Value Based Questions in Science for Class 10 Chapter 14 Sources of Energy
These Solutions are part of Value Based Questions in Science for Class 10. Here we have given Value Based Questions in Science for Class 10 Chapter 14 Sources of Energy
Question 1.
Students of a school X’ visited nearby villages to educate people regarding the use of clean fuel for cooking and heating water. They told people not to use wood as fuel as it pollutes environment and the health of the people is at risk. They urged people to use LPG and solar cookers for cooking their food. They also requested villagers to grow more trees around their villages.
- What is the main disadvantage of using wood as a fuel ?
- What values are shown by students ?
- Burning of wood causes air pollution, which leads to many diseases in human beings.
- Students show their concern for air pollution which is harmful for living beings. They want to preserve eco-system by growing more trees and making environment free from air pollution.
More Resources
- Value Based Questions in Science for Class 10
- HOTS Questions for Class 10 Science
- NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science
- NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 10 Science
- Previous Year Question Papers for CBSE Class 10 Science
Question 2.
Students of a school organised a debate. The topic of the debate was “should we go for macro hydro electric power plants or micro hydro electric power plants”. Some participants spoke in favour of macro hydro electric power plants and some in favour of micro hydro electric power plants. The students who spoke in favour of micro hydroelectric power plants argued that large area of fertile land can be saved. The problem of rehabilitating the population can be solved and a variety of flora and fauna can be saved.
- What are the disadvantages of constructing big dams for macro hydro electric power plants ?
- What values are shown by students in favour of micro hydro electric power plants ?
- Large area of fertile land is submerged in water,
- People residing near the site of big dams are dislocated and find it difficult to settle elsewhere,
- Variety of flora and fauna is destroyed.
- Students in favour of micro hydro electric power plants are concerned about
- the loss of fertile land.
- the problem faced by people who loses their land and homes i.e., the problem of rehabilitation and
- the loss of flora and fauna, essential for preserving eco-system.
Question 3.
Most of people in a village were suffering from breathing problem and other diseases. Students of that village were quite worried about the health problem of their parents and neighbours. They realised that these problems were due to environmental pollution caused by burning of wood and cow dung cakes in the village. They requested their elders to use smokeless chulahs and construct bio gas plants. Villagers asked students from where money will come to purchase smokeless chulahs and to construct bio gas plant. Students told them that Govt, provides financial help for all these things. The villagers are now using bio gas for cooking food as they have constructed a common bio gas plant. The village is now neat and clean, as all the garbage in the village is used in bio gas plant. The patients are now recovering fast from their ailments.
Now answer the following questions based on the above paragraph.
- What are the disadvantages of burning wood and cow dung cakes ?
- What values are shown by students of the village ?
- Environmental pollution is caused by burning wood and cow dung cakes. This pollution is the major cause of many diseases.
- Students are well informed about the different schemes launched by Govt, for the welfare of public. They feel concern about the welfare of their parents and neighbors. They know the importance of the cleanliness for a good health.
Question 4.
What steps would you suggest to the public to reduce energy consumption to meet the increasing demand of energy ?
- Electric bulbs, tubes, fans and other appliances should be switched off as soon as you leave your room.
- The engines of the vehicles should be switched off when they are stopped for more than a minute.
- There should be minimum use of halogen lamps and decorative lights in shops and show rooms.
- Very old machinery should not be used in factories.
Question 5.
What steps would you suggest to control environmental pollution at local level ?
- Use of smokeless chulahs,
- Use of bio-gas,
- Cleanliness drive in the community,
- No use of plastic bags,
- Plantation camps.
Question 6.
Aditya suggests his family to install a solar water heater at their residence. But some of the family members were in a favour of installing an electric geyser.
(a) Who according to you is taking a correct decision ? Mention the value exhibited by Aditya.
(b) Also give reasons (at least 2) for your answer. (CBSE 2013)
(a) Aditya: Aditya was in favour of using renewable sources of energy.
- The use of renewable sources of energy will save the non-renewable sources of energy for future.
- The use of renewable sources of energy is eco-friendly.
Question 7.
Recently when Government decided to set up a nuclear power plant in an area, NGOs and local people raised their voice against it. They demanded that the Government should assure safety measures before setting up such a plant and Government assured them of it.
(a) Explain the value exhibited by people of the area.
(b) List any two concerns of the people for which they were demanding safety measures.(CBSE 2013)
(a) People are concerned about their health.
(b) In a nuclear power plant, nuclear radiation are emitted. These radiation are very harmful to the living organism. They cause diseases like cancer, lukemia and blindness.
Question 8.
There was a poster making competition in a school on a topic ‘SAVE ENERGY’. The students were also asked to give write ups on this topic.
A student of the school is unable to make the write up on ‘SAVE ENERGY’.
(a) Suggest him two steps of ‘SAVE ENERGY’ ?
(b) Mention the value which the school is trying to give its students by holding such a competition. (CBSE 2013)
- Electric bulbs, tubes, fans, heaters etc. must be switched off when you leave the room or office.
- There should be minimum use of halogen lamps and decorative lights in shops and showrooms as these devices consume large amount of electricity.
- The use of renewable sources of energy must be encouraged.
(b) School is trying to bring the awareness among students about the importance of energy for the development of the nation.
Question 9.
Ravi was using calculator to do some calculations. While doing so his calculator stopped working. He kept the calculator near the window for some time, exposed to sunlight. After some time he could use the calculator again. His friend Mohit who was using a battery operated calculator, watched him and told him that his calculator was better in the sense that he could immediately recharge the calculator by charging battery but Ravi was not convinced. He explained to Mohit the advantages of solar calculator and convinced him to adopt it.
(a) State the values exhibited by Ravi.
(b) List the advantages of using a calculator driven by solar energy which convinced Mohit too to adopt it. (CBSE 2013)
(a) Ravi has high degree of general awareness. He has leadership like qualities to convince others.
- A calculator driven by solar energy is cheap as it can be recharged just by exposing to sunlight for sometime.
- Solar cells used in calculators do not cause pollution.
Question 10.
Ravi convinced his entrepreneur friend to set up solar panels instead of setting a thermal power plant. His friend agreed to his proposal and with the help of the cooperative bank he succeeded in doing so in the village nearby.
(a) What values would you appreciate in Ravi as well in his friend ?
(b) Why do you think Ravi thought harnessing solar energy is a better option ? (CBSE 2013)
(a) Ravi has high degree of general awareness. He is concerned with the welfare of his friend. The friend
of Ravi has the quality to listen to others and he believes in logic.
- Solar energy causes no air pollution while thermal power plant leads to air pollution.
- Setting up a thermal power plant may be opposed by local people as it affects their health due to
air pollution. - Thermal power plant requires coal and oil i.e., non-renewable sources of energy. These sources of energy are costly and may be exhausted one day. On the other hand, solar panels require renewable source of energy i.e., the sunlight. It is free of cost and will not be exhausted in near future.
Question 11.
Mr. Chopra forms an NGO and he approaches municipal corporation of a city. He puts a proposal to the corporation that his NGO would collect the waste material and garbage of the city at a particular area and promises them to supply electricity for street lights. In return the corporation has to pay them a nominal amount. The corporation accepted his proposal.
(a) Explain the value exhibited by Mr. Chopra,
(b) Explain two advantages that accrued to the city by accepting the proposal of Mr. Chopra. (CBSE 2014)
(a) Mr. Chopra is innovative and he is concerned to the cleanliness of the city.
- City would become clean and there will be no fear of spreading diseases in the city.
- The corporation will save money as it has to pay nominal amount for getting electricity from Mr. Chopra’s NGO. The conventional electricity which corporation receives from Electricity Board is costly.
Question 12.
Harsh, Nikhil and Neha come to school by their respective cars though they lived within a distance of 2 km from the school. On the other hand Raghu, their friend, came by bicycle from the same distance. He persuaded his friends to stop coming by car and use cycle instead. His friends were convinced and they also started coming by bicycle.
(a) List the values exhibited by Raghu.
(b) Explain how he must have convinced his friends to adopt same values that they accepted his proposal. (CBSE 2014)
(a) Raghu has leadership like qualities to convince others and take others into his confidence.
(b) He must have convinced his friends by telling them about the harmful effect caused by pollution due to the burning of fuel used in cars. Moreover, he must have told his friends about the importance of saving energy for future.
Question 13.
Traffic jams, outside the school gate was a common sight since most of the students came on their own cars. This became a topic for discussion on every RT.A. meeting. On one such RT.A. meeting, the principal pointed out the examples of four of their teachers who were car pooling for the past several years. She asked the parents also to adopt this method to sort out the problem.
(a) List two values shown by the teachers mentioned by the Principal.
(b) Explain two advantages that will occur if more parent emulated the example of these teachers. (CBSE 2015)
- Teachers have leadership like qualities to take initiative to solve problems like traffic jams on roads and to save fuel as well as money for future.
- They wanted to decrease the pollution caused by burning of fuel used in cars.
- The problem of traffic jams outside the school gate as well as on the roads will be solved,
- A large amount of money as well as fuel will be saved for future.
- The economic condition of most of the parents will be improved,
- Pollution caused by burning of fuel used in cars will also decreases.
Question 14.
Arun lives in an eco-friendly house. All rooms in his house are cross ventilated and well lit with sun’s light. He has installed solar panels on roof top and also uses solar devices like solar cooker, solar water heater etc. Although he has spent some more money initially on these installations, yet he is happy now.
- State the reason behind Aran’s happiness,
- Which element is used in fabricating solar cells ?
- What inspirations should we take from Arun ? (C.B.S.E. 2015)
- Except initial cost of installations of solar panels, Arun was getting energy to operate solar devices free of cost.
- Silicon element is used in fabricating solar cells.
- We should go for non-conventional sources of energy like solar energy and wind energy. These sources of energy are eco-friendly as they do not cause any pollution.
Hope given Value Based Questions in Science for Class 10 Chapter 14 Sources of Energy are helpful to complete your science homework.
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