CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Language and Literature Paper 6

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Language and Literature Paper 6 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Language and Literature Paper 6.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Language and Literature Paper 6

Board CBSE
Class 10
Subject English Language and Literature
Sample Paper Set Paper 6
Category CBSE Sample Papers

Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 10 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme as prescribed by the CBSE is given here. Paper 6 of Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Language and Literature is given below with free PDF download Answers.

Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions

  • The paper consists of 3 sections: A, B, C.
  • Attempt all the questions.
  • Don’t write anything on the question paper.
  • Read each question carefully and follow the given instructions.
  • All the answers must be correctly numbered and written in the answer sheet provided to you.
  • Strictly adhere to the word limit given in the question paper. Marks will be deducted for exceeding the word limit.
  • Ensure that questions of each section are answered together.

(Reading – 20 Marks)

Question 1.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (8)

1. Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals and are part of the family of toothed whales that include orcas and pilot whales. They are found worldwide, mostly in shallow seas of the continental shelves, and are carnivores, mostly eating fish and squid. Dolphin coloration varies, but they are generally grey in color with darker backs than the rest of their bodies. Dolphins consume a variety of prey including fish, squid, and crustaceans.

2. It is difficult to estimate the population of dolphins since there are many different species spanning larger geographic area. Like bats, dolphins use echolocation to navigate and hunt, bouncing high pitched sounds of objects, and listening to the echoes. Most species lie in shallow areas of tropical and temperature oceans throughout the world. Five species live in the world’s rivers.

3. Dolphins are well known for their agility and playful behavior, making them a favorite of wildlife watchers. Many species will leap out of the water, spy-hop (rise vertically out of the water to view their surrounding) and follow ships, often synchronizing their movements with one another. Scientists believe that dolphins conserve energy by swimming alongside ships, a practice is known as bow-riding.

4. Dolphins live in social groups of five to several hundred. They use echolocation to find prey and often hunt together by surrounding a school of fish, trapping them and taking turns swimming through the school and catching fish. Dolphins will also follow seabirds, other whales and fishing boats to feed opportunistically on the fish they scare up or discard. To prevent drowning while sleeping only half of the dolphin’s brain goes to sleep while the other half remains awake so they can continue to breathe.

5. Dolphins are sometimes hunted in places like Japan, in an activity known as dolphin drive hunting. Besides drive hunting, they face threats from bycatch, habitat loss, and marine pollution. Dolphins have been depicted in various cultures worldwide. Dolphins occasionally feature in literature and film, as in the film series Free Willy. Dolphins are sometimes kept in ’ captivity and trained to perform tricks, but breeding success has been poor and the animals often die within a few months of capture. The most common dolphins kept are killer whales and bottlenose dolphins.

1.1. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any eight of the following questions in brief: (1 x 8 = 8)
(a) What do you mean by echolocation?
(b) Where are dolphins found?
(c) Why are dolphins favorite?
(d) Name two animals that use echolocation?
(e) How do dolphins hunt?
(f) What is drive hunting? What other threats do dolphins face?
(g) Name two types of dolphins given in the passage.
(h) How do dolphins conserve energy?
(i) Find the word in paragraph 5 which means the same as ‘represented’.

Question 2.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (12)
1. Breathing is important for two reasons. It is the only means to supply our bodies and its various organs with oxygen which is vital for our survival. The second function of breathing is that it is one means it get rid of waste products and toxins from the body.

2. Oxygen is the most vital nutrient for our bodies. It is essential for the integrity of the brain, nerves, glands and internal organs. We can do without food for weeks and without water for days, but without oxygen, we will die within a few minutes. If the brain does not get proper supply of this essential nutrient, it will result in the degradation of all vital organs in the body.

3. The brain requires more oxygen than any other organ. If it does not get enough, the result is mental sluggishness, negative thoughts, and depression and, eventually, vision and hearing decline. Old people and those whose arteries are clogged often become senile and vague because oxygen to the brain is reduced. They get irritated very quickly.

4. Poor oxygen supply affects all parts of the body. The oxygen supply is reduced to all parts of the body as we get older due to poor lifestyle. Many people need reading glasses and suffer the hearing decline in old age.

5. When an acute circulation blockage deprives the heart of oxygen, a heart attack is a result. If this occurs to the brain, the result is a stroke.

6. For a long time, the lack of oxygen has been considered a major cause of cancer. Even as far back as 1947, work done in Germany showed that when oxygen was withdrawn, normal body cells could turn into cancer cells.

7. Similar research has been done with the disease. It showed that lack of oxygen is a major cause of heart disease, stroke, and cancer. The work done at Baylor University in the USA has shown that you can reverse arterial disease in monkeys by infusing oxygen into the diseased arteries.

8. Thus, oxygen is very critical to our well-being, and any effort to increase the supply of oxygen to our body and especially the brain will pay rich dividends. Yogis realized the vital importance of an adequate oxygen supply thousands of year ago. They developed and perfected various breathing techniques. These breathing exercises are particularly important for people who have sedentary jobs and spend most of the day in offices. Their brains are oxygen starved and their bodies are just ‘getting by’. They feel tired, nervous and irritable and are not very productive. On top of that, they sleep badly at night, so they get a bad start to the next day continuing the cycle. This situation also lowers their immune system, making them susceptible to catching colds, flu and other ‘bugs’.

2.1. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the following questions in brief: (2 x 4 = 8)
(a) What is the significance of breathing?
(b) Why is oxygen important?
(c) What is the harmful effect of lack of oxygen?
(d) What yogis did, when they realized the importance of oxygen? For whom it is beneficial?
(e) What has been discovered at Baylor University in the USA?

2.2. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the following: (1 x 4 = 4)
(a) In paragraph 3, the word which means ‘lethargic’ is ………
(i) sluggish
(ii) boring
(iii) couch potato
(iv) grotesque

(b) ……….. is very important for our well-being.
(i) Air
(ii) Oxygen
(iii) Carbon
(iv) Iron

(c) We get oxygen through …………
(i) walking
(ii) cooking
(iii) breathing
(iv) reading

(d) In paragraph 7, ………. means inculcate.
(i) indulge
(ii) initiate
(in) execute
(iv) infuse

(e) Yogesh has developed the various breathing ……..
(i) Pipes
(ii) legs
(iii) techniques
(iv) power

(Writing & Grammar – 30 Marks)

Question 3.
Western Culture has completely mesmerized the younger generation. They do not respect their elders. Write an article on “Loss of Moral Values over Material Gains” in about 100-120 words. (8)
You are Naveen/Meena, a resident of 34, Krishna Nagar, New Delhi. Last week, you came across an advertisement pertaining to Best Out of Waste Course and wish to join the same. Write a letter of inquiry to the Director, Pooja Hobby Classes, 412, Azad Nagar, Delhi enquiring about the details of the course.

Question 4.
Write a story in about 150-200 words with the clues given below. (10)
Hints: Pooja alone at home/grandfather ill/scaring night/different thought came in her mind/ heard a no i sc/surprised to see her pet dog.
Develop a story with the help of the following opening line.
Once there lived a potter named Kabira in a village ……….

Question 5.
Fill in any four gaps by choosing the most appropriate words from the options given below. (1 x 4 = 4)
Dhyan Chand, the hockey wizard, was a soldier hailing (a) ………… a humble background. He said about (b) ………. moment when he learned of (c) ……….. selection for the New Zealand tour in 1926, ‘I ran like a hard to reach (d) ……… barracks and communicated the good news to my fellow soldiers. He was the elder brother (e) ………. another hockey player Roop Singh.
(a) (i) of (ii) from (iii) to (iv) at
(b) (i) their (ii) a (iii) the (iv) an
(c) (i) his (ii) him (iii) my (iv) it
(d) (i) him (ii) our (iii) I (iv) my
(e) (i) with (ii) of (iii) to (iv) between

Question 6.
The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction against any four lines of the passage. (1 x 4 = 4)
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Language and Literature Paper 6 1

Question 7.
Rearrange any four of the following groups of words and phrases to form meaningful sentences: (1 x 4 = 4)
(a) drugs / invented / one / man / of/useful / is / penicillin / most / the
(b) by / its / heal / we / help / bacteria / can / with / wounds / caused
(c) few / in / use / this / discovery / beginning / the wonder / and / very / people / of knew / its
(d) lives / soldiers / it / of / of / thousands / hundreds / saved / the / of
(e) body / the / Penicillins against / in / many / are / parts / useful / infections / of

(Literature : Textbook & Long Reading Text – 30 Marks)

Question 8.
Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow: (1 x 4 = 4)

“Peg!” she said, “Let me see your picture.”
“What’s is the matter?” asked Peggy, as they clattered up to her room where Wanda’s drawing was lying face down on the bed. Maddie carefully raised it.
“Look! she drew you. That’s you!” she exclaimed. And the head and face of this picture did look like Peggy.
“What did I say!” said Peggy, “She must have really liked us, anyway”.

(a) Who does ‘she’ refer to?
(b) Why did Maddie rush to Peggy’s house?
(c) Do you think Wanda hated Peggy and Maddie?
(d) How did the girls feel after they closely watched the painting?


But he’s locked in a concrete cell
His strength behind bars,
Stalking the length of his cage
Ignoring visitors.

(a) What is the fate of the tiger?
(b) What is he doing inside the cage?
(c) What is the attitude of the tiger towards the visitors?
(d) What is the mood of the tiger?

Question 9.
Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each: (2 x 4 = 8)
(a) Why did the pilot decide to fly through the clouds?
(b) What was Lencho expecting from God? What did he receive? Why?
(c) Why did the landlord want to eject Griffin? Why did Griffin set the house on fire?
(d) What did Hari Singh say about the different reactions of people when they are robbed?
(e) What is the point of controversy between Natalya and Lomov? What argument does Lomov put to prove his point?

Question 10.
Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-120 words: (8)

Parents of the young seagull supported him to fly and search for his food by himself. Write a paragraph on ‘Parenting’ on the basis of reading the story.
There can be no trust among thieves. The story ‘A question of trust’ is ironical, sarcastic on the lives of thieves. On the basis of a reading of the story write a paragraph on “Trustworthiness”.

Question 11.
Answer any one of the following questions in about 200-250 words: (10)

What according to Anne was the remedy for fear, loneliness, and unhappiness?
Give a brief character sketch of Otto Frank.
Why did Helen dislike the concept of examinations?
Give a brief character sketch of Helen Keller.


Answer 1.
(a) Echolocation is bouncing high pitched sounds of objects and listening to the echoes.
(b) Dolphins are found worldwide, mostly in shallow seas of the continental shelves.
(c) Dolphins are favorite because of their agility and playful behavior.
(d) Bats and Dolphins.
(e) Dolphins use echolocation to find prey and often hunt together by surrounding a school of fish, trapping them and taking turns swimming through. The school and catching fish.
(f) Dolphins are hunted in places like Japan, in an activity known as dolphin drive hunting. Besides drive hunting, they also face threats from bycatch, habitat loss, and marine pollution.
(g) Killer whales and bottlenose.
(h) Dolphins conserve energy by swimming alongside ships—a practice known as bow-riding.
(i) ‘Depicted’

Answer 2.
2.1. (a) Breathing is important as it is the only means to supply our bodies and its various organs with oxygen which is important for our survival and also it is the means to get rid of waste products and toxins from the body.
(b) Oxygen is important because it is essential for the integrity of the brain, nerves, glands and other internal organs.
(c) Poor oxygen supply affects all parts of our body. When an acute circulation blockage deprives the heart of oxygen, a heart attack is a result. If this occurs to the brain, the result is a stroke.
(d) Yogis developed and perfected various breathing techniques. These techniques are important for the people who have sedentary jobs and who spend most of the time in offices.
(e) The work done at Baylor University in the USA has shown that we can reverse arterial disease in monkeys by infusing oxygen into the diseased arteries.

2.2. (a) (i) sluggish
(b) (ii) Oxygen
(c) (iii) breathing
(d) (iv) infuse
(e) (iii) techniques

Answer 3.

Loss of Moral Values over Material Gains

Man’s incessant greed and lust for money have been the prime cause for the loss of moral values. Never content with what he has, he forever strives to amass money and material goods by any means. Nowadays people are primarily interested in the acquisition of money and status. The present-day world is highly materialistic and the ever increasing greed for money and matter at the cost of material has engulfed the society as a whole. There are very few who can claim that materialism has not affected him in any way. We are not complacent with the fulfillment of our basic needs but we want to acquire more and more by hook or by crook even if we have to jeopardize moral and ethical values. The mania of this excess money has squeezed humanistic approaches and has made us misanthropes, stoic, and egoistic in our efforts to fulfill this mania.


34, Krishna Nagar
New Delhi
10th July, 20xx
The Director
Pooja Hobby Classes
412, Azad Nagar

Sub: Inquiry about Best Out of Waste Course

Dear Sir,
In response to your advertisement published in the Hindustan Times dated 7th May, 20xx, I wish to state that I am a student of class X and have appeared for the Secondary School Examination. I want to pursue a short-term Best Out of Waste Course during the summer break as I have two month’s time at my disposal.
Kindly provide me with the following details:

  • Duration of the course
  • Faculty
  • Transportation facility, if available
  • Discount for school students, if any
  • Fee structure and mode of payment
  • Class duration
  • Material provided
  • Certificate or Diploma course
  • Timings.

It shall be highly appreciated if the details are provided to me at the earliest.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully

Answer 4.
It was the first time that Pooja was alone at home. Her parents would never leave her alone ever for a few hours. But one day there had been an emergency. Her grandfather had suddenly fallen ill and because of her school, Pooja’s mother had been very worried about Pooja as she had never left her alone. But Pooja assured her that she would be fine. Anyway, it was just for a day and night, as in the morning her aunt would reach home from Pune. Pooja spent the afternoon and evening playing on the computer and then finishing her homework. But with nightfall, all her coinage seemed to be disappearing. She first thought she would sleep with the light on but when she could not, she switched off. Pooja started getting frightened while tossing and turning on the bed. When she looked towards the window, her mind started conjuring up all sorts of shapes in the darkness. She told herself it was just a tree outside and nothing else but yet she was scared. Suddenly she heard a noise in the hall. Pooja was alarmed and thought of going and seeing from where the noise had come, but she could not get up from the bed. Finally, she got up and quickly switched on the light. She went into the hall and to her amusement and dismay, it was only her pet dog Jackie playing in the hall.


Once there lived a potter named Kabira in a village. He was planning and making arrangements for his son’s wedding, for which he planned to have a grand procession on the night of the wedding.
He wished to take his son and the bride on an elephant’s back around the village in a procession. Only one man named Sohanlal in the village had an elephant. Kabira asked him for borrowing his elephant. Sohanlal agreed. On the day of the wedding, the bride and the bridegroom went riding on the elephant. After the procession, when Kabira was taking the elephant back to Sohanlal’s house, the elephant suddenly fell down and died. Kabira was shocked and very sad. He rushed to Sohanlal and reported about the same. Kabira said that he would give the price of the elephant or another elephant. Mohanlal said that he only wanted his own elephant. The case was taken to a court where the judge also ordered Sohanlal to either accept the money or another elephant but he didn’t agree. The judge asked them to come the next morning. Then he called Kabira and said, “Don’t come to the court in the morning and stay in your house, keep your pots near the door and close it. I will ask Sohanlal to come to your house to call you. He will open the door in a hurry and all the pots will be broken.” The same thing happened. Now, Sohanlal said, “I will give you money or I will buy you new pots. At this Kabira disagreed. Sohanlal realized his mistake and went away without getting anything.

Answer 5.
(a) (ii) from
(b) (iii) the
(c) (i) his
(d) (iv) my
(e) (ii) of

Answer 6.
Incorrect       Correction
(a) her               his
(b) at                in
(c) and             but
(d) on               in
(e) at                in

Answer 7.
(a) Penicillin is one of the most useful drugs man invented.
(b) We can heal wounds caused by bacteria with its help.
(c) In the beginning, very few people know of this wonderful discovery and its use.
(d) It saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers.
(e) Penicillins are useful against infections in many parts of the body.

Answer 8.
(a) ‘She’ refers to Maddie who came running to Peggy’s house.
(b) Maddie came rushing to Peggy’s house to tell her that Wanda had drawn them in the picture.
(c) No, Wanda did not hate Peggy and Maddie. She had drawn them in the sketches of the dress.
(d) They felt very excited and happy. They were very pleased with the fact that Wanda did not have anything against them.
(a) The fate of the tiger is that he is locked inside the concrete cell.
(b) He is pacing up and down inside the cage.
(c) The tiger ignores the visitors.
(d) The tiger is very sad.

Answer 9.
(a) The pilot decided to fly through the clouds because he wanted to reach England desperately and also he could not fly up and over the huge clouds in his old Dakota.
(b) Lencho expected God to send him the hundred pesos he asked for. However, he received only seventy pesos which had been collected by the Postmaster through a contribution made by the post office employees.
(c) Though Griffin was a brilliant scientist, the landlord wanted to eject him from his house because of his whimsical activities. Griffin set the house on fire to take his revenge on the landlord.
(d) Hari Singh said that when robbed, the greedy man showed fear; the rich showed anger; the poor showed acceptance while a careless man would not even notice. But a man like Anil would be sad when discovered that he was stolen; not because of his loss of money but because of loss of trust.
(e) The point of controversy between Natalya and Lomov is about the ownership of the Oxen Meadows. Lomov argues that his aunt’s grandmother had given the free use of the Meadows to the peasants of Natalya’s father’s grandfather for forty years. In return, the peasants were to make bricks for her. But the peasants thought that they were owners of the land.

Answer 10.


Parents should love their children unconditionally. A parent is someone who cuddles their children when they are going right in their lives because parents everywhere can say that if we as parents trust ourselves enough to trust our children, it will make parenthood easier. Parents know what their child’s requirements are and they train them to become independent in life. There is no need to teach anyone how to be a good parent. Even an illiterate mother knows how to take care of her children. But in today’s competitive world, raising a child is a very important task because it’s not always easy, it’s even harder if we do not have the consistent help if we are a single parent. Every good parent does not read parenting books, goes to parenting classes or had examples to learn more. In today’s world, it is better if the young adults are trained how to become better parents. This can help them to bring up their children by providing them with better nutrient food and care.



Trust is one of the most important aspects of the relationship. Medicine cures the physical ailment of a person but trust and care help a person recover mentally. A trustworthy person will be dependable and honest with you. They will not lie, steal, cheat, lose devotion in something or turn their back on you over trivial matters. Integrity, honesty, reliability, and loyalty are easy ways to describe trustworthiness. Integrity is believing in yourself and standing up for what you believe in. Life will be difficult if there is no trust between husband and wife, parents and children, friends and neighbors, etc. When trust is lost it is irreparable. If trust is lost life may go on but the broken edge will always be visible. A trustworthy person is a valuable and reliable person.

Answer 11.
According to Anne the best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with nature heavens and God. It is all this time only that one feels that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amides nature’s simple beauty. As long as the sun shines, the cloudless skies exist, one cannot be unhappy. There will always be comfort and solace for every sorrow, whatever circumstances may be as one looks out of an open window, overall the roofs and on to the horizon. Anne firmly believes that nature brings solace in all troubles. She also feels that it would be long before she will be able to share this overwhelming feeling of blessing with someone who feels the way she does about it. Anne prefers to think about the beauty that exists in the world. Anne’s advice is to go outside, to the fields, enjoy nature and the sunshine, go out and try to recapture happiness in one’s self and in God. And to think of all the beauty that is still left in and around yourself and be happy. Anne’s diary is an amazing proof of a sensitive courageous girl. Her true spirit always appeared in every crisis. At every step, she pulled herself up and never gave up her goals, her ambition to live and be known as water.
Otto Frank, Anne’s father, is the manager of a food company. He shares a close bond with Anne. His birthday present to Anne, the diary, is her favorite. Otto Frank is a caring, resourceful and wise man. When the Van Daan family arrives to stay in the Secret Annexe with them, Otto Frank serves as the peacemaker of the group. “Pouring oil on troubled water.” He keeps Anne, Margot and Peter engaged in studying, reading and making family trees. He is generous kind and level-headed unlike the other adults in the Secret Annexe who are harsh and stingy. Anne continually tries to impress her father, live up to his expectations and obey his wishes. Otto Frank has a strong character and is clearly the head of the Frank household. When Amsterdam began to be bombed, Anne always rushed to her father for comfort. He wrote a beautiful poem for her on her 14th birthday. Anne adored her father. In all, Anne’s father was perfect in her eyes, modest, loving, a peacemaker who wanted the best for his daughters. He also brought books on Greek and French for her and gave her lessons.
Helen refers to examinations as the most annoying of her college life. Although she faced them many times and even cast them down yet they surfaced time and again. Helen feels that the days before these ordeals take place are spent in cramming one’s mind with mystic formulae and indigestible dates until one wishes that books and science were buried in the depths of the sea. And finally when the dreaded hour arrives the facts that one has garnered with so much of infinite trouble invariably fail one at the things one knows which are not there in an examination paper. When the proctor informs one that the time is up, it is with a feeling of intense disgust the one scribbles some rubbish in the paper and finally goes home. Helen had a tough time in overcoming these problems. Mr. Keeth had worked very hard and trained Helen to solve most of the problems mentally but the mode of examination upset all that. Nevertheless, Helen’s positive and die-hard approach made her win all the situations and rise above all the obstacles. Examinations killed the creativity and beauty of great books and one only tried to remember basic facts for exams so the appreciation of great work literature is lost.
Helen Keller is the main character of the novel ‘The Story of My Life’. Despite being blind and deaf she shows hardly any dislike for her state. She is a sensitive girl who is extremely close to her family, especially her mother. She is always relating what she does with them all the things that they do for her. Helen Keller’s remarkable trait is that she is always trying to improve herself and likes to find new ways to express herself and communicate with others. Helen is a determined and strong girl who through her life demonstrates that obstacles, whether they are physical or social can be overcome. She is a heroic figure who overcomes extreme hardships to accomplish the most impressive goals. Helen has become a role model for many generations to come. She has become an icon of perseverance respected alike by readers, historians, and activists. Helen is regarded as a heroic figure who underwent extreme hardship to accomplish goals, both personal and public. Her book “The Story of My Life” became a symbol of hope and positively for generations.

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