Short Forms Worksheet Exercises for Class 2 Examples with Answers CBSE

Short Forms Worksheet Exercises for Class 2 Examples with Answers CBSE

This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used.

Short Forms Worksheet Exercises for Class 2 Examples with Answers CBSE PDF

Short Forms Exercises with Answers for Class 2 CBSE PDF

  • We often use short forms in spoken English.
    Instead of I am here, we say I’m here.
    Likewise, instead of he is late, we say he’s late.
  • When we write a short form, we replace the missing letter with’ (called an apostrophe).

Short Forms

I he, she, it we, you, they
am = ‘m I’m
is = ‘s he’s, she’s, it’s
are = ‘re we’re, you’re, they’re
have = ‘ve I’ve we’ve, you’ve, they’ve
has = ‘s he’s, she’s, it’s
would = ‘d I’d he’d, she’d, it’d we’d, you’d, they’d
will = ‘ll I’ll he’ll, she’ll, it’ll we’ll, you’ll, they’ll

Short Form Of Negatives: don’t, doesn’t, haven’t, etc.

isn’t (= is not) hasn’t (= has not) don’t (= do not) can’t (= cannot)
aren’t (= are not) haven’t (= have not) doesn’t (= does not) couldn’t (= could not)
wasn’t (= was not) hadn’t (= had not) didn’t (= did not) won’t (= will not)
weren’t (= were not) wouldn’t (= would not)
shouldn’t (= should not)
mustn’t (= must not)
needn’t (= need not)
mightn’t (= might not)
daren’t (= dare not)

Short Forms (Contractions) Of Question Words: how, who, what, etc.

who who’s = who is Who’s that man over there?
who who’d = who would Who’d Wke some tea?
who who’ll = who will Who’ll be here tomorrow?
what what’s = what is What’s for dinner?
what what’ll = what will What’ll happen if… ?
how how’s = how is How’s your father?
where where’s = where is Where’s the nearest shop?
when when’s = when is when’s your birthday?

Short Forms Worksheets for Grade 2 CBSE PDF

A. Write the long form of the following short forms.
1. don’t ____________
2. can’t ____________
3. won’t ____________
4. we’ll ____________
5. haven’t ____________
6. he’s ____________
7. isn’t ____________
8. she’ll ____________
9. I’m ____________
10. you’re ____________
11. I’d ____________
12. you’ll ____________

B. Write the short form of the following long forms.
13. did not ____________
14. they will ____________
15. they would ____________
16. he would ____________
17. were not ____________
18. has not ____________
19. had not ____________
20. she is ____________
21. I have ____________
22. we have ____________
23. he will ____________
24. they had ____________