NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Main Course Book Unit 5 Mystery Chapter 2 The Invisible Man

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Main Course Book Unit 5 Mystery Chapter 2 The Invisible Man are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Main Course Book Unit 5 Mystery Chapter 2 The Invisible Man.

ClassClass 9
SubjectEnglish Main Course Book
ChapterUnit 5 Chapter 2
Chapter NameThe Invisible Man
CategoryNCERT Solutions

CBSE Class 9 English Main Course Book Unit 5 Mystery Chapter 2 The Invisible Man

Question 1.
List some phrases and words that come to your mind, when you look at the picture given below.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Main Course Book Unit 5 Mystery Chapter 1 Bermuda Triangle 6
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Answer :
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Main Course Book Unit 5 Mystery Chapter 1 Bermuda Triangle 8

Question 2.
Discuss in groups :

  • Have you heard a story, seen a film, or read about someone becoming invisible ?
  • Did he/she use his/her power for good or for evil ?

Answer :

  1. Yes, I have read a story titled ‘Footprints without Feet’, by H.G. Wells. The scientist who became invisible by swallowing some medicine used his power not for good but for evil.
  2. Yes, I have seen a movie ‘Mr India’ in which hero of the movie becomes invisible.

Question 3.
Study the words given in the box below and complete the police report.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Main Course Book Unit 5 Mystery Chapter 1 Bermuda Triangle 9
Answer :
(a) shadows
(b) suspicious
(c) committing
(d) directly
(e) doubt
(f) chief
(g) broken
(h) arresting
(i) remain
(j) lawyer
(k) guilty
(l) court

Question 4.
What would you do if you became invisible ? Would you use your invisibility to play tricks on people or for the good of people ? Write a short paragraph on ‘If I were invisible’.
Answer :
If I were Invisible

It is rather difficult to become invisible. But in this modern age of marvels and miracles due tp scientific and technological advancement anything can happen. If I were invisible I would not do anything harmful to the people. But on the other hand, I would use my power to help the needy. I would be enemy number one to those who work evil things and cause distress to the public. I shall teach a lesson to those who shirk work, are not serious towards their duties and indulge in corrupt practices.

I would not tolerate corrupt officials as they are the country’s enemy.I will not tolerate those who abuse their powers of authority and work for selfish ends at the cost of their country. In fact, I would warn them first to come to the right track to discharge their duties honestly. If they change themselves, I shall help them. If not, I shall deal with them like criminals and dispense justice as per their crimes. The human society full of evils can be cleansed only this way.

Question 5.
Read the comic strip based on H.G. Wells’ novella.
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Answer the questions by ticking the correct option.
(a) The strange-looking man wanted

  1. the best room at the inn.
  2. a room with a fire and a good lock.
  3. a room with a good view.
  4. a room where he could work quietly.

(b) Jimson was suspicious of the stranger because

  1. he did not answer Jimson’s questions.
  2. he did not want to talk about the weather.
  3. he kept his back turned towards Jimson at all times.
  4. he shouted at Jimson when he entered his room.

(c) The people of the town gossiped about the stranger as

  1. he did not go out or talk to anyone in the town.
  2. he had met with an accident and his face was bandaged.
  3. he was new to the town and behaved rudely.
  4. he stayed in his room and did not show his face to anyone.

(d) ‘There was a rash of burglaries in the town’. This means that

  1. there were many robberies in the town.
  2. a few people in the town had seen a robber.
  3. the burglaries in the town were done in a rush.
  4. the burglar was a rash and careless man.

(e) Although Jimson and Dr. Cuss are suspicious of the strange guest, Mrs. Hall tolerates him because

  1. she is not superstitious or ignorant.
  2. she is sorry for the stranger who is bandaged.
  3. the stranger is paying her a good amount of money for the room.
  4. the stranger is polite and kind to Mrs. Hall at all times.

(f ) The stranger who was staying at the inn can be described as being

  1. violent
  2. upright
  3. dishonest
  4. sensible

Answer :
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 1
(e) 3
(f) 1

Question 6.
Working in groups of four, write your own mystery story. You may use the following chart to plan your story.
Answer :
For working in groups of four at class level. Students may write a mystery story on their own using the hints and guidelines as given in Question 6 and Question 7.

Question 7.
Mysteries can be divided into several categories. There are puzzling stories, detective / crime stories, and suspense stories. They all give the reader a chance to become involved in the story’s solution through clues and character descriptions.
Characters :

  • Before you start to write, think about the characters you might put in your story. What will each character do?
  • Why is he or she important to the story?
  • In what ways are your characters alike?
  • How are they different?
  • What can your characters learn from each other?
  • One last thing to remember: your characters don’t always have to be people. If an animal plays a part in the story, that animal is a character, too

Setting :
A story has to happen in a place.

  • The setting might be a place you are familiar with.
  • It might even be another planet!
  • A setting doesn’t even have to be a real place.

Details :

  • Use your Imagination.
  • Details help readers understand how something looks, how it feels, how it sounds – even how something smells or tastes!

Plot :

  • Your characters have to DO something!
  • What they do is the Plot of your story.
  • To make the plot exciting add Situations.

Ending :

  • The Ending of a story is the solution to the conflict.
  • Solve the problem, dilemma or conflict faced by the main character.
  • Show that your main character has changed or grown in some way.
  • Tie up all the loose ends. Readers shouldn’t have to choose between several hinted endings.

Answer :
Students to write as desired.

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