Pronoun Exercises for Class 7 CBSE With Answers

Pronoun Exercises for Class 7

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a common noun or a proper noun. There are different kinds of pronouns.

Pronoun Exercises for Class 7 CBSE With Answers Pdf

This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. You can also visit the most accurate and elaborate NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English. Every question of the textbook has been answered here.

Pronouns are words we use to replace nouns in order to avoid their repetition. The noun that a pronoun replaces is called an antecedent. There are different kinds of pronouns.

A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun, which can be a person, place, animal or a thing. Personal, Reflexive, Demonstrative, Interrogative, Possessive are the different types of pronouns.

Personal Pronouns:
A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun, which can be a person, place, animal or a thing. The pronoun must agree in number with the noun that it replaces. If the noun is in the singular form, the pronoun must also be in the singular form, or if it is in plural form, the pronoun must also be in the plural form.

  • Singular: The boy is playing with his puppet. He has a glove puppet.
  • Plural: The boys are playing with their puppets.
    They have puppets of various colours:

    • Personal Pronouns have three persons.
    • The person who is speaking is called the first person, i.e. I, my, me, we, our, us.
    • The one spoken to is called the second person, i.e. you, your, yours.
    • The one spoken about is called the third person, i.e. he, she, it, they, their, them.

The pronoun must agree with the noun in gender that it represents. If the noun is feminine, the pronoun too must be feminine. Likewise, if the noun is masculine, the pronoun must be also masculine.

  • Masculine: Jyoti has a boyfriend. He comes across as a bit of a bore to her.
  • Feminine: Sunny’s sister loves to eat green vegetables. She eats it almost every day.
  • Neuter: We have an old kitchen table. It has a broken leg.

A reflexive pronoun is used when the object of a sentence is the same as the subject. They either end in -self, as in the singular form, or -selves as in the plural form.

The singular reflexive pronouns are: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself.
Plural reflexive pronouns include: ourselves, yourselves, themselves.
Emphatic Pronouns: When words like myself, yourself, himself, itself, etc. are used for the sake of emphasis they are called emphatic pronouns.

  • I myself wrote this poem.
  • They themselves admitted it.
  • The announcement was made by the Principal himself.

It is usually placed immediately after the noun or pronoun which they emphasize. Sometimes, they follow at a distance.

  • He said to himself.

Demonstrative pronoun is used to point out specific person, place, thing or idea. This/that/these/those are demonstrative pronouns.

  • Is this my chair?

Interrogative Pronoun introduces a question.

  • Who, What, When, etc. Examples:: Who was Graham Bell?

Possessive pronouns are used to talk about things that belong to people. The words mine, yours, his, hers, ours and theirs are possessive pronouns. We do not use an apostrophe with possessive pronouns.

  • This mobile is mine.
  • Have you lost yours, Pankaj?
  • This glass is mine and that one is his.
  • Sarika has lost her cat. Is this cat hers?

Here is a table to help you remember which possessive pronouns to use with singular and plural pronouns.

Singular Personal Pronouns Possessive Pronouns
I, me Mine
You Yours
He, him His
She, her Hers
Plural Personal Pronouns Possessive Pronouns
We, us Ours
You Yours
They, them Theirs

Indefinite Pronouns:
An indefinite pronoun does not refer directly to any other word. Most indefinite pronouns express the idea of quantity. All, each, most, other, another, either, neither, several, any, everybody, nobody, some, anybody, everyone, none, somebody, anyone, few, no, one, someone, both, many, one, are some indefinite pronouns.

Relative Pronouns:
These are used to refer back to a noun or a pronoun in a sentence. Who, whom, whose, which, that are relative pronouns.

  • My mother is a teacher. She writes stories for the children.
  • My mother is a teacher who writes stories for the children.

Distributive Pronouns:
Each, either and neither are called distributive pronouns because they refer to persons or things one at a time. Note that a distributive pronoun is always singular and as such it should be followed by a singular noun and verb.

  • Each boy was given a prize.
  • Either road leads to the railway station.
  • Neither accusation is true
  • Each new day is different. (NOT Each new days are different.)
  • Either girl can do that. (NOT Either girls can do that.)
  • Neither answer is correct. (NOT Neither answers is correct.) (NOT Neither answers are correct.)
  • Each of, neither ©f and either of are followed by plural nouns and singular verbs. Each of the answers are correct. (NOT Each of the answer is correct.)
  • Neither of the girls can do that. (NOT Either of the girl can do that.)
  • Either and neither should be used only when talking about two persons or things.
  • When more than two persons or things are spoken of, any, no one or none should be used.
  • None of the three answers is correct. (NOT Neither of the three answers is correct.)
  • We invited several friends, but none came. (NOT … but neither came.)
  • You can take any of the three shirts. (NOT You can take either of the three shirts.)

Pronoun Exercises Solved Examples for Class 7 CBSE

Question 1.
Choose the correct word:
(i) I shall do it (myself, himself)
(ii) My book is better than (mine, her, yours)
(iii) She told (herself, me) a story.
(iv) Who is there? It is (I, me).
(v) Mind it. It is between you and (I, me).
(vi) (whose, which) picture do you prefer?
(vii) (either, each) of you can do it.
(viii) (whatever, whichever) you do, do it well.
(ix) Don’t leave it (what, whatever) happens.
(x) Your brother (who, whom) everybody likes is very expert.
(i) myself
(ii) yours
(iii) me
(iv) me
(v) me
(vi) which
(vii) either
(viii) whatever
(ix) Whatever
(x) Who and whom both are correct.

Question 2.
Fill in suitable pronoun in the following.
(i). ________ are these boys?
(ii) ________ car broke down?
(iii) ________ caused the explosion?
(iv) ________ did you go with?
(v) ________ of these do you like?
(vi) Trees drop ________ leaves in autumn.
(vii) He can’t share ________
(viii) I did it ________
(ix) The noise ________ he made woke everybody up.
(x) The story is of a man ________ wife betrays him.
(i) Who
(ii) Whose
(iii) What
(iv) Whom
(v) Which
(vi) their
(vii) anything
(viii) myself
(ix) that
(x) whose

Question 3.
Replace the underlined words with the appropriate pronouns in the box. Use capital letters when necessary.
she her he him it we us they them him
(i) I say Mr. Brown this morning and gave Mr. Brown my homework.
(ii) John likes computer games but he doesn’t play computer games very often.
(iii) Neil Armstrong was born in 1930. Neil Armstrong landed on the moon in 1969.
(iv) Penguins don’t live near the North Pole. Penguins live near the South Pole.
(v) My aunt lives in Toronto but my aunt often comes to visit my family and me.
(vi) If you have your ticket, you can give your ticket to that man over there.
(vii) First, my friend and I went shopping. Later, my friend and I went home.
(viii) Where was Sarah? I didn’t see Sarah at the party last week.
(ix) John is a really nice guy. I like John a lot.
(x) The planet Mars has two moons. The two moons are both very small.
(xi) I really liked the cake. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to finish the cake.
(xii) Suzy and I paid for the meal but the waiter forget to bring Suzy and me the food.
(i) him
(ii) them
(iii) he
(iv) they
(v) us
(vi) it
(vii) we
(viii) her
(ix) him
(x) they
(xi) it
(xii) us

Pronoun Exercises Practice Examples for Class 7 CBSE

Question 1.
Replace the underlined word/words in each sentence with correct pronoun.

1. Rajesh is five feet tall. Anu is only four and a half feet tall. Rajesh is taller than Anu.
2. Deepak saw Nitin. Deepak called Nitin. Then Deepak and Nitin walked together.
3. Jatin and his sister thought one of the gold fish was hungry, so Jatin and his sister fed the gold fish.
4. I met Amit and Esha. I had not seen Amit and Esha for a long time. I asked Amit if Amit was still single.
5. Deer have antlers. Deer must be very proud of their antlers.

Question 2.
Use the relative pronoun ‘who’ to join these sentences. The first one has been done for you.

1. The drunken man was arrested by the police. The drunken man punched me repeatedly.
The drunken man who punched me repeatedly was arrested by the police.

2. The man apologised to me. He stepped on my toes.
3. She did most of the talking. She was the hostess.
4. The fishermen were hailed as heroes. They caught a shark.
5. The hunter was short-sighted. He saw a cheetah and thought it was a leopard.