NCERT Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Notes Human Resource

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Human Resource Class 8 Notes Social Science Geography Chapter 6

CBSE Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Notes Understanding the Lesson

1. Human Resource is the ultimate resource as healthy, educated and motivated people develop resources as per their requirements and people are a nation’s greatest resources.

2. Human resources differ in their educational levels, age and sex and unequally distributed over the world.

3. The way in which people are spread across the earth surface is known as the pattern of population distribution. The distribution of the world’s population is extremely uneven. As some areas of the world are very populated and some are sparely populated.

4. More people live north of the Equator than south of the Equator. Almost three-quarters of the world’s people live in two continents Asia and Africa. 60% of the world’s people stay in just 10 countries.

5. Population density: The number of people living in a unit area of the earth’s surface.

6. Factors that affect the distribution of population are:

  • Topography
  • Climate
  • Soil
  • Water
  • Minerals.

7. These are the subcategory of the major factors that are Geographical factors important for the distribution.

8. The other major factors are social, cultural and economic factors.

9. Population change refers to change in the number of people during a specific time and the world’s population has never been stable.

10. The reasons behind the growth of population was that there were availability of better food supplies and medicine.

11. Births are usually measured using the birth rate i.e. the number of live births per 1000 people.

12. Death are usually measured using the death rate i.e. the number of deaths per 1000 people.

13. Migration refers to the movement of the people in and out of an area.

14. Natural growth rate is the difference between the birth rate and the death rate of a country, and population increase in the world is mainly due to rapid increase in natural growth rate.

15. Emigrants are people who leave a country and Immigrants are the ones who arrive in a country.

16. General trend followed during international migration is from the less developed nations to the more developed nations that too in search of better employment opportunities.

17. Rates of population growth vary across the world.

18. Population composition refers to the structure of the population. The composition helps us in knowing the number of males or females, their age group and the education they have, do they have employment or what are the income levels and health conditions there.

19. Population pyramid is something special and interesting it is the way of studying the population composition and the population pyramid is also known as Age-sex pyramid. Its shape tells about the people their children (below 15 yrs), the aged people (above 65 yrs) and also it reflects the number of deaths.

20. Population pyramid also tells about the dependents in the country which have two groups. The young i.e. aged below 15 yrs and elderly, the one aged over 65 yrs.

21. The skilled, spirited and hopeful young people endowed with a positive outlook are the future of any nation.

Human Resource Class 8 CBSE Notes Important Terms

Life expectancy: It is the number of years that an average person can expect to live.

Migration: It is the movement in which people move within a country or between countries.

Natural growth rate: The difference between the birth rate and death rate of a country is called the natural growth rate.

Emigrants: These are the people who leave a country.

Emigration: When a person leaves a country.

Immigration: When a person enters a new country.

Rem-migration: When person leaves a country.