Alphabet Worksheet Exercises for Class 2 Examples with Answers CBSE

Alphabet Worksheet Exercises for Class 2 Examples with Answers CBSE
This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used.

Alphabet Worksheet Exercises for Class 2 Examples with Answers CBSE

  • The set of letters from Aa to Zz is called alphabet.
  • Large letters are called capital letters.
  • There are 26 letters in English.
  • Names of people, places and days of the week start with capital letters.
  • The first letter of every sentence is always a capital letter.
    Capital Letters
    A B C D E F G H I
    J K L M N O P Q R
    S T U V W X Y Z
    Small Letters
    a b c d e f g h i
    j k l m n o p q r
    s t u v w x y z

Letters Alphabet Worksheet Exercises for Class 2

A. Capitalize the first letter of each sentence and rewrite them.

1. we saw a blue bird.

2. the kite flew in the sky.

3. his name is Harish.

4. she likes apples.

5. my mother is pretty.

B. Rewrite each sentence by capitalising the required letter.

1. her aunt is coming for christmas.

2. these cherries are from himachal pradesh.

3. rohit has a new pencil-box.

4. I will be a cowboy for halloween.

5. his sister is going to europe.