MCQ Questions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 7 Triangles with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 7 Triangles with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 9 Maths with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Triangles Class 10 Maths MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

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Triangles Class 9 MCQs Questions with Answers

Triangles Class 9 MCQ Chapter 7 Question 1.
In given figure, the measure of ∠BAC is
Triangles Class 9 MCQ With Answers Chapter 7
(a) 60°
(b) 50°
(c) 70°
(d) 80°


Answer: (b) 50°

Triangles Class 9 MCQ With Answers Chapter 7 Question 2.
In figure if AE || DC and AB = AC, find the value of ∠ABD.
Triangles MCQ Class 9 Chapter 7
(a) 130°
(b) 110°
(c) 120°
(d) 70°


Answer: (a) 130°

Triangles MCQ Class 9 Chapter 7  Question 3.
In figure X is a point in the interior of square ABCD, AXYZ is also a square. If DY = 3 cm and AZ = 2 cm, then find BY.
Triangles MCQ Class 9 Chapter 7
(a) 5 cm
(b) 6 cm
(c) 7 cm
(d) 8 cm


Answer: (c) 7 cm

Class 9 Triangles MCQ Chapter 7 Question 4.
In figure AB ⊥ AE, BC ⊥ AB, CE = DE and ∠AED = 120°, then find ∠ECD.
Class 9 Triangles MCQ Chapter 7
(a) 80°
(b) 70°
(c) 85°
(d) 60°


Answer: (d) 60°

Class 9 Maths Chapter 7 MCQ Question 5.
In ΔABC, ∠C = ∠A and BC = 4 cm and AC = 5 cm, then find length of AB.
(a) 5 cm
(b) 3 cm
(c) 4 cm
(d) 2.5 cm


Answer: (c) 4 cm

Triangle Class 9 MCQ Chapter 7 Question 6.
In ΔABC, AB = AC and ∠B = 50°, then find ∠C.
(a) 50°
(b) 40°
(c) 80°
(d) 120°


Answer: (a) 50°

Triangle MCQ Class 9 Chapter 7 Question 7.
In figure, D is the mid-point of side BC of a ΔABC and ∠ABD = 50°. If AD = BD = CD, then find the measure of ∠ACD.
Triangle MCQ Class 9 Chapter 7
(a) 30°
(b) 70°
(c) 80°
(d) 40°


Answer: (d) 40°

MCQ On Triangles Class 9 Chapter 7 Question 8.
In figure, ABC is an isosceles triangle whose side AC is produce to E and through C, CD is drawn parallel to BA. Find the value of x.
MCQ On Triangles Class 9 Chapter 7
(a) 52°
(b) 156°
(c) 76°
(d) 104°


Answer: (d) 104°

MCQ Of Triangles Class 9 Chapter 7 Question 9.
In figure AB ⊥ BE and EF ⊥ BE. If BC = DE and AB = EF, then ΔABD is congruent to
MCQ Of Triangles Class 9 Chapter 7
(a) ΔEFC
(b) ΔECF
(c) ΔDEF
(d) ΔFEC


Answer: (d) ΔFEC

Ch 7 Maths Class 9 MCQ Chapter 7 Question 10.
D is a point on the side BC of a ΔABC such that AD bisects ∠BAC. Then
(a) BD = CD
(b) BA > BD
(c) BD > BA
(d) CD > CA


Answer: (b) BA > BD

Class 9 Maths Ch 7 MCQ Question 11.
It is given that ΔABC = ΔFDE and AB = 5 cm, ∠B = 40° and ∠A = 80°. Then which of the following is true?
(а) DF = 5 cm, ∠F = 60°
(b) DF = 5 cm, ∠E = 60°
(c) DE = 5 cm, ∠E = 60°
(d) DE = 5 cm, ∠D = 40°
Class 9 Maths Ch 7 MCQ


Answer: (b) DF = 5 cm, ∠E = 60°

Two triangles are congruent if their corresponding sides are equal in length and their corresponding angles are equal in size.
In the first option, DF = 5 cm but ∠F is not equal to 60°.
In the third and the fourth options, the length of DE ≠ 5cm, since it is not defined.
In the second option, DF = 5cm and ∠E = 60° is satisfied.

Class 9 Maths Triangles MCQ Chapter 7 Question 12.
Two sides of a triangle are of lengths 5 cm and 1.5 cm. The length of the third side of the triangle cannot be
(a) 3.6 cm
(b) 4.1 cm
(c) 3.8 cm
(d) 3.4 cm


Answer: (d) 3.4 cm

Chapter 7 Maths Class 9 MCQ Question 13.
In ΔPQR, if ∠R > ∠Q, then
(a) QR > PR
(b) PQ > PR
(c) PQ < PR
(d) QR < PR


Answer: (b) PQ > PR

Triangles Class 9 MCQ With Answers Pdf Question 14.
In triangles ABC and PQR, AB = AC, ∠C = ∠P and ∠B = ∠Q. The two triangles are
(a) isosceles but not congruent
(b) isosceles and congruent
(c) congruent but not isosceles
(d) neither congruent nor isosceles


Answer: (a) isosceles but not congruent

MCQ Triangles Class 9 Chapter 7 Question 15.
In triangles ABC and DEF, AB = FD and ∠A = ∠D. The two triangles will be congruent by SAS axiom if
(a) BC = EF
(b) AC = DE
(c) AC = EF
(d) BC = DE


Answer: (b) AC = DE

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