CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Paper 7

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Paper 7 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Paper 7.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Paper 7

SubjectPhysical Education
Sample Paper SetPaper 7
CategoryCBSE Sample Papers

Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 12 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme as prescribed by the CBSE is given here. Paper 7 of Solved CBSE Sample Paper for Class 12 Physical Education is given below with free PDF download solutions.

Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

  • All questions are compulsory.
  • Answers to questions carrying 1 mark should approximately 10-20 words.
  • Answers to questions carrying 3 marks should approximately 30-50 words.
  • Answers to questions carrying 5 marks should approximately 75-100 words.


Question 1.
What do you mean by planning in sports? 1

Question 2.
Define Food supplement. 1

Question 3.
Define Disability. 1

Question 4.
What is meant by OCD? 1

Question 5.
Define Tadasana. 1

Question 6.
Define Posture. 1

Question 7.
What do you understand by eating disorder? 1

Question 8.
How will you measure Muscular Strength? 1

Question 9.
Define Sports Medicine. 1

Question 10.
Define Strength. 1

Question 11.
What is friction? 3

Question 12.
Describe three disadvantages of League Tournament. 1

Question 13.
How will you define Food intolerance? 3

Question 14.
Explain the procedure and benefits of Bhujangasana. 3

Question 15.
My uncle, facing age-related health problems specially High Blood Sugar, Obesity and Hypertension etc. I consulted my physical education teacher regarding my uncle‘s health problem because once he had discussed this topic in class. He told me that he will meet my uncle at home. He came and suggested my uncle to start regular exercise or walking for at least one hour. My uncle started regular walking. After few months his above mentioned problems reduced. On the basis of the above passage, answer the following questions. 3
(i) Which two values are shown by the physical education teacher and the nephew?
(ii) What are the common age-related health problems?
(iii) Do physical activity help in maintaining functional fitness of aged population? State in brief.

Question 16.
Explain Harvard step test. 3

Question 17.
Explain three long term effects of exercise on circulatory system. 3

Question 18.
Write about the management of strain. 3

Question 19.
Explain the method of Speed development? 3

Question 20.
What is Bye? Draw a fixture of 21 teams on knock-out basis. 5

Question 21.
Elaborate the requirement of food intake for, during and after competition. 5

Question 22.
Explain postural deformities and their corrective measures in detail. 5

Question 23.
Explain arm curl test for upper body strength. 5

Question 24.
Explain gender differences in physical and physiological parameters. 5

Question 25.
Explain motivation and its types in details. 5

Question 26.
What is sports training? Explain the method of strength development. 5



Answer 1.
According to Mitchell, “Planning is usually interpreted as a process to develop a strategy to achieve desired objectives, to solve problems and to facilitate action”.

Answer 2.
Food supplement is the concentrated sources of nutrients taken as dietary top-up like vitamins, minerals and herbs.

Answer 3.
Disability is an injury that restricts the functions or movements of a person.

Answer 4.
OCD is Obsessive – Compulsive Disorder. It is a common, chronic and long lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts which are characterized as obsessions.

Answer 5.
Tada = Palm tree. Tadasana is the beginning and ending asana of Surya Namaskar.

Answer 6.
The arrangement of body and its limbs is known as posture.

Answer 7.
Eating disorder is defined by abnormal eating habits that negatively affect a person’s physical or mental health.

Answer 8.
Greatest amount of force that muscles can produce in a single maximal effort.

Answer 9.
Sports medicines concerns all those medical problems that may affect athlete, professional
and amateur.

Answer 10.
Ability to exert power.

Answer 11.
Force acting along two surfaces in contact which opposes the motion of one body over the other.

Answer 12.
(i) It requires more time.
(ii) It costs more.
(iii) It requires more arrangement for sport officials and teams.
(iv) Most of the teams become psychologically down due to their defeat again and again.

Answer 13.
When individual elements of certain foods that cannot be properly processed and absorbed by our digestive system it is called as food intolerance. Its causes can be the absence of activity of breaking enzymes, diet related and due to illness. Its symptoms are nausea, stomach pain, diarrhoea, vomiting and headache.
Management of food intolerance:

  • Seek expert medical help.
  • There are many therapies-fructose intolerance therapy, histamine intolerance therapy, lactose intolerance therapy.

Answer 14.
Procedure – Lie down keeping the legs together, Put palms beside shoulders, head resting on the floor,Inhale, raise head up to the navel region and try to see the roof, 10 -60sec- maintain this position, inhale and exhale steadily,Return to original position slowly with deep exhalation, i 3-5 min.
Benefits – Develops flexibility of spine and leads to curing backache, Reduces stress, giving good massage to adrenal gland, Expands chest for normal breathing.

Answer 15.
(i) Care and concern
(ii) Obesity, backache, stress
(iii) Yes, yoga and regular exercise helps in keeping a person physically and mentally fit, refreshing the mind.

Answer 16.
Harvard step test was developed by Brouha and his associates in 1943. Purpose of this test is to measure cardiovascular fitness.
Equipment required:

  1. Bench which is 20 inches/50.8 cm high.
  2. Stopwatch
  3. Metronome.

Procedure – The athlete is instructed to step up and down on the platform at a rate of 30 steps per minute for 5 minutes or until exhaustion occurs. The exhaustion is defined as when the athlete cannot maintain the stepping rate for 15 seconds and this can be administered by metronome. After the completion of stepping, the athlete is advised to step down. After this heart rate is measured between 1 to 1.5 minutes after finishing. The heart rate is the number of times the heart beats per minute.

Answer 17.
Long term effects of exercise on circulatory system:

  • Stroke volume increases at rest – It is the volume of blood ejected per beat from left ventricle, it is increased to 90-110 ml/beat in elite endurance athletes via regular exercise.
  • Blood flow increases – Supply of oxygen during exercise increases, so body increases its capillaries, as a result distribution of blood becomes more efficient.
  • Decreases the blood pressure – Systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreases by 10 mm Hg at rest.

Answer 18.
Strain can be prevented by warming up and conditioning. Taping, knee caps, crape bandage can be helpful in preventing strain. The injured part should be elevated in the most comfortable position. The affected part should not be disturbed. An ice pack should be applied to affect joint or muscle to minimize the swelling. The ice must be applied for 20 minutes 6-10 times in first 24 hours. Next day heat and massage is given to absorb the clot

Answer 19.
Methods of speed development are:

  • Acceleration runs – Adopted to develop speed, especially in attaining maximum speed from stationary position, runs are repeated again and again with sufficient intervals, sprinters usually achieve their maximum speed in 6 seconds after stationary position.
  • Pace runs or races – Running the whole distance of race at a constant speed, athlete runs the race with uniform speed, in longer races such as 800m or above races he must conserve his energy by reducing his speed.
  • Development of reaction time – Reaction time is the time taken to respond to a stimulus.

Answer 20.
Bye is a practice of allowing a player or team to advance to the next round without playing first round of the tournament.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Paper 7 1

Answer 21.
Food is a mixture of various substances which are essential for life whereas nutrition is a dynamic process in which body is made healthy by consumption of food. Sports nutrition is known as study and practice of nutrition and diet as it relates to sports performance. Good and adequate nutrition helps athletes to train hard, recover quickly and adapt more effectively with less risk of illness and injury. If an athlete lacks any constituents of diet it affects his or her performance. On the other hand, if he/she takes more than required calories, it shall hamper the performance and increase the body weight. Thus diet plays a crucial role in performance.

  1. Fluid intake:
    • Before the competition – Drink at least 500 ml of water before 2 hours of the match.
    • During the competition – 180-240 ml of water should be consumed for matches lasting for less than an hour. For matches lasting more than one hour, consume 150-300 ml of water or carbohydrates after every 20 min.
    • After the competition – Take sodium after the competition.
  2. Meal intake:
    • Before the competition – 80%-90% carbohydrates.
    • During the competition – Light food, low fat, low protein.
    • After the competition – Carbohydrate intake within 15 min to restore glycogen.

Answer 22.
In knock-knees both the knees knock or touch each other in normal standing position. The gap between ankles goes on increasing. The corrective measures for knock-knees are side steps-ups: done on weight bench and lying abduction.

Flat foot is found in newly bom babies. Children feel pain in the feet and cannot be efficient sports persons. It becomes a postural deformity if it still persists in the lateral childhood. The corrective measures for flat foot are heel stretch and using proper shoes.

Round shoulders is a postural deformity where shoulders become round and sometimes they seem to be bent forward. The corrective measures for round shoulders are standing chest stretch and supine chest stretch.

Lordosis is a deformity of increased forward curve in the lumber region. The corrective measures for Lordosis are hip flexor stretch and lower back stretch.

In bow-legs, there is a wide gap between the knees when standing with feet together. The Corrective measures for bow-legs are leg strengthening exercises and pilates (lying down on back and lifting both legs up off the ground and quickly move legs up and down).

Kyphosis is an increase of backward or posterior curve or a decrease or reversal of a forward curve. The corrective measures for Kyphosis are maintain good posture and do stretching while sitting on chair.

Answer 23.
Rikli and Jones test was developed by Dr. Roberta and Dr. Jessie Jones of Fullerton University. It is done to measure fitness level of senior citizens. It includes:

  • Chair Stand Test – To measure leg strength and endurance
  • Arm Curl Test – To measure upper body strength
  • Chair Sit and Reach Test – To measure flexibility of lower body
  • Back Scratch Test – To measure range of motion of shoulder
  • Eight Foot Up and Go Test – To measure speed, agility and balance while moving
  • Six Minute Walk Test – To measure aerobic fitness Arm Curl Test

Purpose – To measure upper body strength.
Equipment Required – Folding chair with straight back with arm rests, 4 lbs weight for women, 5 lbs weight for men and a stopwatch.
Procedure – The subject sits on the chair keeping the back straight and holds weight in strong hand. The subject performs arm curls in 30 seconds.
Scoring – The score is determined by counting no. of curls performed in 30 seconds.

Answer 24.
Gender differences in physical and physiological parameters-

  • Body Size and Composition – At puberty, the endocrine system starts bringing changes.
    Estrogen and testosterone play an important role in both the sexes. Mainly in women estrogen plays a vital role in broadening of pelvis, breast development and enhances fat deposition. Men also produce estrogen but at lower levels than women. In men, estrogen is thought to affect sperm count. Men and women however differ in their body sizes and shapes.
  • Strength – On an average, men are stronger than women because they are larger. Generally, women produce about two third the amount of total strength than men.
  • Cardiovascular Functions – Heart is smaller in women; women have slightly higher heart rate. However in case of intense exercise men have better cardiac output than women.
  • Respiratory Functions – Men have larger body size, women have lesser hemoglobin content. Tidal volume and ventilatory volume are smaller in women.
  • Endurance – Men are found to be 10% better in endurance as compared to women.
  • Bones And Ligaments – Men have longer and larger bones that facilitate better mechanical advantage over women. The ligaments of women are generally more lax and fragile than those of men.

Answer 25.
According to Goods, “Motivation is the process of arousing, sustain and regulating activity.” Types of motivation are-
Intrinsic – It is internal motivation, when people are compelled to do something out of 1 pleasure, importance or desire. It can be further classified into.

  • Bodily needs – hunger, thirst, etc. can be motivational forces
  • Instinctive – inborn qualities
  • Social – social motives often move a person towards an aim
  • Emotional – love and affection can directly affect and motivate an individual

Extrinsic – It is external motivation, when external factors compel the person to do something. Reward, punishment, praise, blame, or cash prize are examples of extrinsic motivation. It can be further classified into.

  • Knowledge of the goal – learner must be acquainted well with the aim and objectives of the goal.
  • Knowledge of the result – periodic evaluation is a strong motivational force.
  • Rewards – effectively used in learning process, can be given in following terms:
    1. Cash prize
    2. Job promotion
    3. Social rewards
    4. Punishment is applied where reward fails to motivate
    5. Effective teaching
    6. Competition and cooperation
    7. Audio – visual aid
    8. Latest equipment and good environment

Answer 26.
Sports training is done for improving sports performance. According to David R. Lamb,”
muscular strength is best defined operationally as the greatest amount of force that muscles can produce in a single maximal effort.”
Types of strength are:

  1. Dynamic/isotonic – These movements are clearly visible, used in pull-ups and pushups.
    It has 3 parts:

    • Maximum strength – ability to act against maximum resistance, used in weightlifting, shot put etc.
    • Explosive strength – ability to overcome resistance with high speed, used in sprint starts, javelin throw, and hammer throw, etc.
    • Strength endurance – ability to overcome resistance or to act against resistance under
      conditions of fatigue, used in long distance races, swimming etc. .
    • Static/isometric – Ability of muscles to act against resistance, measured by dynamometer, in weightlifting it is applied in phases.

Methods of Improving Strength:

  1. Isometric exercises – Introduced by Hettinger and Muller, derived from two words iso (same) and metric (muscle strength), work is performed but it is not seen directly, muscles do not change their length, strength is improved, like pushing a wall.
  2. Isotonic exercises – Introduced by De Lorme, derived from two words is (same) and tonic(muscle tone), movements can be seen directly. These exercises tone up the muscles, muscles become flexible, length of the muscle can increase, like on the spot running and jumping, weight training exercises, etc.
  3. Iso-kinetic exercises – Developed by Perrine in 1968, contraction of muscle applies maximal force throughout the complete range of movement, through them explosive strength and strength endurance can also be improved.

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