NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem Chapter 7 Dad and the Cat and the Tree

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem Chapter 7 Dad and the Cat and the Tree are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem Chapter 7 Dad and the Cat and the Tree.

ClassClass 7
SubjectEnglish Honeycomb (Poem)
ChapterChapter 7
Chapter NameDad and the Cat and the Tree
Number of Questions Solved20
CategoryNCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem Chapter 7 Dad and the Cat and the Tree


Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct option :
Question 1.
This morning a cat got
Stuck in our tree. Dad said, “Right, just Leave it to me.”
(Page 107)

Word-Notes : Got stuck-remained trapped, फँस गयी। Right-O.K., ठीक है। Leave it to me-I’ll do it, यह मेरे ऊपर छोड़ दो।

हिन्दी अनुवाद : आज सुबह एक बिल्ली हमारे पेड़ में फँस गयी। डैड ने कहा ”ठीक, बस इसे मेरे ऊपर छोड़ दो।”

Paraphrase : One fine morning, a cat got stuck up in a tree that belonged to the poet. The members of the family showed their concern but Dad pacified and assured them that he would easily bring the cat down.

Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
The family found a cat
(a) that was hurt
(b) in their house
(c) that was stuck in their tree
(d) that was hungry
(c) that was stuck in their tree

Question 2.
Dad said that things would be put right by
(a) the family
(b) him
(c) his wife
(d) the cat
(b) him

Question 3.
Give the synonym for stuck
(a) freed
(b) trapped
(c) slept
(d) struck
(b) trapped

Question 2.
The tree was wobbly,
The tree was tall.
Mum said, “For goodness’
Sake don’t fall !”
(Page 107)
Word-Notes : Wobbly—unsteady, अस्थिर। For goodness’ sake-for the sake of God, भगवान के लिए।

हिन्दी अनुवाद : पेड़ अस्थिर था, पेड़ लंबा था। माँ ने कहा, “भगवान के लिए गिरना मत”।

Paraphrase : The tree was not easy to be climbed due to its unsteady nature and height. Mum had her fears that Dad would have a bad fall if ever he makes an attempt to climb up the tree.


  1.  Why was the tree not easy to climb ?
  2.  What was Mum’s fear ?
  3.  Did her fear prove to be true ?


  1.  The tree was tall but weak and unsteady.
  2.  Mum’s fear was that Dad would fall.
  3.  Yes. Her fear proved true.

Question 3.
“Fall ?” scoffed Dad,
“A climber like me ?
Child’s play, this is !
You wait and see.”
He got out the ladder
From the garden shed.
It slipped. He landed
In the flower bed.
(Page 107)
Word-Notes : Scoffed-laughed mockingly, मज़ाक उड़ाते हुए हॅसे। Climber-one who climbs, आरोही। Child’s play-very easy, बहुत आसान। Got out-fetched, लेकर आये। Ladder-steps, सीढ़ी। Shed-store, स्टोर। Slipped-slided, फिसल गये। Landed-came down, गिरे। Flower-bed-flower basin, फूल की क्यारी।

हिन्दी अनुवाद : “गिरुँगा ?” डैड हँस , “मेरे जैसा आरोही ?” “यह तो बच्चे का खेल है। कुछ देर में ही देख लेना।” उन्होंने बगीचे के शेड से सीढ़ी निकाली। वह फिसल गयी। वह फूलों की क्यारी में गिरे।

Paraphrase : Dad laughed at Mum for the weird idea of his fall. He boasted of his climbing skill and confidently mocked that the activity was a child’s play. In no time, he brought a ladder to climb up the tree; but it slipped and Dad fell down in the flower-bed.

Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
The father was sure of his
(a) good climbing skills
(b) victory
(c) defeat
(d) power
(a) good climbing skills

Question 2.
The father brought the ladder from
(a) the garden
(b) the shed
(c) the kitchen
(d) the room
(b) the shed

Question 3.
The climbing attempt was
(a) a failure
(b) successful
(c) dangerous
(d) cancelled
(a) a failure

Question 4.
“Never mind,” said Dad,
Brushing the dirt
Off his hair and his face
And his trousers and his shirt,
(Page 108)
Word-Notes : Never mind-It doesn’t matter, कोई बात नहीं। Brushing the dirt-shaking of the dust, धूल झाड़ते हुए। Off-from, से।

हिन्दी अनुवाद : कोई बात नहीं,” डैड बोले, अपने बालों और अपने चेहरे की और अपनी पैंट और अपने कमीज की धूल झाड़ते हुए।

Paraphrase : Dad was quite embarrassed at his fall. He got up instantly and brushed off the dirt from his face, hair and clothes. He assured his family that everything was fine ; despite, the insulting incident.


  1.  How was Dad feeling ?
  2.  How had Dad got dirt all over him ?
  3.  Name the poem from which the passage has been taken.


  1.  Dad was feeling embarrassed at his fall.
  2.  Dad had been trying to climb up the tree. In that process, he had fallen in the flower bed. So there was dirt all over him.
  3.  The name of the poem is ‘Dad and the Cat and the Tree’.

Question 5.
“We’ll try Plan B. Stand
Out of the way !”
Mum said, “Don’t fall
Again, O.K. ?”
(Page 108)
Word-Notes : Try-put to test, आजमाना। Out of the way-away from the field of operation, काम करने की जगह से दूर। 0.K. ?-Is that right ? समझे न ?

हिन्दी अनुवाद : “हम B योजना आजमाएँगे। रास्ते से हट जाओ !” मम ने कहा, “फिर मत गिरना। समझे न ?”

Paraphrase : Dad was firm on his stand to climb the tree and was ready to implement Plan B. He asked the members of his family to stand out of the way. But Mum had her fears that Dad would fall again. She cautioned him and told him to be more careful.

Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
Dad instructs the members of the family to
(a) go inside the house
(b) stand out of the way
(c) sit on the bench
(d) throw a rope
(b) stand out of the way

Question 2.
Mother advises Dad
(a) to jump properly
(b) to be sensible
(c) not to fall again
(d) not to climb
(c) not to fall again

Question 3.
Dad was like
(a) king Bruce’s Spider who tried again and again
(b) a weeping donkey
(c) a fish out of water
(d) a child who fell repeatedly
(a) king Bruce’s Spider who tried again and again

Question 6.
“Fall again ?” said Dad.
“Funny joke !”
Then he swung himself up
On a branch. It broke.
(Page 108)
Word-Notes : Funny-interesting/amusing, मजेदार। Swung-dangled, झूले। Branch a limb of a tree, पेड़ की शाखा। Broke-टूट गयी।

हिन्दी अनुवाद : “फिर गिरूँ ?” बोले डैड । ” अच्छा मज़ाक !” फिर वह एक डाल के ऊपर लपके । वह टूट गयी

Paraphrase : Father remarked that Mother was unnecessarily getting scared and to think he would fall was a mere joke. He then swung up on the branch. He wanted to reach the spot where the cat was seated. But unfortunately, the branch broke.


  1.  What was ‘Funny joke’ ?
  2.  Why did he swing himself up on a branch ?
  3.  What does the word ‘it’ refer to in the last line ?


  1.  According to Dad, his idea of falling again was a funny joke.
  2.  He swung himself up on a branch in order to climb the tree.
  3.  The word ‘it’ refers to the branch on which Dad had swung himself.

Question 7.
Dad landed wallop
Back on the deck.
Mum said, “Stop it,
You’ll break your neck !”
(Page 108)
Word-Notes : Landed wallop-fell heavily, धड़ाम से गिरे। Back-from where he had gone up, वापस। Deck-floor, फर्श।

हिन्दी अनुवाद : डैड गिरे धड़ाम से, वापस आये फर्श पर। मम्मी बोली “बस कर दो, वरना गरदन तोड़ोगे !”

Paraphrase : Dad fell heavily on the floor from where he had climbed up. Mother now could not control herself and told him not to try again. She warned him that if he tried again ; he would definitely be fatally hurt.

Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
‘landed wallop’ means
(a) land on the wall
(b) land on the top
(c) fell heavily
(d) safe landing
(c) fell heavily

Question 2.
He landed on the
(a) tree
(b) floor
(c) flower bed
(d) sea
(b) floor

Question 3.
Mum again advised him
(a) to rest
(b) not to try climbing again
(c) to go inside
(d) to call the cat
(b) not to try climbing again

Question 8.
“Rubbish !” said Dad.
“Now we’ll try Plan C.
Easy as winking
To a climber like me !”
(Page 108)
Word-Notes : Rubbish-nonsense, बकवास। Try-put to use, आजमाना। Winking-making the eye-lid move, पलक झपकाना। Climber-one who climbs, आरोही।

हिन्दी अनुवाद : “बकवास !” बोले डैड। ‘अब हम योजना सी आजमाएँगे। पलक झपकाने जैसी है मेरे जैसे आरोही के लिए!

Paraphrase : Dad did not pay any heed to Mum’s seriousness of his getting a fatal injury. To drop the idea of climbing the tree was utter nonsense for Dad. He was bent on trying Plan C. Father considered himself an expert climber and was ready for the next attempt to climb the tree.


  1.  What was ‘Rubbish’ ?
  2.  What was the plan ‘C’ ?
  3.  Give the meaning of the last two lines.


  1.  Mum had given a warning to Dad. It was not to try to climb the tree again. Dad said the
    warning was ‘Rubbish’.
  2.  The plan ‘C’ was to climb the garden wall and from there jump on the tree.
  3.  Dad calls himself a great climber. He says to execute the plan ‘C’ was as easy for him as
    to make an eye-lid move.

Question 9.
Then he climbed up high
On the garden wall.
Guess what? He didn’t fall !
(Page 109)
Word-Notes : Guess what ?-imagine what could have happened, कल्पना करो कि क्या हुआ ?

हिन्दी अनुवाद : फिर वह ऊँचा चढ़ गया। बगीचे की दीवार पर। सोचो क्या हुआ ? वह गिरी नही !

Paraphrase : Dad climbed on the garden wall to take a big leap on the tree to reach the cat. Mum was afraid that he would fall. But one could not imagine that he did not fall this time.

Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
Dad again climbed to reach ……
(a) the branch
(b) the cat
(c) the tree
(d) the leaves
(b) the cat

Question 2.
Mum was afraid that he would again .
(a) try
(b) fall
(c) shout
(d) swing
(b) fall

Question 3.
Dad climbed up ….. on the garden wall
(a) high
(b) low
(c) straight
(d) clumsily
(a) high

Question 10.
He gave a great leap
And he landed flat
In the crook of the tree-trunk-
Right on the cat !
(Page 109)
Word-Notes : Gave-(here) made, लगायी। Leap-jump, छलांग। Flat-exactly, बिलकुल सही। Crook-the place where something bends inwards, खोकल /गोद। Trunk-stem, तना। Right-exactly, बिलकुल वही।

हिन्दी अनुवाद : उसने बड़ी छलांग लगायी और वह सही जगह आया, पेड़ के उस खोकल में बिलकुल बिल्ली के पास !

Paraphrase : Dad took a big leap and was successful. He landed exactly in the crook of the tree where the cat was seated.


  1.  Where was Dad when he gave a leap ?
  2.  Why did he take the leap ?
  3.  What was the result of the leap ?


  1.  Dad was on the garden wall when he leapt.
  2.  He took the leap to get on the tree.
  3.  He reached the tree but the cat had jumped down. He had jumped (leapt) to save the

Question 11.
The cat gave a yell
And sprang to the ground,
Pleased as Punch to be
Safe and sound.
(Page 109)
Word-Notes : Yell-cry, चीख। Sprang-jumped, कूद पड़ी। Pleased as Punch-very happy, बहुत खुश। Safe and sound-unhurt, सही सलामत।

हिन्दी अनुवाद : बिल्ली ने चीख मारी और कूद पड़ी जमीन पर। बहुत खुश थी सही सलामत आकर।

Paraphrase : The cat had to face a terrible moment. She yelled as it was frightened to see Dad landing on her. In turn, the cat landed on the ground. It felt so pleased that it had come down, safe and sound.

Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
The cat yelled as the jump
(a) hit her badly
(b) was hard
(c) broke her
(d) frightened her
(d) frightened her

Question 2.
The cat landed ……
(a) safe and sound
(b) clumsily
(c) to frighten
(d) to rush home
(a) safe and sound

Question 3.
The cat was pleased as
(a) Dad
(b) Punch
(c) anyone else
(d) ever
(b) Punch

Question 12.
So it’s smiling and smirking
Smug as can be,
But poor old Dad’s
Tree !
Word-Notes : Smirking-grinning/smiling in an unpleasant way, दुष्टता से मुस्कराते हुए। Smug-too satisfied, बहुत संतुष्ट।

हिन्दी अनुवाद : अतः अब यह मुस्कराती और मुँह चिढ़ाती है, पूरी तरह संतुष्ट है पर बेचारे बूढ़े डैड अब भी फैंसे हैं ऊपर पेड़ में !

Paraphrase : The cat was nonetheless quite satisfied at her landing. But it smiled mockingly at Dad’s fate who had now been trapped in its place.


  1.  Who was smiling and smirking ?
  2.  Where was Dad ?
  3.  Point out the irony of the situation.


  1.  The cat was smiling and smirking.
  2.  Dad was in the crook of the tree.
  3.  The irony of the situation is that Dad had come up the tree to save the cat. Now the cat
    had come down of its own and Dad was trapped in the tree.

(Page 110)
Working with the Poem

Question 1.
Why was Dad sure he wouldn’t fall ?   (Imp.)
Dad thought that he was an expert climber. So he was sure he wouldn’t fall.

Question 2.
Which phrase in the poem expresses Dad’s self-confidence best?
The phrase “A climber like me” expresses his self-confidence best.

Question 3.
Describe Plan A and its consequences.   (Imp.)
The plan A was to climb on the tree with the help of a ladder. Dad tried to do so. But the ladder slipped and Dad fell in the flower-bed.

Question 4.
Plan C was a success. What went wrong then ?   (Imp.)
Plan C was a success because the cat had come down the tree. The thing that went wrong was (that) the Dad was stuck in the tree.

Question 5.
The cat was very happy to be on the ground. Pick out the phrase used to express this idea.
The following phrases have been used to express the idea that the cat was happy.
(i) pleased as punch.
(ii) smiling and smirking

Question 6.
Describe the Cat and Dad situation in the beginning and at the end of the poem. (Imp.)
In the beginning of the poem, the cat was stuck in the tree. Dad was on the ground planning to bring the cat down. At the end of the poem. Dad was stuck in the tree and the cat was on the ground. However, the cat was very happy. It smiled and smirked.

Question 7.
Why and when did Dad say each of the following ?
(i) Fall ?
(ii) Never mind
(iii) Funny joke
(iv) Rubbish
(i) Dad said, ‘Fall ?’ when Mum said, ‘For goodness sake, don’t fall !”.
(ii) Dad said, ‘Never Mind’ when the ladder had slipped and Dad had fallen in the flower-bed.
(iii) Dad said, “Funny joke” when Mum warned him not to fall again.
(iv) Dad said “Rubbish” when Mum asked him to stop trying to rescue the cat. She warned that it might break his neck.

Question 8.
Do you find the poem humorous ? Read aloud lines which make you laugh.
Yes the poem is humorous. The following lines make us laugh. “So it’s smiling and smirking Smug as can be
But poor old Dad’s
Tree !”

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