CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative Paper 4

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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative Paper 4

SubjectEnglish Communicative
Sample Paper SetPaper 4
CategoryCBSE Sample Papers

Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 9 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme as prescribed by the CBSE is given here. Paper 4 of Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative is given below with free PDF download solutions.

Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 100

General Instructions:

  1. This question paper is divided into three sections.
    • Section A: Reading                 20 Marks
    • Section B: Writing and Grammar  30 Marks
    • Section C: Literature (Textbooks)  30 marks
  2. All the questions are compulsory.
  3. All the questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

 Section (A)
Reading (20 Marks)


Question 1.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. (8)

Spices bring to mind images of tempting culinary art, fascinating travels and the bitter struggle for supremacy. Expressions like ‘Variety is the spice of life’ and ‘sugar and spice and all that is nice’ show how spellbound were men of letters about spices.

To Orientals, spices are indeed the soul of food. In the Western world, it evokes dreams of exotic tropical islands, exciting expeditions to find routes to the source and the rise and fall of empires. Columbus went westwards in 1492 from Europe to find a sea route to the land of spices but found the New world. Eight years later, Vasco da Gama went round Africa and touched Kozhikode on the South-West coast of India. Long before that, Arabs started trading with the Orient through land routes. During the 13th century, Marco Polo experienced the attraction of spices in his travels. Even the European conquests and trade arrangement in India and the East Indies have a lot to do with spices.

Thousands of years ago, great masters of Ayurveda (the Indian system of medicine), notably Susruta and Charaka, discussed in detail the use of spices for culinary and medicinal purposes. Enterprising soldiers of fortune took the knowledge of spices to Egypt. There they used spices and aromatic herbs in food, medicine, cosmetics and for embalming. The conquest of Egypt and Asia by Alexander the Great made spices an article of commerce in Mediterranean countries and later to central and Northern Europe. There are reports of pepper being used in meat, both to aid preservation and to mask the unwelcome odour of deterioration of quality during the long winter storage.

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, and Theophrastus, a Greek scholar and botanist, wrote treatises on medicinal plants, including spices. India has been home of most of the major spices of the world with Kerala varieties dominating in international
(i) Why do spices fascinate people? (1)
(ii) Where do Orientals live? (1)
(iii) Where did Columbus want to reach? (1)
(iv) What is meant by ‘culinary skills’? (1)
(v) What did Susruta and Charaka discuss in detail? (1)
(vi) What made spices an article of commerce in Mediterranean countries? (1)
(vii)Who have written treatises on medicinal plants, including spices? (1)
(viii) When and who experienced the attraction of spices in his travels?

Question 2.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. (12)
The value of higher education cannot be underestimated considering the contemporary realities of the competitive marketplace. A higher education degree literally serves as the first impression of a jobseeker applying for employment. A college degree is a person’s pass to the business world and so work-related opportunities are enormous. Truth is, college degrees are never the same if we take into account the reputation of higher establishment as well as the prestige of a particular field of studies.

Today’s holders of college degrees have unprecedented opportunities of job search since the employment market has largely expanded through online domains, offering freelance and part-time vacancies. Though, in both real and virtual employment, it is always a person’s CV (resume) that is initially considered by an employer, in 95% of cases the inclusion of a college degree is a must to get a well-paid job.

Overall, college education provides students with appropriate knowledge and skills to be used later in real life circumstances and the working environment. However, career choices do not matter since the contemporary market is vast and enormous.

In particular, college education enables students to gain preliminary information about many essential aspects required to cope with real-life challenges. Then students expand their knowledge and acquire practical skills by grasping abstract theories and concepts. A college curriculum teaches students how to clearly express personal standpoints and opinions both in conversation and writing. In most cases students acquire global thinking as well as thinking relevant to the solution of specific problems.

Furthermore, students learn how to work in teams and solve tasks in cooperation; this enables establishment of team spirit and ability to make a personal contribution to overall mutual achievement. Various case studies based on real-life experiences teach students to understand the subject better and therefore adapt to further complexities.

opportunities since it is the identification of one’s academic qualification.
(i) How does college education help students cope with real life challenges? (2)
(ii) What is the importance of a college curriculum? (2)
(iii) How does college education aim at establishing team spirit ? (2)
(iv) Why are case studies an important part of higher education ? (2)
(v) Which word in paragraph 2 means the same as “something which never happened before”? (1)
(vi) Which word in paragraph 4 means the same as ‘having to do with ideas rather than physical objects’? (1)
(vii) The word in paragraph 3 which is an antonym of the word ‘virtual’ is (1)
(viii) The word in paragraph 1 which is a synonym of the word ‘current’ is (1)

Section (B)
Writing and Grammar (30 Marks)

Question 3.
Recently your school ‘Adventure Club’ visited Kedarnath in Uttarakhand. Write a diary entry sharing your wonderful experience there, using your ideas along with ideas from the MCB unit ‘Adventure’. You may take help of the clues given below as well (100 – 120 words). (8)

Visit to Kedarnath – wonderful – trek – reach the shrine – stop for refreshments – temple darshan – lunch – unforgettable trip


The problem of vehicular pollution is ever increasing. You are concerned about its effects on the health of people. Write an article expressing your concern in 100-120 words for your school magazine. You can take ideas from the visual given below, and from the MCB unit on ‘Environment’. You are Priyank/Priyanka of class-IX.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative Paper 4 1
Question 4.
Write a short story in 200-250 words using the following clues. (12)

A lady in distress – only son died – came to Lord Buddha – begged to revive her son – lady went door to door – death had touched all – the lady realised the truth – a great consolation


Write a short story in 200-250 words with the beginning given below. Also give a suitable title.
“Once upon a time there lived a farmer named Kishan ”

Question 5.
Fill in the blanks with the words that you consider to be the most appropriate. (1×3 = 3)
The fact that dance (a) …. an art form is well-known. But dance as (b) …. therapy is not known to (c) …. It involves a graceful performance.

Question 6.
The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each of the lines against which a blank is given. Identify the incorrect word and write it along with the correction in the answer sheet. (1 / 2 x 8 = 4)
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative Paper 4 2

Question 7.
Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done for you as an example. (1×3 = 3)
loves / to / he / cricket / play He loves to play cricket.
(i) exercise / mean / does not / to the / running / lameness / point / of
(ii) it / should / a safe / programme / and / sensible / be
(iii) the exercise / chosen / remain / with you / should / a lifetime / for

Section (C)
Literature (Textbooks) (30 marks)

Question 8.
Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow. (1×4 = 4)
“They chained me up like a wild animal, they lashed me like a hound. I fed on filth, I was covered, with vermin.”
(i) Whom do ‘they’ and T refer to?
(ii) Why is the speaker describing his ordeal?
(iii) Was the speaker cruel enough to be meted this treatment?
(iv) What act did the speaker commit after this?


“I have decided I want to learn the Kannada alphabet from tomorrow onwards. I will work very hard. I will keep Saraswati Pooja day during Dassara as the deadline. That day I should be able to read a novel on my own. I want to be independent.”
(i) Who is T here?
(ii) Why did the speaker say these words?
(iii) What does the speaker want to learn?
(iv) What gesture did the speaker make after she had achieved her target?

Question 9.
Answer any four of the following questions in about 30-40 words each. (2×4 = 8)
(i) Why did Chuck feel more lonely at home?
(ii) What is the significance of the ‘sigh’ in the last stanza? ,
(iii) In what ways did Juliette flatter Jeanne?
(iv) Why does Wordsworth compare the song of the solitary reaper with the song of the nightingale and the cuckoo bird?
(v) How can Shakespeare compare human life to a drama?

Question 10.
Answer any one of the following questions in 100-120 words. (8)
Did conflict in values make Mrs Bramble upset to hear that Bill had decided not to fight? What values were they? Do you think she was right in being upset?


“Forgiveness is a divine but rare virtue.” Comment on this statement with reference to the poem ‘Lord Ullin’s Daughter’.

Long Reading Text (Novel)

Question 11.
Answer any one of the following questions in about 150-200 words from the novel of your choice. (10)
Gulliver’s Travels
In part III, Swift satirises the attempts of scientists in his section of the Lagado Academy. Does this Satire relate only to his own time or does it still have relevance in the modern age?


Write a brief character sketch of the farmer in Brobdingnag.


Three Men in a Boat
Why did the three friends decide to go on a holiday? Was their purpose fulfilled? Give reasons for your answer.


What impression is J able to leave on the reader’s mind?


Answer 1.
(i) Spices fascinate people because they bring to mind images of tempting culinary art, fascinating travels and the bitter struggle for supremacy.
(ii) Orientals live in the Orient, i.e. East of Europe.
(iii) Columbus wanted to reach the land of spices by finding a sea route.
(iv) It means the skills of cooking food.
(v) Susruta and Charaka discussed in detail the use of spices for culinary and medicinal purposes.
(vi) The conquest of Egypt and Asia by Alexander the Great made spices an article of commerce in Mediterranean countries.
(vii) Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, and Theophrastus, a Greek scholar and botanist, wrote treatises on medicinal plants, including spices.
(viii) During the 13th century, Marco Polo experienced the attraction of spices in his travels.

Answer 2.
(i) College education enables students to gain preliminary information about many essential aspects required Jo cope with real-life challenges.
(ii) A college curriculum teaches students how to clearly express personal standpoints and opinions in conversation and writing.
(iii) College education establishes team spirit as students learn how to work in teams and solve tasks in cooperation.
(iv) Case studies based on real life experiences teach students to understand the subject better and therefore adapt to further complexities. Hence, they are an important part of higher education.
(v) The word is ‘unprecedented’.
(vi) The word is ‘abstract’.
(vii) ‘real’

Answer 3.
Saturday, 2nd May, 20XX
1:00 pm
Dear Diary
I want to share with you my trekking experience at Kedarnath during the summer holidays. I was a part of our school’s Adventure Club which visited the Kedarnath shrine in Uttarakhand.
It was a wonderful experience to trek over 14 kilometres to reach the shrine from the bus terminus. The climb was rather steep, but with encouragement from the teachers accompanying us, we all were able to reach the shrine without a hitch.
On the way up, we stopped twice to refresh ourselves with tea and snacks available locally.
The cool breeze at the shrine was really invigorating, as we were really tired.
After attending the rituals at the temple, we had a delicious lunch before returning to the bus terminus the same evening. I will never forget this adventurous trip!


Vehicular Pollution and its Affects
by Priyanka, Class IX
Vehicular pollution has become one of the most common environmental issue, especially in the highly populated cities. Pollution from idling vehicles, older and inadequately maintained vehicles as well as diesel cars is the worst contributor to the problem. People who are constantly exposed to vehicular pollution are reported to suffer from more than average respiratory problems, allergies and general sickness. It is not just hitting the adults, but also the immunity of children, thus affecting the life expectancy levels of the country.
Therefore, this situation must be addressed with a stringent application of environmental laws. Switching to hybrid cars, adopting car pooling methods and promoting public transport are some measures that can be helpful in controlling the swift rise in pollution and its harmful effects.

Answer 4.
Once upon a time there lived a poor woman who used to toil for hours for her only son Raj. She worked for a livelihood to buy medicine for her son who was suffering from cancer. The woman spent sleepless nights to look after him. But it was unfortunate that the mother could not save her son. The old woman bemoaned the death and went to Lord Buddha.

She prayed to the Lord to revive her son. Lord Buddha asked the woman to collect three fistsful of gram from families who had never experienced any death in the family. The lady went from door to door hoping to receive the gram. She walked many miles barefoot, but in vain. Death had touched all the doors. The lady, in extreme agony, realised the universal truth. In her pain, she went through self-realisation. She realised that death is inevitable and humans are mortal. It is in death that one receives salvation. This grim realisation brought a great consolation and peace to the old lady’s mind. The lady attained spiritual bliss in her realisation of accepting death as a certainty.


The Farmer’s Fate
Once upon a time there lived a farmer named Kishan in Daulatpur village of Aligarh district. He was very hardworking and honest. His family members included his wife and four children. They were content with whatever income he earned and were living happily. Kishan worked very hard on his land and worked hard to grow his crops.

Unfortunately his hard work did not bring fruitful results and he suffered a lot. The major reason was that he could not use essential fertilisers and proper equipment to enhance the quality of his grains. As he was a poor farmer, he could not use modern materials and equipment. To improve the quality of seeds and to grow his crops better, he required a tractor and costly fertilisers. Finally he decided to buy a tractor. But he did not have enough money, so he had to mortgage his land. Ultimately, he mortgaged his land and sold his wife’s ornaments to buy costly diesel and fertilisers.

As a result, his crops grew faster and of better quality than before. This time he was very happy as it was a period of celebration for him and he was expecting to gain profit by selling his crops at a higher price. But unfortunately, due to a fall in foodgrain prices, he could not make profit by selling his crops. Now, he was left with him no money and was bound to accept his unchangeable fate.

Answer 5.
(a) is
(b) a
(c) Many

Answer 6.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative Paper 4 3

Answer 7.
(i) Exercise does not mean running to the point of lameness.
(ii) It should be a safe and sensible programme.
(iii) The exercise chosen should remain with you for a lifetime.

Section (C)
Literature (Textbooks)

Answer 8.
(i) ‘They’ refers to the jail authorities and T refers to the convict.
(ii) The convict is describing his ordeal in the prison because the Bishop wanted to know about it.
(iii) No, the speaker had only stolen to feed his ill wife. He did not deserve such cruel treatment.
(iv) The convict tried to steal the Bishop’s candlesticks when the Bishop went out of the room.


(i) There is Krishtakka, the grandmother.
(ii) The speaker said these words because she was illiterate and could not read the latest episode of the story Kashi Yatre being published in the weekly magazine Karmaveera.
(iii) The speaker wants to learn the Kannada alphabet to be literate and independent.
(iv) After the grandmother had achieved her target of becoming literate, she thanked her teacher (actually her granddaughter) by touching her feet as a token of respect.

Answer 9.
(i) When Chuck was in the hospital getting treated for paralysis, there were other injured people too and so he was not lonely there. However, when he reached home he was left alone as his wife used to leave for work every morning.
(ii) The sigh near the end of the poem, “The Road not Taken” is intended to express a feeling of regret. It is used to express the fact that the poet would never know what would have happened to him if he had taken the other road.
(iii) Juliette tried to flatter Jeanne as she said that the villa would suit her admirably and she will get a feeling of being at home. She said that Jeanne as an elegant lady and the villa would be like a proper frame for a delightful drawing like Jeanne.
(iv) Wordsworth compares the song of the solitary reaper with the song of the nightingale and the cuckoo bird to convey that the voice of the solitary reaper is more melodious, emotional and soothing than that of the two birds.
(v) Shakespeare compares human life to a drama in which a person plays many parts as he progresses through life from infancy to old age. He finally exits from this Earth just like an actor who has completed his role on the stage.

Answer 10.
Yes, Mrs Bramble faced a conflict of values when she heard that Bill Bramble, her husband, was not going to fight the bout which would have given them enough money to finance her son’s education, A victory in the bout would bring five hundred pounds to Bill, while even a defeat would give him one hundred and twenty pounds. This money is very important for the Brambles as it will be used in giving Harold the best education. However, Mrs Bramble does not like violence (like a bout of boxing) at all and it is one of her family’s values. Thus, Mrs Bramble gets upset due to a moral conflict between her family values and their, financial needs. I think it is justified for her to become upset because it is natural for a mother to worry about her son’s welfare. However, the important thing in such a situation is to overcome the worries and live on.


Forgiveness is a noble virtue which blesses both the giver and the receiver. It is very difficult to forgive those who offend us. It requires a lot of love and compassion, and most importantly, strength and tolerance to be able to forgive others.
In the poem ’Lord Ullin’s Daughter’, the father does not approve of the relationship between his daughter and the chieftain. He feels that his daughter’s marrying the chieftain of another clan would bring disgrace to his name, his family and his tribe. For him, his excessive pride and honour of his family name was more important than human life. The end is the tragic drowning of his daughter in the tempestuous sea before his own eyes. If he had practised the virtue of forgiveness, he could have reconciled with his daughter.

Long Reading Text (Novel)

Answer 11.
The Lagado academy is a satire on abstract or theoretical knowledge, which is pursued for its own sake, with no thought to the practical applications or consequences in the real world. Even now, huge amounts of public money are being spent worldwide on experiments that may or may not have long term results for mankind.
The Professor who was working on a project to extract sunbeams from cucumbers is a famous and often-quoted example of the seeming foolishness of academicians. Another scientist, whose hands and clothes were covered with filth, was trying to convert human excreta back to food. Yet another one was attempting to make gunpowder from ice. He was also planning to publish articles on malleability of fire. It is believed that the most ridiculous experiments and theories mentioned at the academy in the book had actually been carried out or proposed by the scientist members of the Royal Society of London for improving natural knowledge. This is a scientific society founded in 1660 which continues under the shortened name, The Royal Society. It had among its members such distinguished people as Isaac Newton and Robert Boyle.


Foolish Opportunist The farmer was the same huge creature whom Gulliver had first seen pursuing his companions. Gulliver was left alone in the island of Brobdingnag when the giant master, the farmer, took Gulliver from his servant and placed him on the ground. The farmer took Gulliver to his family. He was kind with Gulliver and offered him food. He understood that the relatively tiny Gulliver was as rational as he himself was and treated him gently. However, the farmer put Gulliver on display around Brobdingnag, which clearly showed that he would rather profit from his discovery than treat him as an equal. His cruel side was revealed when he nearly starved Gulliver to death. The farmer, as a character, represented the average Brobdingnagian’s poor intelligence, wielding an extraordinary power over Gulliver simply by the virtue of his immense size.

Commercial Minded He easily got influenced by his friend’s advice to utilise Gulliver as a commercial commodity for earning a profit. He earned as much as he could by showcasing Gulliver as an object of entertainment in towns. He even sold Gulliver to the queen to get rid of further expenses for Gulliver’s maintenance.

Three Men in a Boat
The three friends, Harris, George and Jerome (the narrator) decided to go on a holiday because they felt greatly stressed due to overwork. After debating whether they should go for a sea trip or a boating trip, they decided on taking a boating trip up the River Thames. It was an interesting experience, as they told old stories, laughed and played during the trip, thoroughly enjoying the journey. They had various escapades and Jerome also recounted many of his memories of his earlier trips which were really hilarious. All these activities left them exhausted, as they had to struggle for initially making all the arrangements for the trip, cooking while on the trip, dealing with the problems faced by Montmorency, the narrator’s dog, and many other problems. It wasn’t enjoyable to wake up early on a cold and wet morning everyday while on the trip. However, on the whole, it was an enjoyable trip and so its purpose, to de-stress them, was fulfilled.


Happy-go-Lucky J is the narrator of the story and appears to be a happy-go-lucky man. He has varied shades. At first he is a hypochondriac who thinks that he has all the diseases of the world. He likes to be the leader, which is clearly depicted from his behaviour when they pack for the boat.

Knowledgeable and Helpful He is also fond of animals and shows considerable knowledge about the things around him. Like his two friends, he is also vain but more sensible and practical. He also has a helpful side which becomes apparent in the incident of the cheese. He is a true philosopher whose soul dwells in romance and imagination.

Aesthetic Sense As a man of strong imagination, J is a man having his head often in the clouds. He is found to be a great observer of nature as well as the human mind, as he comments about his other two friends. He also has a keen sense of aesthetics as he praises the glory of Kingston and its art and artisans as well as in praising the China dog as a specimen of craft. He even critiques his friends’ choices of clothing and gestures.

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