CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative Paper 3

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative Paper 3 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative Paper 3.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative Paper 3

SubjectEnglish Communicative
Sample Paper SetPaper 3
CategoryCBSE Sample Papers

Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 9 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme as prescribed by the CBSE is given here. Paper 3 of Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative is given below with free PDF download solutions.

Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 100

General Instructions:

  1. This question paper is divided into three sections.
    • Section A: Reading                 20 Marks
    • Section B: Writing and Grammar  30 Marks
    • Section C: Literature (Textbooks)  30 marks
  2. All the questions are compulsory.
  3. All the questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

 Section (A)
Reading (20 Marks)


Question 1.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. (8)

Ayurveda or the science of life, is an ancient system of Indian medicine th^t is 4000 years old.
According to Ayurveda, health depends on the normal balance of three elements of the body – vata (air), pitho (bile), and kapha (phlegm).
Information about the system with proof is contained in two important medical treatises in Sanskrit language – the Charaka Samhita and the Sushruta Samhita, considered as belonging to the physician Charaka, and Sushruta, who was a surgeon. These compilations are according to the latest and updated medical knowledge made in the 1st century AD and later in the 7th century AD. Another work, widely followed in recent times is Vaghbhatta’s ‘Ashtangahridayam’.

Sushruta identified as many as 1200 diseases, including tuberculosis and small pox. Ayurvedic treatment is largely dietetic (food prescribed) and medicinal. All drugs used are obtained from indigenous plants. Charaka lists 500 medicinal plants, and Sushruta mentions 760. In the olden days, physicians used to collect the plants and prepare the drugs themselves. Many of these have finally appeared in Western pharmacopoeias (books describing drugs).

Ancient Ayurveda included advanced surgical practices. Details of instruments for different operations are given in the classical texts. Even plastic surgery was done, particularly for the restoration of an amputated (cut off) nose, by transplanting tissue from the cheek. Modern surgeons have adopted this technique. Sushruta describes 20 sharp and 101 blunt surgical instruments including knives of various patterns.

During the British rule, large sections of the population, especially in the rural areas, continued to rely on Ayurveda. But Allopathy (Western system of medicine) was officially encouraged by the British. Since independence, however, Ayurveda has received official recognition. Ayurvedic universities and colleges have been started and integrated courses set up combining the study of ancient remedies and modern medicine. Many research institutions are now documenting ancient health practices and herbal remedies.

Question 2.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. (12)

Today, India looks like it is on course to join the league of developed nations. It is beginning to establish a reputation not just as the technology nerve centre and back-office to the world, but also as its production centre. India’s secularism and democracy serve as a role model to other developing countries. There is great pride in an India that easily integrates with a global economy, yet maintains a unique cultural identity.

But what is breathtaking is India’s youth. For, despite being an ancient civilisation that traces itself to the very dawn of human habitation, India is among the youngest countries in the world. More than half the country is under 25 years of age and more than a third is under 15 years of age.

Brought up in the shadow of the rise of India’s service industry boom, this group feels it can be at least as good, if not better, than anyone else in the world. This confidence has been demonstrating a great propensity to consume, throwing away ageing ideas of asceticism and thrift. Even those who do not have enough to consume today feel that they have the capability and opportunity to do so.

The economic activity created by this combination of a growing labour pool and rising consumption demand is enough to propel India to double-digit economic growth for decades. One just has to look at the impact that the baby boomers in the US had over decades of economic activity, as measured by equity and housing prices. This opportunity also represents the greatest threat to India’s future. If the youth of India are not properly educated and if there are not enough jobs created, India will have forever lost its opportunity. There are danger signs in abundance.

India’s IT and BPO industries are engines of job creation, but they still account for only 0.2 per cent of India’s employment. Employment creation needs an abundant supply of capital. Controls on foreign investment have resulted in China getting five times the foreign direct investment or an advantage of US$ 200 billion over the past five years. The growing interest in India by global private equity firms augurs well as they represent pools of patient and smart capital, but they too face many bureaucratic hurdles.

(i) What makes the author think that India is on the verge of joining the band of developed nations? (2)
(ii) What serves as a role model to other developing countries? (2)
(iii) Why does the author say that India is young? (2)
(iv) What is needed for employment creation? (2)
(v) Which word in paragraph 3 means the same as ‘sudden increase’? (1)
(vi) Which word in paragraph 5 means the same as ‘plentiful’? (1)
(vii) The word in paragraph 1 is an antonym of ‘common’. (1)
(vii) The word in paragraph 5 is a synonym of ‘obstacles’. (1)

Section (B)
Writing and Grammar (30 Marks)

Question 3.
You were part of your school team that planted trees and flowering plants in the ground next to your school building. You have decided to take care of one of those planted trees. With the help of the clues given below and ideas from the unit ‘Environment’ in your MCB, write a diary entry in about 100-120 words. You are Poonam Rawat.

World Environment Day – member of team – planting trees and plants – gardening activity – maintain the plant


Instances of bullying have increased in your school. You are Ayushi Sen, a student of class IX-C. Write an article in 100-120 words on the effects of bullying on the students and the need to put a stop to it. You can take help of the visual given below and ideas from the unit ‘People’ in your MCB.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative Paper 3 1
Question 4.
Write a short story in 200 – 250 words with the beginning as follows.
“Once upon a time, there was a yogi who…”


Write a short story in 200-250 words using the clues given in the box below. Also give a suitable title.

I visit to the bank – robbery in bank – presence of mind – activated secret alarm – police arrived – robbers arrested

Question 5.
Fill in the blanks with one word each that you consider to be the most appropriate. (1×3 = 3)
(a) …. very next day (b) ….. new manager arrived. He was an ambitious but a bad-tempered man. (c) …. of us took an instant dislike to him.

Question 6.
In the following passage, one word has been omitted in each line. Identify the missing word and write it in the space provided along with the words that come before and after it in the spaces provided (1 / 2 x 8 = 4)
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative Paper 3 2
Question 7.
Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done for you as an example. (1×3=3)
vital part / of every / library is / educational institution / the / a
The library is a vital part of every educational institution.
(i) a / decoction / in / a / leaves / water / cup / of / make / of / about / ten / mint
(ii) by / the / bed / keep / onion / to / an / inhale / side / of / the’
(iii) prepared / a / day / take / a / from / salad / radish / twice

Section (C)
Literature (Textbooks) (30 marks)

Question 8.
Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.
“Till last by Phillip’s farm I flow
To join the brimming river,
For men may come and men may go,
But I go on forever.”
(i) Where is Phillip’s farm situated?
(ii) What effect does the use of the word ‘brimming’ give to the reader?
(iii) The last two lines of the extract are repeated in the poem as a refrain. What is their significance?
(iv) In what ways is the brook similar to human beings, as depicted in the proem?


“They prefer the real article. They say maids are bom; maids are not made maids. They are giving me a hundred francs a morning for doing it.”
(i) What is the speaker going to do for earning a hundred francs?
(ii) What does the speaker mean by saying, “They prefer the real article”?
(iii) Where is the speaker planning to go now?
(iv) How will you describe the relationship of the speaker to the listener?

Question 9.
Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each. (2×4=8)
(i) Describe the grandmother as a student.
(ii) Mention the good qualities which Duke exhibits.
(iii) How did Corporal Turnbull react when Private Quelch spoke in the middle of his lecture?
(iv) What did the poet in the poem ‘Oh, I Wish I’d Looked After Me Teeth’ wish about her teeth?
(v) Why did Lord Ullin’s daughter elope with the chieftain of Ulva’s Island?

Question 10.
Answer any one of the following questions in 100-120 words. (8)
What did the poet guess regarding the theme of the reaper’s song? Comment on the values and qualities of the song that impressed him.


How does the Bishop prove that his human body is the temple of the Living God? Does he succeed?

Question 11.
Answer any one of the following questions in 150-200 words from the novel of your choice. (10)
Gulliver’s Travels
Describe Gulliver’s very first encounter with the Lilliputians.


Write a character sketch of Lemuel Gulliver based on his first and second voyage.


Three Men in a Boat
“So I set my face against the sea trip.” Who rejects the idea of going on a sea trip and why?


What kind of dog is Montmorency? What impression does he leave on the reader?


Answer 1.
(i) Sushruta, blunt
(ii) The Charaka Samhita, the Sushruta Samhita
(iii) Allopathy/ Western
(iv) Ayurveda, or the science of life, is an ancient system of Indian medicine that is 4000 years old.
(v) According to Ayurveda, health depends on the normal balance of three elements of the body-vafa (air), pitho (bile) and Kapha (phlegm).
(vi) Sushruta identified as many as 1200 diseases including tuberculosis and small pox.
(vii) For Ayurvedic treatment, all drugs are obtained from indigenous plants.
(viii) Ancient Ayurveda included advanced surgical

Answer 2.
(i) The author thinks that India is on the verge of joining the band of developed nations because of its reputation for growth as not only the technology nerve centre and back office of the world but also its production centre.
(ii) India’s secularism and democracy serve as a role model to other developing countries. India takes pride that it has easily integrated itself with world’s economies while maintaining its cultural identity.
(iii) The author considers India to be young as more than half of the country’s population is under 25 years of age and more than one-third is under 15 years of age.
(iv) For employment creation, an abundant supply of capital is needed besides the reduction or elimination of bureaucratic hurdles.
(v) The word is ‘boom’.
(vi) The word is ‘abundant’,
(vii) ‘unique’
(viii) ‘hurdles’

Answer 3.
Wednesday, 9th July, 20XX
11:00 pm
Dear Diary
After watering my little shrub in the school garden and attaching a paper label on it with my name, I felt great pleasure this year, l had planted a rose plant as a member of our school team on ‘World Environment Day’ by taking a cutting from a rose plant from a nursery. Gardening as an activity during the zero period this month has been very exciting. The colour of the flowers of my plant is pink. Every day I use scissors to trim the branches and water the plant regularly to foster the shrub to grow faster. I have decided to decorate the school pulpit used for morning assembly with roses that would bloom from this plant. This will also showcase my gardening skills. I am very excited to experience the growth of my plant just as a mother gets excited on the growth of her child. More about the growth of the rose plant will be given in tomorrow’s entry. Good Night.


Say No to Bullying
by Ayushi Sen, Class IX-C

Students teasing and making fun of other students is a common sight in classrooms, buses, playgrounds etc of schools. It is considered healthy to cement social bonds between them, but it may also sometimes take the form of bullying. Physically beating or hitting another student, torturing him or her mentally or emotionally and abusing them verbally are forms of bullying that may cause the victims to feel depressed, lower the victim’s morale or cause him or her to suffer an “inferiority complex.
Students, particularly senior students, must not indulge in such activities under any circumstances. If at any point of time teachers or other elders sense any discomfort between students, they must try to resolve the matter immediately through discussion. The matter should not be allowed to fester till it reaches an explosive point. Each one of us is special in his or her own way and this fact needs to be respected by all.

Answer 4.
Once upon a time, there was a yogi who lived in a forest and taught yoga. One of his disciples was a young prince.The yogi explained the power of yoga to the prince and said, “It is in meditation that one gains concentration”. The young prince practised the different forms of yoga like power yoga and gravity yoga. He strictly followed the guidelines of his guru. In course of time, he started gaining physical and mental strength. He meditated and reached a high level of performance with concentration.

All this helped this young prince to self-motivate himself through introspection. It also increased his power of intuition to foretell the future. Soon the young prince excelled In the art of making correct predictions about future happenings. He gradually gained spiritual power only in the meditative posture of yoga. Several years later, it was said that this ascetic yogi did not take any money as remuneration for telling the people’s future, as he believed that money would be a curse to his hard-earned power. His fame spread all over the country and many persons came to take his advice on what actions they should take in their lives so that they succeed in whatever they do. He benefited a large number of people and lived to the ripe age of 93.


One morning Rohan went to the bank as he had some important work there. While standing in the queue, waiting for his turn, he saw three men enter the bank. The guard was not standing at his usual assigned place at that time. These men did not seem like the usual customers because they were wearing caps and one of them carried a big bag. Rohan became suspicious. Suddenly Rohan heard people start shouting and screaming. He realised that these men were robbers. The robbers snatched the strongroom keys from the bank manager and headed towards the room. Rohan, being a frequent visitor to the bank, knew about the place where the secret alarm was installed in the bank. He knew that, as a responsible citizen, it was his duty to help the bank fight against crime. He quietly moved towards the secret alarm and pressed it. The police control room received the signal and rushed a group of policemen with arms to the bank. The robbers were caught red-handed while they were trying to flee from the bank with the cash and other valuables. The police thanked Rohan for his presence of mind. After some days Rohan was felicitated with a bravery award by the Commissioner of Police.

Answer 5.
(a) The
(b) our
(c) Many

Answer 6.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative Paper 3 3
Answer 7.
(i) Make a decoction of about ten mint leaves in a cup of water.
(ii) Keep an onion by the side of the bed to inhale.
(iii) Take a salad prepared from radish twice a day.

Section (C)
Literature (Textbooks)

Answer 8.
(i) Phillip’s farm is situated near the brimming river.
(ii) Use of the word ‘brimming’ gives the reader a picture of an overflowing river, suggesting abundance.
(iii) The last two lines signify that human beings are mortal and they do not live forever, whereas the brook is eternal, as it is always flowing.
(iv) The brook is similar to human beings in that both have to struggle to reach their final destination in life by surmounting hurdles and obstructions in their paths.


(i) The speaker, Juliette’s maid, is going to act like a maid in a film being shot in the studio nearby.
(ii) She means that the film people prefer maids in real life to act as maids in films.
(iii) She is planning to go to the studio for acting as a maid in the film being shot at the studio.
(iv) Although the speaker was the maid of the listener, Juliette, they have a very cordial relationship. Juliette listens very patiently to all that her maid says. The maid, on her part, cares about her mistress and suggests her to take up acting in films to earn some money as she is facing financial problems at present due to the villa not being sold.

Answer 9.
(i) The grandmother was initially illiterate but she exhibits the qualities of a true student. She is very determined and hardworking. Through her hardwork and perseverance, she learned to read and write.
(ii) Duke portrayed his intelligence and intimacy with Hooper. It seemed as if he understood Hooper’s pain and cured him. Like a physiotherapist, he helped Hooper to walk with stability and endurance.
(iii)Corporal Turnbull got very angry when Private Quelch interrupted his lecture on the hand grenade. His face colour changed and he tossed the grenade to him, asking him to deliver the lecture instead.
(iv) The poet wished that she should have looked after her teeth when she had time. She ate lots of sweets, candies, sticky food etc and ignored her teeth completely. She brushed her teeth carelessly, causing them to decay.
(v) Lord Ullin’s daughter eloped with the chieftain of Ulva’s island because she loved him and her father was opposed to their marriage. In the poem, Lord Ullin and his horsemen are chasing the couple so
that they can kill the chieftain.

Answer 10.
The poet, while passing through a valley, heard the ‘melancholic strain’ of the solitary reaper singing a sad song while harvesting the grain. He tried to guess the probable reason behind that sad tone. Although he could not understand the lyrics, as they were in the local language, he thought she might be singing about the death or illness of a loved one, some family problem or for the lives lost in the war which had recently taken place.
The fact that the poet could feel the intensity and passion in the reaper’s song without understanding the lyrics indicates its expressiveness. He could feel the song resounding in his ears as he moved on. He finally said that he would cherish its memory in his heart forever. The values that impressed him were the song’s simplicity, its harmony with nature, the reaper’s devotion towards work and her quality of taking sorrows lightly.


The Bishop considered the convict as a friend and a fellow human being instead of as a criminal. So the Bishop treated him with love and respect. Excessive torture by the prison guards had made the convict a victim of extreme frustration and negativity. Even after receiving kindness and compassion from the Bishop, the convict reacted with a criminal intent and stole the silver candlesticks which were very dear to the Bishop, as they had been presented to him by his mother when she was dying.
Thus, when the convict was caught by the gendarmes (French police) and the candlesticks discovered on him, the Bishop informed the Sergeant that he had himself gifted the candlesticks to the convict. The Bishop’s words made the convict regret his action. He was overwhelmed by the Bishop’s love and felt that he had once again become a human being. Thus, the Bishop succeeded in proving that the human body is the temple of the living God.

Long Reading Text (Novel)

Answer 11.
As soon as Gulliver reached the shores of Lilliput, he fell asleep due to extreme exertion. He woke up after several hours. He was amazed to find himself bound with ropes. He was surrounded by a crowd
of exceptionally small human creatures who were six Inches in height. These little creatures were shooting arrows on Gulliver from their bows and thereby causing him much pain. Gulliver was not released even after a long time, but was offered food and drinks. The Lilliputians also made arrangements to transport Gulliver to the capital city and prepared a machine for this purpose. Gulliver’s huge size surprised the little creatures. The king himself came out to look at Gulliver.

As Gulliver lay still, the great Lord addressed him in a language he could not understand. Gulliver was pinned to the ground but he could move his head slightly left or right. However, on Gulliver’s request made through his gestures, they fed him well and served him two hogsheads of wine mingled with a sleeping potion. Gulliver remained docile to the Lilliputians. They even loosened the cords enough for Gulliver to help his digestive processes.


The novel is itself a journey for Lemuel Gulliver to explore across the seas. Throughout the novel, Gulliver was driven by his insatiable thirst for exploring the unknown. As a travelogue, the novel had opened up vistas to understand that Gulliver is a critical observer as well as an entertainer as he travels around the world. However, he is not a hero at all.
He was naive and good to the Lilliputians. The land of Lilliput was in exact visual contrast to that of the Brobdingnagians. In this latter nation, Gulliver underwent the unnerving experiences of almost being devoured by a giant rat, taken captive by pirates, shipwrecked on faraway shores, held hostage by an eleven year old girl, and shot in the face with poison arrows. He faced them all with his wit and courage. Gulliver was also gullible, as he did not understand the various ways in which the Lilliputians exploited him. He was quite adept in navigational calculations and the details of seafaring. He was far less able to reflect on himself and his nation in any profoundly critical way. He rarely talked about his feelings and so kept things to himself.

Three Men in a Boat
When the topic of a one week’s holiday was discussed by the three friends, Harris rejected the idea of going to retreat, because he felt that life without comforts and amenities will be difficult. He suggested a sea trip instead. However, the narrator rejected this idea with the argument that a sea trip is enjoyable only if it is meant for a few months. For a trip of one week, it is not a good idea. He gave the reason that one is in high spirits on the first day of the sea trip. However, the very next day, one feels sea-sick, and regrets having come on the trip at all.

It takes one three or four days to be cured of the sea-sickness. Thus, by the time one gets accustomed to the sea.and starts enjoying the trip, it is over, and one comes back without relaxing, enjoying the trip or doing any good to one’s health. In this regard, the narrator was reminded of the experience of his brother-in-law, who, for the sake of his health, went on a sea trip for one Meek with a return ticket from London to Liverpool. But as he reached Liverpool, he had grown so sick of the sea-voyage that he sold his ticket of return to somebody and came back by train.


Montmorency is a dog who leaves the impression that he is
A Lover of Freedom Montmorency was a fox terrier and J’s pet who recovered from ill-health to prove that he was a fighter. He always carried an attitude that he was free to do anything he wanted. Montmorency was called by the author as an angel sent to Earth. He had a gentle noble expression, which brought tears to the eyes of elderly folk. However, it was his nature to create trouble.

Mischievous Troublemaker Montmorency’s mischievousness was kept hidden under his innocent look. The author had to pay for the chickens Montmorency had killed and had to drag him out of many street fights with other dogs. Once Montmorency killed the neighbour’s cat and on one occasion, he had kept a man stuck in his own tool shed for about two hours.

Curious and Cowardly Montmorency turned out to be a high spirited dog in performing tricks. He was always curious about everything. But whenever he had faced determined adversaries like cats, he fell back.

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