CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Language and Literature Paper 5

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Language and Literature Paper 5 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Language and Literature Paper 5.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Language and Literature Paper 5

SubjectEnglish Language and Literature
Sample Paper SetPaper 5
CategoryCBSE Sample Papers

Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 10 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme, as prescribed by the CBSE, is given here. Paper 5 of Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Language and Literature is given below with free PDF download Answers.

Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions

  • The paper consists of 3 sections: A, B, C.
  • Attempt all the questions.
  • Don’t write anything on the question paper.
  • Read each question carefully andfollow the given instructions.
  • All the answers must be correctly numbered and written in the answer sheet provided to you.
  • Strictly adhere to the word limit given in the question paper. Marks will be deducted for exceeding the word limit.
  • Ensurethat questions of each section are answered together.

(Reading – 20 Marks)

Question 1.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (8)

1. So often these days we hear and speak of the conquest of Nature, ‘the taming of a river,’ ‘the war against insects,’ and so on. These phrases are often used without consciously attaching any value of them, but they have an underlying attitude of hostility towards Nature and Nature’s creatures, a viewpoint which seems to assume Nature as an enemy that needs to be vanquished. Alternatively, Nature is seen merely as a ‘resource’ to be ‘exploited’ – take the maximum out of it, regardless of what this does to the natural processes and to other creatures which depend on these processes. It is this attitude which views fellow human beings as a resource to be exploited, or other human communities as enemies to be conquered.

2. There is a growing lack of sensitivity and respect of our fellow creatures. This attitude is being drilled into a child by social forces, which can only be countered by environmental education. Yet, sadly, in most cases, this is not done. What is done is to talk about the food web and the energy cycles and ecological balance and how the removal of any elements disrupts the whole system, and how this can affect human beings too. What this approach lacks is the essential interaction with Nature and with other human beings. Indeed, in many environmental activities, the opposite takes place. A classic example of this is the making of a herbarium, or even worse, an insect collection, as common in both formal and non-formal education in India. A child is often encouraged to pluck leaves and flowers and run after butterflies with a net and is part of a large group of children similarly marauding a patch of nature. It is even worse when the activity is also competitive, that is, who collects the maximum. A lot of knowledge may be gained, but this knowledge emphasizes exploitation and conquest, not sensitivity and respect. Learning under a tree rather than in a classroom is far more effective and long lasting.

3. The alternative is to take up activities where ecological balance, ecological diversity, animal behavior, human plurality, and other such concepts and systems are introduced with the stress on their intrinsic worth. Materials, processes and living beings do not exist only for human use-they are worthwhile in themselves.

1.1. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any eight of the following questions in brief: (1 x 8 = 8)
(a) What does man’s attitude towards nature show?
(b) What is nature regarded as?
(c) How can environmental education be helpful?
(d) Which of these-leaming under a tree or in a classroom is more effective?
(e) What is man required to realize?
(f) Which type of knowledge emphasizes exploitation and conquest?
(g) What does ecological balance mean?
(h) How does a hostile attitude treat nature?
(i) Find the word in paragraph 2 which means the same as ‘communication’.

Question 2.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (12)

1. Do children really need such long summer breaks, was a question posed by some experts recently? Apparently, such a long break disrupts their development and comes in the way of their learning process. Let’s get the takes back to their books, is perhaps the expert view, if not in so many words. One would have thought the children are doing too much during their vacations and not too little, given the plethora, of course, classes, camps and a workshop involving swimming, art, personality development, music, computers and the like that seem to cram their calendar. Even the trips taken in the name of holidays seem laden with exotic destinations and customized experience packed into a short period of time. We can do Europe in 10 days and Australia in a week and come back armed with digital memories and overflowing suitcase. Holidays are in some ways, no longer a break but an intensified search for experience not normally encountered in everyday life.

2. It is a far cry from summer holidays on experienced growing up. For holidays every year meant one thing and one thing alone- you went back to your native place, logging in with emotional headquarters of your extended family and spent two months with a gaggle of uncles, aunts and first and second cousins. The happiest memories of the childhood of a whole generation seem to be centered around this annual ritual of homecoming and of affirmation. We tendered tacit apologies for the separateness entailed in being individuals even as we scurried back into the cauldron of community and continuity represented by family. Summer vacation was a time sticky with oneness, as who we were and what we owned oozed out from our individual selves into a collective pot.

3. Summer was not really a break, but a joint. It was the bridge used to re-affirm one’s connectedness with one’s larger community. One did not travel, one returned. It was not an attempt to experience the new and the extraordinary but one that emphatically underlined the power of the old and the ordinary. As times change, what we seek from our summer breaks too has changed in fundamental ways. Today we are attached much more to the work and summer helps us temporarily detach from this new source of identity. We refuel our individual selves now, and do so with much more material than we did in the past. But for those who grew up in different times, summer was the best time for their lives. (Source: The Times of India)

2.1. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the following questions in brief: (2 x 4 = 8)
(a) Why do experts question about the summer breaks given to children?
(b) How are students kept busy during summer breaks?
(c) What is the central point of the writers happiest memories of childhood?
(d) What goal do the present summer breaks want to achieve?
(e) How was summer a joint?

2.2. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the following: (1 x 4 = 4)
(a) In paragraph 1, …………. means ‘excessive’.
(i) plethora
(ii) plenty
(iii) varied
(iv) bizarre

(b) Holidays are actually ………… search for experience.
(i) expended
(ii) long
(iii) short
(iv) intensified

(c) ………… was sticky with oneness.
(i) Winter
(ii) Summer
(iii) Rainy
(iv) Spring

(d) These days evervbody is attached to ………..
(i) work
(ii) name
(iii) fame
(iv) songs

(e) In paragraph 3, the antonym of permanently is …………
(i) good
(ii) excellent
(iii) temporarily
(iv) identify

(Writing & Grammar – 30 Marks)

Question 3.
Language is an important aspect of life. To express or communicate with each other we must know the language. Nowadays, English has become a global language. Write an article on the “Importance of English Language” in about 100-120 words.
Your music academy is planning to organise musical shows next month on the occasion of Janmashtmi. You are Mitanshi/Pranay, the band leader of Sargam Music Academy, 55, Dwarka, Ahmedabad. You require some musical instruments for the smooth running of the events. Write a letter to the Store Manager, M/s. Sangeet Instruments, Daya Nagar, Ahmedabad placing an order for the specific instruments required by you.

Question 4.
Write a story in about 150-200 words on the basis of the startup lines given below. (10)
Once upon a time, there was a crocodile and he was a friend of the monkey who lived on the tree ……
Develop a story with the help of opening line.
Once upon a time, there lived a king. Jai Singh …….

Question 5.
Fill in any four gaps by choosing the most appropriate words from the options given below. (1 x 4 = 4)
The king of Benares was anxious to marry. Many kings came (a) ………… different comers of the country (b) ……….. offer him their daughters. But he did not choose any of them. He sat (c) …………. the window and looked out (d) ………… the marketplaces. The bazaar (e) ………… busy and colourful.
(a) (i) to (ii) from (iii) where (iv) of
(b) (i) from (ii) to (iii) one (iv) by
(c) (i) by (ii) of (iii) to (iv) on
(d) (i) on (ii) of (iii) for (iv) to
(e) (i) was (ii) were (iii) is (iv) has

Question 6.
The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction against any four lines of the passage.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Language and Literature Paper 5 1

Question 7.
Rearrange any four of the following groups of words and phrases to form meaningful sentences: (1 x 4 = 4)
(a) the temple / architecture / form an / sculpture and painting / of / essential part
(b) is / situated in / Konark Temple / north-eastem part of Puri / the
(c) of a chariot / the temple / in the form / is
(d) Narasimhadeva / the / king / by / is / that / it / was / believed / temple / built
(e) Konark / Arka / is / also / Khetra / known / as

(Literature : Textbook & Long Reading Text – 30 Marks)

Question 8.
Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow: (1 x 4 = 4)

Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire

(a) Name the poem and the poet.
(b) Which are the two different views about the inevitable ‘end’ of the world?
(c) What does ‘Fire’ stand for?
(d) What according to the poet will end the world?
How much hay have you stacked? Just think, I felt greedy and had a whole field cut and now I’m not at all pleased about it because I’m afraid my hay may rot. I ought to have waited a bit.
But what’s this? Why, you’re in evening dress! well, I never! Are you going to a ball or what?
Though I must say you look better….. tell me why you are got up like that.
(a) Who is the speaker?
(b) For whom are these words spoken?
(c) What did the speaker do?
(d) Why was the speaker afraid?

Question 9.
Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each: (2 x 4 = 8)
(a) What did Lencho compare the raindrops to? Why?
(b) The pilot was lost in the storm. Who rescued him and how?
(c) Why did Anil not hand over the thief to the police?
(d) Why did Max Jump out of the window of Ausable’s room? Why did he scream loudly?
(e) What is the next thought of the poet about the tiger?

Question 10.
Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-120 words: (8)

In ‘The Ball Poem’, the boy loses his ball, however, one can get new but you can’t bring back the emotions attached to it. Explain.
Tricki became the very active and hard muscled animal. This was because of the regular exercise he got. Write a paragraph on physical exercise and its advantages.

Question 11.
Answer any one of the following questions in about 200-250 words: (10)

Write a character sketch of Peter.
How does the diary depict the feelings of an adolescent and mirror the thoughts of today’s youth?
How did Mr. and Mrs. Hutton prove to be Helen Keller’s tmsted friends?
What was Dr. Graham Bell’s contribution in Helen Keller’s life? How did he prove to be a lifelong friend to Helen?


Answer 1.
(a) Man’s attitude towards nature shows his concern.
(b) Nature is regarded as a resource to be exploited by man.
(c) Environmental education can change the attitude of our children towards nature.
(d) Learning under a tree is more effective.
(e) Man is required to realise that he has not been sent into the ward to tame nature.
(f) Competitive attitude while learning emphasises exploitation and conquest.
(g) Ecological balance means maintaining an equilibrium in nature.
(h) Hostile attitude treats nature as an enemy which needs to be vanquished.
(i) Interaction.

Answer 2.
2.1. (a) Because they disrupt their development and come in the way of their learning process.
(b) They are given the plethora of courses, classes or camps and workshops. These works involve swimming, art, personality development, music and computers.
(c) The writers happiest memories mainly hings on annual ritual of homecoming and of affirmation.
(d) The present summer breaks want to detach students from a new source of identity
(e) It was an attempt to underline the power of the old and ordinary.

2.2. (a) (i) plethora
(b) (iv) intensified
(c) (ii) Summer
(d) (i) work
(e) (iii) temporarily.

Answer 3.

Importance of English Language

Today the English language is widely spoken in all parts of the world. English has actually become a global language. In India, English is serving as a bridge language and bringing people closer. Everywhere the institutes or schools, that are teaching the English language, are attracting a big crowd. There are courses for various age groups and with different suitable time slots.
People of all age groups are busy in learning English for their placement in business and other kinds of work in life. Actually, there is a kind of rat race. People are spending a lot of money to acquire proficiency in spoken English. People rate English speaking people as comparatively more educated and civilised. Actually, language is our primary source of communication. It is the method through which we share our ideas and thoughts with others.

Sargam Music Academy
55, Dwarka
12th August, 20xx
The Store Manager
M/s. Sangeet Instruments
Daya Nagar

Sub: Order for musical instruments

Our music academy is going to organise musical shows on the occasion of Janmashtami next month. You are one of the biggest wholesale suppliers of handmade musical instruments in Ahmedabad and offer the most competitive prices and prompt services. I wish to place an order for some musical instruments for the smooth running of the events. The order is as follows-

Sl. No.InstrumentsBrandQuantity

All the instruments should be bubble-wrapped properly. We expect 15% discount as admissible to all music academics. In case of any damage in transit, it would be at your cost. Payment would be made by cheque once the order is received. It will be highly appreciated if you deliver the items within a week or two.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully

Answer 4.
Once upon a time, there was a crocodile and he was a friend of a monkey who lived on the tree near the river. They used to spend their free time in gossips. The crocodile used to tell him about the water animals. Most of the time he talked about his family. The monkey was also very talkative. Whenever crocodile visited the monkey he used to bring some gifts for him and the monkey also used to give him sweet fresh fruits from the tree on which he lived. They were very happy. One day it was stormy weather. Both of them were busy in their gossips. They did not know that such weather can be dangerous. The branch on which the monkey was sitting was very weak. He did not realise the danger. All of a sudden the branch broke down and the monkey fell into the river. He did not know how to swim. He was about to drown when the crocodile noticed the danger. The crocodile at once ran towards him and took him on his back to the shore and monkey returned home to his tree safely.
Once upon a time, there lived a king called Jai Singh who was famous for his wisdom and generosity. He was also known for justice. One day two women, Janki and Seema, came to the palace as they had heard about Jai Singh’s wisdom. Both were arguing about a child that Seema was carrying. Janki claimed that it was her child whereas Seema claimed that it was hers. King Jai Singh kept on watching for a while. Jai Singh ordered them to stop arguing and keep quiet. Jai Singh thought for a few minutes and observed both the women. After some time the king ordered the minister to get that child cut into two pieces and then each woman will have one piece. On listening to this, Janki started crying. Tearful Janki refused for such decision, instead, she requested the king to hand over the child to Seema. Jai Singh ordered that the child should be given to Janki as a true mother would never let her child be killed.

Answer 5.
(a) (ii) from
(b) (ii) to
(c) (i) by
(d) (i) on
(e) (i) was

Answer 6.
Incorrect       Correct
(a) a                 the
(b) his              its
(c) is                are
(d) in                of
(e) in                of

Answer 7.
(a) Sculpture and painting form an integral part of the temple architecture.
(b) Konark Temple is situated in the northeastern part of Puri.
(c) The temple is in the form of a chariot.
(d) It is believed that the temple was built by king Narasimhadeva.
(e) Konark is also known as Arka Khetra.

Answer 8.
(a) The above extract is the part of the poem ‘Fire and Ice’ written by Robert Frost.
(b) Fire and ice are two different views.
(c) ‘Fire’ stands for ‘desire’.
(d) According to the poet, the man’s greed or lust for possession will end the world.
(a) The speaker is Natalya Stepanovna.
(b) These words are spoken for Ivan Lomov.
(c) The speaker had a whole field of meadows cut.
(d) The speaker was afraid lest her hay should rot.

Answer 9.
(a) Lencho compared the raindrops to new coins. He called the big drops ‘ten cent pieces’ and the smaller ones as ‘five cent pieces’. His field needed rain badly. The raindrops increased his hopes of a good harvest. That is why, he called them so.
(b) The pilot of the black aeroplane, asked the lost pilot to follow him. The black aeroplane was flying in front of him, cutting the clouds and showing him the way. Then he flew down and disappeared. Following him, the pilot came out of the clouds.
(c) Anil knew everything but he did not hand over the thief to the police because he knew that Hari Singh had returned to him to become a better human being. He wanted to give him another chance to improve. Moreover, he thought Hari’s return was the proof of his improvement.
(d) Max was frightened of police. Besides he was convinced about the balcony outside the window. So to escape from the person, he jumped out of the window as there was no balcony there, he fell down suddenly to the ground. That’s why he screamed loudly.
(e) The next thought of the poet is that the tiger should be in the open forest because the forest is his natural habitat. There he would lurk in the shadow to hunt a deer.

Answer 10.
Loss is an essential part of our life. We lose our very precious possessions – especially those precious gifts we received from our old friends or some of the valuable birthday gifts given by our parents. Some of these possessions may not be very expensive but a lot of memories are attached to them. A loss of a single paisa pierces us very much. Money is earned only after hard labour. We must understand its worth. It is no use to waste money over nothing. The poet desires that the boy should understand the nature of the loss. Hence when we lose any of those possessions we become very sad. One important lession we all need to learn is the fact that nothing is permanent in life. All things are subjected to loss, damage and decay. Hence we need to know how to cope with our losses. What is more important than all possessions is the fact that our life has to go on. This understanding will help us to cope with our loss in a better way.
Physical exercise has become important these days. It has a great medicinal value in our life. It keeps our body fit and free from various ailments. Exercise can help prevent excess weight. It also helps in losing weight. When we go for physical exercise we bum calories. We can go for a regular walk that would bum the calories to a great extent. We can do exercise in the form of doing all our household chores, by using the stairs instead of the elevator and walking short distances. Regular physical activity can help us prevent or manage a wide range of health problem. Physical exercise has a lot of advantages. It also builds our stamina and our muscles become strong. We do not need to set aside large chunks of time for exercise.

Answer 11.
Peter Van Daan was almost sixteen when he arrived in the Annexe. He is shy and awkward and unable to express himself. He cannot assert himself. Whenever he is snubbed, he hides himself in his room. He does nothing to improve his nature because he finds it easier not to make any effort. He gets easily influenced by others. Peter is lazy and has a weak character. He is hardly a person worth Anne’s notice. Anne needs a friend and when she finds him looking at her with longing, she starts having a soft comer for him. She finds him desperately in need of affection. Peter is simple minded. He talks about sexuality so nonchalantly that she quickly gets over her embarrassment. He thinks that he is stupid and all others very smart. Peter is a weak character and does not develop much in the two years he spent in the Annexe.
The diary shows the gradual growth of Anne during her two years spent in the Annexe. From a teenaged girl who is curious about the changes taking place in her anatomy to an accepting young woman who is well aware of her duties and responsibility, the diary shows it all. Anne uses her diary to pour out her thoughts and feelings, her teenage physical longings for a companion and her ambitions in life. She justified her relationship with Peter and stands up to her father but in a matured manner by writing her feelings in a letter. She is dismayed over her father’s remark “Every child has to raise itself’. She feels that parents should only advise their children or point them in the right direction as ultimately children have to shape their own character. She says it was twice as hard for the young to hold on their opinions because ideas and virtues are being shattered everywhere.
Anne feels very strongly about the freedom of women and that women should get their due respect. When she looks at the sky, she is filled with hope.
Helen describes the significance of the Hutton couple in her autobiography in glowing terms. The two years that Helen spent in New York were very important because she got the chance of meeting many famous people whose names she had often heard but never met. Helen was delighted to visit the lovely residence of Mr. and Mrs. Hutton, see their library, and read the beautiful sentiments, their gifted friends had written for them. Mr. Hutton was the kindest man and the most generous person, a good friend in all weathers.
Mrs. Hutton has often advised and helped Helen in her progress through college. When Helen felt discouraged, Mrs. Hutton wrote letters to her to inspire and encourage Helen. Helen always remembered her words “One painful duty fulfilled makes the next plainer and easier”. Mr. Hutton also introduced Helen to the famous writers like Mark Twain, Mr. William Dean Howells and Mr. Charles Dudley. Helen was greatly impressed by meeting such celebrities though she could not keep pace with their literary brilliance and style.
When Helen was young, it had been Dr. Graham Bell’s recommendation to Helen’s parents to meet Mr. Anagnos which finally resulted in the arrival of Anne Sullivan in Helen’s life. Dr. Bell had been most sympathetic right from the beginning. Helen also visited the world fair with him and he introduced her to autophones and other inventions that made communications in the world easier. He went everywhere with Helen and described each object in the electrical world with great interest. These experiences matured Helen and she felt that she had taken a great leap from the world of the fairy tales to the real practical world. Dr. Bell had remained a sustaining influence in her life. Helen had spent many beautiful days at his home in Cape of Breton Island. Helen spent many delightful hours in his laboratory, listening to his experiments. She also helped him in flying kites to discover the laws that will govern future air-ships. Dr. Bell was the most proficient and he had a special manner of making everything look interesting. He was also poetic and humorous. He was most happy with the deaf children and his contribution in making life easy for the deprived peoples will be remembered for a long time by the world.

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