry Mileva right after finishing his studies, but his mother was against it. She thought Mileva, who was three year older than her son, was too old for him. She was also bothered by Mileva’s intelligence. “She is a book like you”, his mother said. Einstein put the wedding off.
(i) Why did Einstein’s mother oppose his marriage with Mileva?
(ii) Why did Einstein put the wedding off?
(iii) Did Einstein and Mileva ultimately marry? Were they happy together?
(iv) What does ‘She is a book like you’ mean?

Question 9.
Answer any five of the following questions in 30-40 words each. (2×5 = 10)
(i) Describe the scene at the Bagmati river bank as mentioned in ‘Kathmandu’.
(ii) Where was the swallow going? Why did he decide not to go there?
(iii) What was Kezia’s father’s routine after coming back from office?
(iv) Is the snake harmless?
(v) Did the boy in ‘The lost child’ wait for the answer after pleading for sweets? Why?
(vi)Describe the lady’s reaction on whom the author ‘Bill Bryson’ dropped the soft drink in ‘Accidental Tourist’?

Question 10.
Answer any one of the following questions in 100-150 words. (8)
What safety measures should Gerrard have ensured to avoid the situation he had caught in?
Elaborate the poblems to be faced during course of willingness to change the system based on the chapter ‘My Childhood’.

Question 11.
Answer any one of the following questions in 100-150 words. (8)
“Do you know, sir, that I did not chop one single stick of wood for you? She did it all. Why this saved me, why I changed, why I stopped drinking at the sight of her I cannot explain. I only know that, owing to her words and noble deeds, a change took place in my heart; she set me right.”
How did Olga save Lushkoff? What values of life does one learn when he/ she is being treated sympathetically?
Grandfather is an animal lover. Whenever he comes across any attractive animal, he buys it at any cost. Do you think, it is advisable to keep a monkey like Toto as one of the pets in the house? Why or why not?


Answer 1.

  1. It is a false belief about diamonds that there exist only white colourless diamonds.
  2. Brown diamonds were considered low in value because they were found in very large quantities. compared to the other coloured diamonds.
  3. A famour man Le Vian made brown diamonds popular by his marketing compaign.
  4. The value of a diamond is decided because of it shape, brightness and colour.
  5. White diamonds are considered more valuable because they are rare; their value is based on the fact that there are not many white diamonds around.
  6. Le Vian gave brown diamonds popular name like caramel, chocolate, cinnamon and cognac.
  7. A brown diamond or chocolate diamond is the brighest diamond known to mankind on its shape and brightness.
  8. The largest diamond mine was discovered in 1976 in the desert of Australia near a little creek named lake Argyle.
  9. The Argyle mine supply 35 million carats (7000 kg) of diamonds per year which is about one-third of global production of natural diamonds.

Answer 2.
(i) The world can be categorised into two slots — the haves and the have-nots. Just as a coin has two sides, every city has two faces — the bright, the well-lit and the illuminated world of the rich and the dark, dingy and depressing world of the poor.
(ii) The poor people constantly yearning for the bright world depend on the rich for their survival and means of earning, while the rich are dependent on the poor to keep their world well-scrubbed and spruced up by working as domestic servants for the rich.
(iii) The migration of a large number of people to Delhi has led Delhi to the brink of disaster. This ever increasing migration has deteriorated the quality of city life at an alarming rate by giving rise to a lot of criminal activities.
(iv) Slums provide cheap labour and captive vote banks. The people living in slums are hired as domestic sen/ants and daily wage labourers by the city people.
(v) Children born in slums not have a bright future because living in acute poverty, slum children are forced to work in order to help their families to meet their daily needs.

(i) ‘categorised’
(ii) neat
(iv) The word is‘disaster’.
(v) The phrase ‘breeding grounds’ means places or environments suitable for the development of problems.

Answer 3.
Thursday, 22nd September, 2OXX
8:30 PM
Dear Diary
1 am both worried as well as sad today. Priyansh, whom I had always considered to be my « best friend, is gradually drifting away from me. He has fallen into the company of some local goons who are diverting him towards activities not suitable for a normal person of his age. Obviously, he is losing interest in studies. Any sane advice appears to be criticism to him. He considers me to be his enemy now. I don’t wish to let him down before his parents. but I can’t keep things disguised for long from them. Tomorrow I’ll talk to his parents and inform them about everything. It will be helpful to them also to save him before the situation becomes out of their control. As they hope that Priyansh will make them proud. I know that proper counselling will help him to focus on study and to leave that bad company.
I hope everything becomes fine once again.


Albert Einstein is considered to be one of the greatest scientist and geniuses of all time. He was born in Germany in 1879, to a Jewish family. His father was an engineer and a salesman. Einstein wasn’t a very bright student. He even had problems with his speech. He was the one who discovered the scientific formula ‘E = me2’ which stands for energy and mass. He won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1921 for his work in Physics. He played important role in the making of the Atomic Bomb that helped to put an end to World War II. Albert Einstein died of internal bleeding on 17th April, 1955, aged 76, which was marked with headlines around the world. But his story did not end there-his brain was removed by the pathologist to try to understand what made him so intelligent.

Answer 4.
A woman had a pet mongoose. It was very faithful and never harmed anyone in the family. One day when the woman had to go to the market, she left her baby in the care of the mongoose. The mongoose kept an eye on the baby and did not leave it alone. At that time a huge cobra entered the house. It was going towards the baby. The mongoose was alert and fought a long and fierce battle with the cobra. Though it was tired, it fought relentlessly so that no harm came to the child. In the end, the mongoose was able to kill the cobra. When the woman came back, she saw the mongoose lying at the entrance. She noticed its blood covered mouth. She could not see the baby as it was sleeping peacefully in the next room. The woman, in her haste, presumed that the mongoose had killed her baby. She did not bother to go inside and look for her child. In a sudden fit of anger, she hit the mongoose with a flower pot and it died. Suddenly, the baby started crying. When she went inside, she saw a dead cobra lying on the floor. She realised her mistake but it was too late. She had killed the saviour of her child in a hurry. The proverb ‘haste makes waste’ is applicable here.


I was travelling by train. Suddenly three masked men with guns entered our compartment, shouting at us to hand over our cash and valuables. One woman in the berth below mine screamed in terror. One of the dacoits moved towards us threateningly. He pointed his gun at me and said, “Is this woman with you?”I answered, “No, she is not with me.”
He replied, “Keep her quiet while we are here, otherwise you will be shot.”
I answered, “Then let me come down, so that I can control her.”The dacoit allowed me to come down and started searching other people in the compartment. As soonas his back was turned, I hit him a karate chop on his neck and he became unconscious. Fortunately, he did not know that I was a black belt holder in karate. The moment he fell down, I grabbed his gun and held it to his forehead, shouting at the other two, “Surrender, or I will shoot your companion dead.”The two dacoits put down their guns and held their hands up in surrender. The passengers helped me to tie them up and we handed them over to the police at the next station.

Answer 5.
(a) (i) that
(b) (ii) It
(c) (iii) but also
(d) (iv) So
(e) (i) to

Answer 6.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English language and literature Paper 1 4

Answer 7.
(a) if he could go and play
(b) if he had finished his homework
(c) he had not, but he could finish that afterwards .
(d) affectionately told him
(e) he must do his work first.

Section (C)
Literature (Textbooks)

Answer 8.
(i) The duck, while sitting on the rock, thought about how to solve the problem of Kangaroo’s getting cold by’her wet and cold feet.
(ii) The duck bought these socks to protect the kangaroo from getting cold.
(iii) The ‘webbed feet’ refer to the duck’s feet.
(iv) They both were going together around the world three times with the duck sitting at the end of the Kangaroo’s tail.


(i) Einstein’s mother opposed the marriage because Mileva was three year older than him and also very intelligent. ’
(ii) Einstein put the wedding off because his mother was against the marriage.
(iii) Ultimately Einstein and Mileva married. But their married life was not happy and they divorced after a few years.
(iv) It means that she is also studious and intelligent like Einstein.

Answer 9.

  1. Many activities were going on at the Bagmati river banks. A corpse was being cremated. The washerwomen were washing clothes and children were bathing in the river.
  2. The swallow was going to Egypt to join his friends. He decided not to go there and became the Happy Prince’s messenger as the Prince was very sad.
  3. After coming back from his office, Kezia’s father ordered for tea to be brought into the drawing room. He also asked Kezia’s mother to bring the newspaper and his slippers, and asked Kezia to remove his boots.
  4. Yes, the snake is harmless. We know this because of the line given in the poem ‘Small and green he is harmless even to the children’.
  5. No, the boy in The Lost Child’ didn’t wait for an answer after pleading for sweets because he knew that his parents would say that he was greedy and would refuse to buy the sweets.
  6. In the story ‘Accidental Tourist’, the author ‘Bill Bryson’ dropped the soft drink twice on the lady and that made her shocked and angry. She uttered swear words which he had never heard in public before.

Answer 10.
Gerrard who lived in an isolated place, caught in a difficult situation. When he was talking over the phone, an intruder (a criminal) with bad intentions came into his room with a gun in his hand. The intruder wanted to kill him and take his idendity because he was chased by the police for killing a cop.It can easily be inferred from the depicted situation that his house was not secure enough and any one could break into. To avoid such unwanted situation Gerrard must have ensured certain safety measures like living in a place full of movement rather than an isolated one. A neighbour or friend is always helpful in such situations. He should keep some safety weapon for an emergency or employ a security guard.For the safety and security of the house. We all should know including Gerrard that safety and security comes first so one should never put it at stake.


Every society has a system which forms its basis of the operations. It consists some rules, regulations, ethics arid principles which need to be followed by its member. The system which is highlighted in the chapter ‘My childhood’ is differentiated on the basis of religion. It occurs„due to the narrow-mindedness and develops as feeling of social inequality and communal intolerance among communities and religions.

As depicted in the chapter, a Brahmin lady refused to serve kalam because she thought that purity of her kitchen would be spoilt. But the husband of the lady, a science teacher served him with his own hands and sat down beside him to have his meal. Next time the lady herself served the food to him and took him to her kitchen.

It proves that if one is determined to face problems and change the system, one will succeed. Though it is a time-taking process but one should be ready to accept the changes for the betterment of his society as Kalam’s science teacher.

Answer 11.
After two years, when Sergei met Lushkoff, he told Sergei that Olga had saved him. She had scolded and abused him. She would also look into his face and weep. Then she would chop the wood for him. She had changed his heart. The change was all due to her words and noble deeds. She used to do all his work and criticised him severely. She also cried looking at his miserable condition. Seeing all this, the begger, Lushkoff mended his ways and stopped drinking. Through this way Olga had saved the life of Lushkoff.
I feel that if, a liar or a criminal is treated sympathetically, it will definitely bring a change of heart in the person, as Olga’s noble deeds brought about a change in Lushkoff’s heart. Her motherly love, harsh words and kind deeds made him a good man again.


As described in the chapter ‘The Adventures of Toto’, the grandfather had a feeling for animals. He had his private zoo where he kept a variety of pets including rabbit, squirrel, tortoise, goat, donkey and a monkey named Toto. Toto was a nuisance in the house. He sometimes tore curtains, clothes, scratched wallpaper and even broke dishes by throwing them. He always tried to create problems for other animals. Though it is good to show your love in animals yet to have a pet like Toto is not advisable. Such an animal may harm the children or even elders of the family and may break some precious and costly items around him. Moreover, animals remain happy in their natural surroundings and to keep them captive is inhuman. We must not keep or catch them for our selfish motives.
It is thus, suggested to keep animals in their natural habitat and not confine them as pets for our emotional needs.

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