Conjunctions Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers

Conjunctions Exercises for Class 10

A conjunction is a word that joins words, phrases and sentences. They are called linkers or connectors also. Words such as ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘or’ are conjunctions.

This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English will help you to write better answers in your Class 10 exams. Because the Solutions are solved by subject matter experts.

Conjunctions Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers Pdf

They are used for:
1. adding information

  • furthermore, in addition, moreover, and

2. expressing similarity

  • in the same way, similarly

3. expressing difference

  • while, whereas, but, instead, or

4. expressing purpose

  • so that, otherwise, in order to, in case, for

5. showing time

  • when, after, as, as soon as

Conjunctions Exercises Solved Examples for Class 10 CBSE

The following passage has an error in each line. Underline the incorrect word and write the incorrect and the correct word in the answer sheet. Do not copy the whole sentence.

Question 1.

(a) There was once a very wealthy man which, with………………..………………..
(b) his young son, shared a passion for collecting art. Because………………..………………..
(c) the winter approached, war engulfed the nation but the young man left to serve his country. After a few………………..………………..
(d) weeks, the elderly man came to know because his………………..………………..
(e) son had died unless rushing a fellow soldier to………………..………………..
(f) safety Distraught but lonely, the old man faced the upcoming Christmas holidays with anguish and sadness.………………..………………..

Incorrect → Correct
(a) which → who
(b) Because → as
(c) but → and
(d) because → that
(e) unless → while
(f) but → and

Question 2.
Complete the passage given below.
Prophet Ibrahim obeyed Allah’s order (a) …………………………… built the Kabah–the house of God in Makkah. It was a simple (b) …………………………… beautiful house. Once the house of God was ready, Allah told Ibrahim “Clean the Kabah (c) …………………………… make it pure. It’s my house. Don’t keep anything else there (d) …………………………… people can come and pray to me in peace. They should walk around the Kabah (e) …………………………… pray to stand. Allah asked Ibrahim to call the people to come to the Kabah. All the people who came were …………………………… tired that they could barely stand. But they all hurried to Makkah as they all wanted to pray in the Kabah.
(a) and
(b) but
(c) and
(d) so that
(e) and

Question 3.
Fill up the blanks with only one word.
Once Guru Nanak was traveling with his disciple Mardana. They came across a village (a) …………………………… the people were very inhospitable. The two holy men were given (b) …………………………… food and (c) …………………………… shelter. On leaving the village Guru Nanak said, “May this village always be here.” Soon after, they came to another village. The villagers here were extremely kind (d) …………………………… courteous to them. On leaving the village Guru Nanak said, “May this village be destroyed (e) …………………………… its people scattered all over the earth !” Mardana was astonished. “Sir,” he said to Guru Nanak (f) …………………………… you left the bad village, you wished it well. Now when you leave this good village where people have tried so hard to make us feel at home, you wish that it be destroyed.
(a) where
(b) no
(c) no
(d) and
(e) and
(f) When

Question 4.
Complete the passage given below.
As we trudged along with the steep mountain path (a) …………………………… reached a clearing, the landscape evolved into a picturesque panorama. The tall pines stood erect in attention (b) …………………………… in a military drill. A solitary wildflower caught my attention (C) …………………………… it swayed merrily in the breeze. It seemed oblivious to my presence (d) …………………………… appeared to be in some sort of private celebrations its bright yellow colour eloquently reflecting its vibrant mood. It appeared assertive of its uniqueness and (e) …………………………… blending harmoniously into the orchestra of colours (f) …………………………… surrounded it.
(a) and
(b) as if
(c) as
(d) and
(e) yet
(f) which

Question 5.
Complete the passage given below.
One day not too long ago, the employees of a large company in St. Louis, Missouri entered the company (a) …………………………… were greeted with a sign on the front door. The sign said, “yesterday, the person (b) …………………………… has been hindering your growth in this company passed away. We invite you to join the funeral in the room (c) …………………………… has been prepared in the gym.” At first everyone was sad to hear (d) …………………………… one of their colleagues had died. (e) …………………………… after a while, they started getting curious about (f) …………………………… this person was. The excitement grew as the employees arrived at the gym to pay their last respect.
(a) and
(b) who
(c) that
(d) that
(e) But
(f) who

Question 6.
Complete the passage given below.
Whether you are a family man (a) …………………………… a monk, the most important thing is how you look at (b) …………………………… reflect upon life and the experience it brings. (C) …………………………… your attitude is positive and accepting, you live with God even (d) …………………………… in the world. (e) …………………………… a negative attitude will bring just the opposite result, then you choose to live with the devil. Knowing one’s own mind (f) …………………………… its lower tendencies while constantly trying to transcend them should be the focus of a spiritual aspirant. A Mahatma was once asked, “Holy one, are you sure that you will go to heaven when you die?” The Mahatma replied, “Yes of course.” “But how do you know?”
(a) or
(b) and
(c) If
(d) while
(e) But
(f) and