The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 9

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CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 9 Notes The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings Class 6 Notes Understanding the Lesson

1. Various types of things in the environment can be divided into two parts, e.g, living things and non­living things.

2. Animals, plants and microorganisms together constitute biotic components or living things.

3. Air, water, light, temperature, soil, etc., are abiotic components or non-living things.

4. The living things are called organims

5. Characteristics of living things are given below:

(a) Living things need food, air and water.
(b) Living things can grow.
(c) Living things respire.
(d) Living things excrete.
(e) Living things reproduce their own kind.
(f) Living things move.
(g) Living things respond to stimuli.

6. All the living things grow from a ‘single-cell’.

7. Animals move from one place to another

  • in search of food.
  • to protect themselves from their enemies.
  • to escape from natural calamities or natural hazards.

8. The movement of a part of the plant towards light is called

9. The change in surroundings to which living things respond are called

10. All living things take food. They use this food to obtain energy to grow, move, heal and stay alive.

11. The removal of waste substances from the body of living organism is called

12. The process by which living organisms produce new members of their species is called

13. All the living things start their life when they are born as babies or hatched from eggs.

14. The time period for which a living thing remains alive is called its lifespan.

15. The place or surroundings where a plant or animal lives is called their habitat.

16. There are two types of habitats:

(i) Terrestrial habitat
(ii) Aquatic habitat

17. Deserts, mountain and grassland are some terrestrial habitat.

18. Desert has a harsh environment with high temperature and low rainfall.

19. Desert animals live deep in burrows and come out only during the night to avoid intense heat.

20. Desert plants have deep roots and leaves reduced to spines.

21. Mountain region has very cold and windy climate.

22. Animals living in the mountain region have thick skin, fur, long hair to protect from snow.

23. Trees in mountain region are cone-shaped for easy sliding of snow falling on them.

24. Climate of forest or grassland is favourable for animals and plants living there. So it is densly populated.

25. Animals living in grassland have strong legs, long ears, and colour of their body similar to their surroundings to hide or mix up with them.

26. Aquatic habitat is broadly classified into saline water and freshwater.

27. Aquatic animals have streamlined body, gills or blowholes to survive and move in water.

28. Aquatic plants have reduced root system, hollow stem, floating leaves, etc.

29. There are different kinds of habitats having entirely different environmental conditions, such as temperature and amount of water.

30. The presence of specific body features or certain habits which enable a plant or animal to live in a particular habitat is called adaptation.

Class 6 Science Chapter 9 Notes Important Terms

Adaptation: The presence of specific body features or certain habits which enable a plant or an animals to live in a particular habitat is called adaptation.

Aquatic habitat: When organisms live in water, their place of living is known as aquatic habitat.

Biotic component: Living things of a habitat form its biotic component.

Excretion: The removal of nitrogenous waste substances from the body of a living being is called excretion.

Growth: Increase in size and total weight of the living organism is called growth.

Habitat: The place where an organism survives, flourish and reproduces is called habitat.

Living: These are the things which need water, air and nutrients for their survival.

Reproduction: The process of a living things to produce of its own kind is called reproduction.

Respiration: Respiration is a process in which air taken by an organism combines with the reserve food, undergoes oxidation and releases energy.

Stimulus: The factors like food, water, light, touch, gravitational force, etc., are stimuli to which plants and animals respond.