CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Geography Paper 5

These Sample papers are part of CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Geography. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Geography Paper 5

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Geography Paper 5

Sample Paper SetPaper 5
CategoryCBSE Sample Papers

Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 12 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme as prescribed by the CBSE is given here. Paper 5 of Solved CBSE Sample Paper for Class 12 Geography is given below with free PDF download solutions.

Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

  • There are 22 questions in all.
  • All questions are compulsory.
  • Question numbers 1-7 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each. Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 40 words.
  • Question numbers 8-13 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Out of which one question is a value based question. Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 80-100 words.
  • Question numbers 14-20 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks each. Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 150 words.
  • Question numbers 21 and 22 are related to identification or locating and labelling of geographical features on maps carrying 5 marks each.
  • Outline maps of the World and India provided to you must be attached within your answer book.
  • Use of templates or stencils for drawing outline maps is allowed.


Question 1.
Which parts of U.S.A and Europe have density more than 200 persons per sq. km?

Question 2.
Define the term ‘positive growth of population’.

Question 3.
Which is the leading steel producing region of Germany?

Question 4.
Which is the busiest sea route in the world?

Question 5.
Name the metropolitan city of Bihar.

Question 6.
Name any two ferrous minerals other than iron ore.

Question 7.
Which port has been developed to relieve pressure of Chennai?

Question 8.
Explain with examples the three economic factors influencing the population distribution in the world.

Question 9.
What is subsistence agriculture? Mention any four characteristics of primitive subsistence agriculture.

Question 10.
Explain any three features of Semi-clustered settlement.

Question 11.
Study the diagram given below carefully and answer the questions that follow:
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Geography Paper 1 11
(i) Why is the utilisation of surface water limited in Industrial sector in India?
(ii) Which sector utilises the most of surface water and why?

Question 12.
Which human values are important to minimise the air pollution as human activities are main causes?

Question 13.
Degradation of cultivation land is one of the most serious problems that arises out of faulty strategy of irrigation and agricultural development in India. Explain.

Question 14.
Explain any two functions of WTO. Why has this organisation been criticised? Mention three reasons in this regard.

Question 15.
How are technological innovations an important aspect of modern manufacturing industries? Explain.

Question 16.
Describe the main characteristics of quaternary activities.

Question 17.
What are the Trans-continental Railways? Write four features of trans-Siberian Railways.

Question 18.
How are physical and economic factors responsible for uneven distribution of population in India?

Question 19.
Define the term ‘Migration’. Explain four factors that are responsible for migration of people in India.

Question 20.
Discuss any five geographical factors that affect localisation of an industry at a particular place in India.

Question 21.
Identify the five geographical features shown on the given political outline map of the world as A, B, C, D and E and write their correct names on the lines marked near them with the help of the following information.
(A) A mega city
(B) A country having highest growth rate of population
(C) An area of Mediterranean agriculture
(D) A seaport
(E) An International airport

Question 22.
Locate and label theTollowing five features with appropriate symbols on the given political outline map of India.
(i) A state with lowest gender ratio.
(ii) An oil refinery situated in Uttar Pradesh.
(iii) A leading producer state of Maize.
(iv) A software technology park situated in Odisha.
(v) A major seaport of Tamil Nadu.


Answer 1.
(i) North-Eastern parts of U.S.A. and North-Western part of Europe.

Answer 2.
Positive growth of population happens when the birth rate is more than the death rate between two points of time or when people from other countries migrate permanently to a region.

Answer 3.
The Ruhr region.

Answer 4.
The Northern Atlantic Sea Route is the busiest sea route in the world.

Answer 5.

Answer 6.
(i) Manganese
(ii) Chromite

Answer 7.
Tuticorin port was developed to relieve pressure of Chennai port.

Answer 8.
(i) Minerals: Areas with minerals deposits attract industries. Mining and industrial activities generate employment skilled and semi-skilled workers move to these areas and make them densely populated.
(ii) Urbanisation: Cities offer better employment opportunities; educational and medical facilities, better means of transport and communication, good civic amenities, attraction of city life. It leads to rural to urban migration.
(iii) Industralisation: It provides job opportunities and attract large number of people. These include not just factory workers but transport operators, shopkeepers, bank employees, doctors, teachers and others providers.

Answer 9.
(a) Subsistence agriculture is one in which the farming areas consume all or nearly so, of the products locally grown.
(b) (i) It is widely practised by many tribes in the tropics, especially in Africa.
(ii) The vegetation is usually cleared by fire, and the ashes add to the fertility of the soil.
(iii) Cultivated patches area very small and done with very primitive tools.
(iv) The farmer may return to the earlier patch after some time.

Answer 10.
(i) These may result from tendency of clustering in a restricted area of dispersed settlements.
(ii) More often such a pattern may also result from segregation of a large compact of village. One more sections of the village society choose or is forced to live a little away from cluster.
(iii) The land owning and dominant community occupies the central part of the main village whereas the people of lower strata of society and menial workers settle on the outer flanks of the village.

Answer 11.
(i) The availability of surface water is not sufficient.
(ii) (a) Agriculture sector.
(b) Agriculture needs sufficient water for irrigation throughout the year.

Answer 12.
(i) Awakening .
(ii) To follow the principle of sustainable development
(iii) Cooperation and Eco-friendly

Answer 13.
(i) One of the serious problems that arises out of faulty strategy of irrigation and agricultural development is degradation of land resources.
(ii) It may lead to depletion of soil fertility, alarming fall in water table in irrigated areas. A large tract of agricultural land has lost its fertility due to alkalisation and salinisation of soils and waterlogging.
(iii) Excessive use of chemicals such as insecticides and pesticides has led to their concentration in toxic amounts in the soil profile.
(iv) Leguminous crops have been displaced form the cropping pattern in the irrigated areas and duration of fallow has substantially reduced owing to multiple cropping.

Answer 14.
(a) (i) WTO deals with the global rules of trade between nations. It sets the rules for the global trading system and resolves disputes between its member nations.
(ii) It covers trade in services such as tele-communication and banking and other issues such as intellectual rights.

(b) (i) It has been criticised and opposed that free trade does not make ordinary peoples lives prosperous.
(ii) It is actually widening the gulf between rich and poor, by making rich countries more rich.
(iii) The influential nations in the W.T.O focus on their own commercial interests. Developed countries have not fully opened their markets to products from developing countries.

Answer 15.
(i) Technological innovations through research and development strategy are an important aspect of modem manufacturing for quality control; eliminating waste and inefficiency and combating pollution.
(ii) The importance of responsible factors for the localisation of industries are decreased regularly.
(iii) The structure and forms of industries are changed due to the progress in developed economy.
(iv) Many changes occurred in the activities of modem industries. Advanced technique is being used in industries forgetting production.
(v) Scattered units of small scales are being noticed in large areas in place of industries.

Answer 16.
(i) Quaternary activities involve in the collection, production and dissemination of information or even the production of information.
(ii) These activities centre around research, development and may be seen as an advanced form of services involving specialised knowledge and technical skills.
(iii) Over half of all workers in developed economies are in the knowledge sector and great demand for the consumption of information-based services from mutual fund managers to tax consultants, statisticians.
(iv) Working in office buildings, elementary schools and university classroom, hospitals and doctors’ offices, theatres, accounting and brokerage belong to the same.
(v) Quaternary activities can also be outsourced.

Answer 17.
(a) Trans-continental railways run across the continent and link its two ends. They were constructed for economic and political reasons to facilitate long runs in different directions.
(b) (i) It is a major rail route of Russia that runs from St. Petersburg in the west to Valadivostak on the Pacific coast in the east passing through Moscow, Ulfa, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Chita and Khabarovsk.
(ii) Most important route in Asia and the longest double-tracked and electrified Trans Continental Railway in the world.
(iii) It has helped in opening up its Asian region to West European markets. It runs across the Ural Mountains and Yenisei rivers.
(iv) Chita is an important agro centre and Irkutsk, a fur centre.
(v) There are connecting links to the south, namely to Odessa, Baku on the Caspian coast, Tashkent, Ulan-Bator etc.

Answer 18.
(A) Physical factors:
(i) Physical along with terrain and availability of water.
(ii) Development of transport network.
(iii) Availability of mineral and energy resources.

(B) Economic factors that determine the pattern of the population distribution:
(i) Development of Irrigation and evolution of settled agriculture and agricultural development.
(ii) Industrialisation and urbanisation.
(iii) Pattern of human settlement.

Answer 19.
Migration is the movement of people from one place to another in search of better opportunities with an intention to settle.
(i) Employment: In the rural areas, mostly people depend on agriculture and they do not have employment throughout the year so they move from village to city.
(ii) Marriages: It influences mainly women as they migrate from one place to another due to their marriages. They leave their parental houses which is the most important cause in the rural areas except in Meghalaya.
(iii) Education: It is an important cause. People who want to get higher education move from rural areas to the cities.
(iv) Lack of Security: As a pull factor and push factor where people are in dilemma and worried due to the security of life and property during political turmoil people migrate towards a safe area.

Answer 20.
(i) Raw materials Industries using weight losing raw materials are located in the regions where raw materials are located. Most of the iron and steel industries are located either near sources of invention (Bhadravati, Bhilai, and Rourkela) or near the coal fields (Bokaro, Durgapur).
(ii) Power: Power provides the motive force for machines. Certain industries, like aluminum and synthetic nitrogen manufacturing industries tend to be located near sources of power because they are power intensive and require huge quantum of electricity.
(iii) Market: Markets provide the outlets for manufactured products. Cotton textile industry uses a non-weight losing raw material and generally located in large urban centre, Ahmedabad, Surat, etc. Petroleum refineries are also located near the markets to make easier, the transport of crude oil. Koyali, Mathura and Barauni refineries are typical examples.
(iv) Transport: Industries are concentrated in Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, and in and around Kolkata. It was due to the fact that they initially became the nodal point having transport links. Industries shifted to interior locations only when railways lines were laid. All major industries plants are located on the trunk rail rates.
(v) Labour: In India, labour is quite mobile and is available in large number due to our large population. Cheap labour available from thickly populated parts of the country.

Answer 21.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Geography Paper 1 21a

Answer 22.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Geography Paper 1 22a

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