CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative Paper 1

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative Paper 1 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative Paper 1.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative Paper 1

SubjectEnglish Communicative
Sample Paper SetPaper 1
CategoryCBSE Sample Papers

Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 9 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme as prescribed by the CBSE is given here. Paper 1 of Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative is given below with free PDF download solutions.

Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 100

General Instructions:

  1. This question paper is divided into three sections.
    • Section A: Reading                 20 Marks
    • Section B: Writing and Grammar  30 Marks
    • Section C: Literature (Textbooks)  30 marks
  2. All the questions are compulsory.
  3. All the questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

 Section (A)
Reading (20 Marks)


Question 1.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. (8)
Coral reefs are warm, clear, shallow ocean habitats that are rich in life. The reef’s massive structure is formed from coral polyps, tiny animals that live in colonies. When coral polyps die, they leave behind a hard, stony, branching structure made of limestone.

There are two types of corals, hard corals and soft corals. Hard corals (like brain coral and elkhorn coral) have hard, limestone skeletons which form the basis of coral reefs. Soft corals (like sea fingers and sea whips) do not build reefs.

Coral reefs develop in shallow warm water usually near land, and mostly in the tropics; corals prefer temperatures between 70° and 85° F (20-30° C). There are coral reefs off the eastern coast of Africa, off the southern coast of India, in the Red Sea, and off the coasts of northeast and northwest Australia and on to Polynesia. There are also coral reefs off the coast of Florida, USA, to the Caribbean, and down to Brazil.

The Great Barrier Reef (off the coast of North-East Australia) is the largest coral reef in the world. It is over 1257 miles (2000 km) long. Many coral reefs are dying. Major threats to coral reefs are water pollution (from sewage and agricultural run off), dredging off the coast, careless collecting of coral specimens and sedimentation (when silt or sand from construction or mining projects muddies the waters of a reef and kills corals, which need light to live).

The underwater coral city is a unique and diverse collection of colourful and weirdly patterned animals. Most of the problems of a city are present: food supply and distribution, that of accommodation and living space, leading to large scale squatting and a shift system, a large floating population, immigration and a balancing force of criminal predators.

The islands are low, merely a metre or two above the sea level, yet they withstand the powerful hurricanes and waves of the sea. As they are encircled by a protective reef, any destruction during an attack by pounding waves is quickly repaired by its microscopic engineers and architects before the next wave comes.
(i) The massive structure of the coral reef is formed from…… (1)
(ii) What are coral reefs? (1)
(iii) Where do coral reefs develop?  (1)
(iv) Soft corals differ from hard corals as they   (1)
(v) What are the major threats to coral reefs? (1)
(vi) The largest coral reef is which is long.  (1)
(vii) Where are coral reefs found?  (1)
(viii) What does the underwater coral city comprise of?  (1)

Question 2.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. (12)
How you can best improve your English depends on where you live and particularly on whether or not you live in an English speaking community. If you hear English spoken every day and mix freely with English speaking people, that is on the whole an advantage. On the other hand, it is often confusing to have the whole language poured over you at once. Ideally, a step-by-step course should accompany a lead-up to this experience. It will also help a great deal if you can easily get the sort of English books in which you are interested.

To read a lot is essential. It is stupid not to venture outside the examination ‘set books’ or the textbooks you have chosen for intensive study. Read as many books in English as you can, not as a duty but for pleasure. Do not choose the most difficult books you find with the idea of listing and learning as many new words as possible. Choose what is likely to interest you and be sure in advance that it is not too hard. You should not have to be constantly looking up new words in the dictionary, for that deadens interest and checks real learning. Look up a word here and there, but as a general policy try to push ahead, guessing what the words mean from the context. It is extensive and not intensive reading that normally helps you to do interesting extra reading and thereby improve your English. You should enjoy the feeling which extensive reading gives of having some command of the language.

As you read, you will become more and more familiar with words and sentence patterns you already know, understanding them better and better as you meet them in more and more contexts, some of which may differ only slightly from others.

Some people say that we cannot learn to speak a language better with the help of a book. To believe this is to believe that the spoken language and the written language are quite different things. This is not so. There is a very great deal in common between the two. In learning the patterns and vocabulary of the written form we are learning to a considerable extent those of the spoken form too. We are, in fact, learning the language and not merely the form of the language.
(i) How can we improve our English? (2)
(ii) What two things should we avoid while trying to learn English language? (2)
(iii) What are the advantages of extensive reading over intensive reading? (2)
(iv) Are the spoken language and written language different? If not, how? (2)
(v) Which word in paragraph 2 means the same as ‘set out’? (1)
(vi) Which word in paragraph 1 means the same as ‘society’? (1)
(vii) The word in paragraph 2 which is synonym of ‘thorough’is (1)
(viii) The word in paragraph 2 which is an antonym of ‘occasionally’ is (1)

Section (B)
Writing and Grammar (30 Marks)

Question 3.
People eat healthy meals at home and order fat free food at restaurants. But for office meals, they take a quick bite of a burger and headache-curing coffee, which harms their bodies more than they realise. You are Ankita Roy, a student of class IX-A. Write an article on ‘Desktop Diet’ taking ideas from the visual given below and the MCB unit ‘Children’, suggesting a healthy diet in 100-120 words.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative Paper 1 1


You are Akash / Amita who recently visited a TV news production office. Write a diary ‘ entry narrating what all you saw on the set at the news production centre taking ideas from the MCB unit ‘The Class IX Radio and Video Show’. You may also take help of the clues given below (100-120 words).

big office – electronic machines – a news reader – lights and cameras – lots of hard work

Question 4.
Write a short story in 200-250 words beginning as follows.
“If only I had told the truth …. ’’


Tina received a mysterious birthday gift on her birthday. The sender had not attached a card or note on the box. Write a short story in 200-250 words on this incident. You may take help of the clues given below. Also give it a suitable title.

Tina’s birthday party – parents and brother excited – friends and gifts – a gift without name – photoframe – childhood friend – surprise

Question 5.
Fill in the blanks with the word that you consider to be the most appropriate. (1/2×6 = 3)
An old lion which (a) ….. too weak to hunt for (b) ….. meal (c) ….. to go outside the forest to find his prey. He (d) …. a baby walking (e) ….. an open field and decided to kill it. The baby’s innocent eyes pleaded (f) …. his life. This softened the old lion and he left the baby.

Question 6.
The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Identify the incorrect word and write it along with the correction in the answer sheet. The first one has been done for you as an example.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative Paper 1 2

Question 7.
Read the conversation and complete the passage given below. (1×3 = 3)

Gopal When did you come? Where had you been all this while?
Vivek I have just arrived by the Rajdhani.
Gopal I wrote a letter to you but you never replied. Why?

Gopal asked Vivek (a)… Vivek replied that (b) ….. Gopal told him that (c) …. and asked him why he did not reply.

Section (C)
Literature (Textbooks) (30 marks)

Question 8.
Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow. (1 x4 = 4)
“A voice so thrilling ne’er was heard In spring-time from the cuckoo-bird.
Breaking the silence of the seas Among the farthest Hebrides.”
(i) How does the solitary reaper’s song score over the song of the cuckoo?
(ii) Why does the poet compare the reaper’s song to a cuckoo’s song?
(iii) What are the ‘farthest Hebrides’?
(iv) What does the poet want to say in this poem?


But I let the plate glass business go to smash for a while.”
(i) What is the ‘plate glass business’?
(ii) What does the speaker mean when he says, ‘go to smash’?
(iii) Why did the speaker do this?
(iv) Was the speaker’s mission successful?

Question 9.
Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each. (2 x4= 8)
(i) Why does Lord Ullin’s wrath change into wailing on seeing his daughter drowning?
(ii) What do the two roads stand for in the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’?
(iii) Why does Gaston agree to buy the villa?
(iv) When Mr Bramble came to know that he was going to be a father, what were some of the names he decided upon and why?
(v) What caused cavities and decay of teeth of the poet? How could she have avoided them?

Question 10.
Answer any one of the following questions in 100-120 words. (8)
“I want to be independent.” What values does.this line depict of the speaker? Answer the question with reference to the chapter ‘How I Taught My Grandmother to Read’.


Private Quelch was indeed brilliant, well-read and knowledgeable. Do you think this gave him the right to be disrespectful to his teachers? Why or why not?

Long Reading Text (Novel)

Question 11.
Answer any one of the following questions in about 150-200 words from the novel of your choice. (10)
Gulliver’s Travels
Do you agree that chance played a great role in helping Gulliver attain his liberty from Brobdingnag? Support your answer with evidence from the text.


Write a character-sketch of the King of Luggnagg.

Three Men in a Boat
Describe the episode of Harris’ strange disappearance with the pie.


“Jerome suffered from everything.” Analyse the trait of Jerome’s character in his decision to see a doctor.


Answer 1.
(i) coral polyps
(ii) Coral reefs are warm, clear, shallow, ocean habitats that are rich in life.
(iii) Coral reefs develop in shallow warm water usually near land and mostly in the tropics.
(iv) do not build reefs
(v) Major threats to coral reefs are water pollution, dredging off the coast, careless collecting of coral specimens and sedimentation.
(vi) The Great Barrier Reef. 2000 km
(vii) Coral reefs are found off the eastern coast of Africa, off the southern coast of India, in the Red Sea and off the coasts of Florida, USA, to the Carribean and down to Brazil as well as off the northern coasts of Australia and on to Polynesia.
(viii) The underwater coral city is comprised of colourful and weirdly patterned animals.

Answer 2.
(i) We can improve our English by hearing spoken English every day and by mixing freely with English speaking people or communities. A step by step course can also be an added advantage.
(ii) We should absolutely avoid sticking to just the examination set books as it is stupid to not venture outside them. Secondly, we should avoid buying the most difficult book with the idea of listing and learning new words
(iii) Extensive reading normally helps us do interesting extra reading and thereby improve our English. It
gives us some command over the language and makes us more familiar with words and sentence patterns we already know, understanding them better as we find them used in different contexts.
(iv) The spoken language and written language are not different because in learning the patterns and
vocabulary of the written form, we are also learning much of the spoken form. In writing, we are learning the language itself, not only a form.
(v) The word is ‘venture’.
(vi) The word is ‘community’.
(vii) ‘intensive’
(viii) ‘constantly’

Answer 3.

Desktop Diet
by Ankita Roy, Class IX-A

People working in offices very often grab a bite of fast food to get rid of their hunger pangs. The meal options comprise of burgers, sandwiches, momos, pizzas and similar snacks. Very frequently, they also gulp down cups of tea or coffee to endure their long hours of working. This is termed as ‘desktop diet’ by doctors and nutritionists. They are urging people to improve such a ‘desktop diet’, meaning all items of food that a person consumes at his/ her workplace. They are saying this because they have observed an alarming rise in ailments like inflated sugar levels, fat deposits and a fluctuating blood pressure due to this.
Thus, it is wise for office goers to prepare meals at home and pack them for taking to the office. If working people want snacks, they should have high fibre snacks. Fibre rich fruits, vegetables or whole grain dishes keep the stomach satiated during the afternoon and a nutritious diet keeps one alert at the workplace throughout the day.


Friday, 10th October, 20XX
9:00 pm
Dear Diary
My uncle works for a news channel. He took me to his production office today as I had a holiday at school. He took me to the studio, which was very big. A lot of people and various electronic machines were working to produce the various programmes telecast by the channel. I am glad that I could experience a live news show. I sat and admired the newsreader’s communication skills as he read the news flashing on the screen in front of him. He was very confident despite being surrounded by so many lights and cameras. I realised that it is a tough job for each one of them working hard to produce even a news item from scratch so that it appears interesting and understandable to the viewers. I really enjoyed the day at my uncle’s office. It was highly informative and motivated me to think of a career in the line of electronic media.
Good night.

Answer 4.
If only I had told the truth, it would not have happened. It was late in the evening when my frienc’ . went to Anita’s house for our Maths tuition. It was raining heavily. We sat in a circle and waited for our teacher. My friend Anita was sitting beside me. All of us were busy completing the problems given by our teacher for the home assignment.

Suddenly Anita poked me and showed me her class test notebook. I saw that she had scored three marks out of fifteen. Within a moment, she wrote a numerical one in front of the number and changed her score. As An*”” mother served us snacks as refreshment, she asked, “What is your score, Anita?” When Anita showed her class test notebook to her mother, she smiled and praised her performance. After an hour of waiting, our teacher rang and informed us that she will not be able to come due to the heavy rain and the next class will be conducted next week. However, she informed Anita’s mother about her marks. When Anita’s mother came to know about the truth, she cross-questioned me. I agreed with Anita’s changed score and remained silent. Anita’s mother scolded both of us for not telling the truth. We felt ashamed of ourselves and promised never to do or allow such things to happen again.


Mysterious Gift

Tina turned 16 yesterday. She had been planning her party from the past two weeks. Her parents and her younger brother were all very excited. Finally, the day came and the party was an enjoyable one. All her friends had a gala time at the party. They danced, played games and ate delicious snacks and slices of a mouth-watering chocolate cake. They had brought gifts for Tina and thought that she would open them after the party.
At night, Tina was opening the gifts one by one, carefully reading the names of the persons who had given them. She noticed a small rectangular box without a name or note. This made her curious. When she opened it she found a photo frame in which she saw her childhood photograph with a girl. She recognised this girl as her childhood friend Shikha.
Tina and Shikha were best friends until 5 years of age, before Shikha’s family shifted outside India. Since then, both the girls had not been in touch with each other. Tina was surprised and felt happy that her old friend had remembered her. At the back of the photo frame was Tina’s current address and phone number. She called Shikha and thanked her for the surprise gift.

Answer 5.
(a) was
(b) a
(c) decided
(d) saw
(e) near
(f) for

Answer 6.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Communicative Paper 1 3

Answer 7.
(a) when he came and where he had been all this while
(b) he had just arrived by the Rajdhani
(c) he had written a letter to him

Section (C)
Literature (Textbooks)

Answer 8.
(i) The solitary reaper’s song is more far-reaching than the cuckoo’s song because it reaches across the sea to the farthest Hebrides islands.
(ii) The poet wants to convey that the voice of the solitary reaper is more melodious than that of the cuckoo even with its refreshing notes.
(iii) The ‘farthest Hebrides’ refers to the remote islands situated to the North-West of Scotland.
(iv)The poet wants to say that beautiful things, like the song of the solitary reaper, give us everlasting pleasure.


(i) The ’plate glass business’ refers to the speaker’s profession of a travelling salesman selling sheet glass used for windowpanes etc.
(ii) The speaker meant when he said, ’go to smash’ that he forgets abodt his work completely for some time.’
(iii) The speaker did this so that he could spend time finding out all he could about the gir! he had seen in the train.
(iv) Yes, the speaker’s mission of wanting to know more about the beautiful woman he had seen in the train and marrying her, was successful, as he convinced her father of his bonafides.

Answer 9.
(i) Lord Ullin’s wrath changed into wailing when he lost his daughter in front of his own eyes. It was due to the love and affection a father has for his child. He was unable to help save her.
(ii) The two separate roads in the forest compel the poet to choose one of them. The two roads stand for choices that one has to make from given alternatives in life.
(iii) While Jeanne had gone upstairs to inspect the first floor of the villa, Gaston changed his mind and agreed to buy the villa. This was because a lady named Mrs Al Smith mistook Gaston as the owner of the house. Gaston sold the house for three hundred thousand francs to Mrs Al Smith and agreed to buy it from Juliette for two hundred thousand francs, thereby making a profit of one hundred thousand francs.
(iv) A few names which Mr Bramble thought about were John for a boy and Marie for a girl after the names of famous personalities like John L Sullivan, the American boxing legend and the famous music hall artist, Marie Lloyd.
(v) Eating lots of toffees, candies, sticky sweets etc and not brushing her teeth properly were the reasons of cavities and decay of teeth of the poetess. She could have avoided it by eating less sweets and brushing her teeth regularly.

Answer 10.
These words are spoken to the author by Krishtakka, her grandmother. The author used to narrate to her grandmother every week the story of the novel named Kashi Yatre being serialised in the weekly magazine Karmaveera. However, one week the author’s absence from home due to a marriage in the family made the grandmother helpless, as she could not read the story on her own, being illiterate. So she decided to become independent by learning how to read her mother tongue, Kannada.
She asked the author to teach her Kannada. She proved to be an epitome of determination with her words. She worked hard to achieve her goal and that too within the deadline she had set for herself, the Saraswati Pooja day during Dassara. Even at her old age, she displays the values of determination and hard work to achieve her goal. She serves as an example of achieving her goal through dedication and hard work.


Private Quelch was admired by his teachers and peers for his vast knowledge. He was brilliant, well-read and knowledgeable. However, he had one very disturbing habit. His method of exhibiting his knowledge and stating his views was not in keeping with the discipline of a military camp. He used to do this by interrupting his seniors’ lectures and correcting them publicly, thus insulting them. He appeared to be too overbearing, snobbish and boastful, besides having bad manners. He needed to respect the point of view of others, particularly his seniors and colleagues. Due to his bad habit, on many occasions he insulted his professors by interrupting their lectures. He also publicly corrected their mistakes. The teacher is supposed to be a guide and mentor and he should be treated with the respect due to him. Thus, Private Quelch had no right to be disrespectful to his seniors.

Long Reading Text (Novel)

Answer 11.
Gulliver had no hope to leave from Brobdingnag, although he was optimistic about his liberation from there. However, it was by chance that he was able to leave from there. One day, while his nurse was away and he was sleeping in his box by the sea coast, an eagle lifted his box high up in the air and flew • away. But suddenly another eagle attacked it and accidentally the box fell into the sea.
Luckily the strong box did not break. Hence no water seeped into it. Soon Gulliver felt his box being raised and then heard the sound of a cable passing through a ring. He cried for help. This time there was a response and the sailors pulled Gulliver out from his box. The ship was destined for England and thus Gulliver was saved.


Respectful, Kind and Generous The King of Luggnagg has many qualities that will attract the reader. He is very kind, generous, caring, wise and hospitable. He gives Gulliver the highest priority. He enjoys the company of Gulliver. He wants to listen to Gulliver because he is eager to know about Gulliver and his experiences. It shows his desire of collecting information. He also respects a person who is experienced and knowledgeable like Gulliver. He offers Gulliver employment in his court as a mark of giving him respect.

Proud and Whimsical Apart from these qualities, he has a big shortcoming. He is full of pride and whimsical. He makes all those who come to meet him lick the dust off the floor in front of him. This ritual also served another purpose, which was to eliminate his enemies. He did this by sprinkling a poisonous powder on the floor. When the person licked the floor, he was poisoned and died soon. It was nothing less than the arbitrariness of the monarch and it showed his whimsical nature.

Three Men in a Boat

The three friends were sitting in a meadow, about to have lunch. Harris was busy carving the beefsteak pie and asked for a spoon. George and J turned to get a spoon out of the hamper, and when they looked round again, both Harris and the pie had disappeared. J and George could not think of a valid reason for such a strange disappearance. It was an open field and Harris had vanished in thin air with the pie.
While they were mourning his disappearance, they were terrified to see Harris’ head sticking bolt upright among the tall grass. His face was red with anger. He accused the two of doing it on purpose. Harris had apparently been sitting on the verge of a deep ditch. The long grass had hidden it. In leaning back a little, he had fallen into the ditch. Harris said that he has never felt so surprised in all his life as when he first felt himself going, without being able to guess what had happened.
Harris never stopped believing that George and J had planned it all beforehand.


Humorous Hypochondriac Jerome’s habit of reading about different diseases makes him suffer. He is psychologically driven to acknowledge that he is suffering from some disease and he himself confirms his suffering and decides to go to a doctor. He reads about hay fever, typhoid and many other diseases. Every time he reads about the symptoms of the diseases he believes that he is suffering from the same disease. Thus, he is actually a hypochondriac. He even jokes that the prime symptom of his current disease is “a general disinclination to work of any kind”. He perhaps enjoys his habit of visiting a doctor with casual excuses of diseases.

Justifies Laziness The doctor’s prescription also becomes a joke to the narrator. The doctor has advised him to eat and drink well, walk every morning and sleep early every night. It has been his tendency to suffer from laziness when he was a child and he adds humour in justifying that beatings would have worked well instead of medicines. Jerome always casually encounters the doctor in the context of suffering. He with his casual disposition also contributes to the humour in the novel.

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