NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 5 What Books and Burials Tell Us

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 5 What Books and Burials Tell Us are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 5 What Books and Burials Tell Us.

ClassClass 6
SubjectSocial Science History
ChapterChapter 5
Chapter NameWhat Books and Burials Tell Us
Number of Questions Solved8
CategoryNCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 5 What Books and Burials Tell Us



Question 1.
Match the columns:

SuktaStone boulder
DasaUsed in battles


ChariotsUsed in battles
MegalithStone boulder

Question 2.
Complete the sentences:

  1. Slaves were used for ……….
  2. Megaliths are found in ……….
  3. Stone circles or boulders on the surface were used to ……….
  4. Port-holes were used for …………
  5. People at Inamgaon ate ………..


  1. doing different works as per the desire of his or her owner (or master).
  2. throughout the Deccan, south India, in the northeast, and Kashmir.
  3. mark burial sites.
  4. entrance.
  5. wheat, barley, rice, pulses, millets, peas, the meat of different animals, fish, the meat of birds, and fruits such as ber, amla, Jamun, dates, etc.


Question 3.
In what ways are the books we read today different from the Rigveda?
The books we use are written and printed. The Rigveda was recited and heard rather than read. It was written down several centuries after it was first composed and printed less than 200 years ago.

Question 4.
What kind of evidence from burials do archaeologists use to find out whether there were social differences amongst those who were buried?
The objects found in graves are usually different. Some skeletons were buried with a great number of pots, while some with just a few of them. Archaeologists have thus concluded that people were buried with objects depending upon their status.

Question 5.
In what ways do you think that the life of a raja was different from that of a dasa or dasi?
The rajas did not have capitals, palaces, or armies, nor did they collect taxes. Generally, the sons did not automatically succeed fathers as rajas.

There were people who did not perform sacrifices and probably spoke different languages. Later the term came to mean Dasa or slave. Slaves were men and women captured in the war. They were treated as the property of the owners, who could make them do any work they wanted.


Question 6.
Find out whether your school library has a collection of books on religion, and list the names of five books from this collection.
Yes, our school library has a collection of books on religion.
List of Books from School Library Collection:

  1. The Rigveda
  2. The Ramayana
  3. The Mahabharata
  4. The Srimad Bhagwad Geeta
  5. The Bible
  6. The Quran
  7. The Guru Granth Sahib (or the Adi Gurugrantha). (Any five)

Question 7.
Write down a short poem or song that you have memorized. Did you hear or read the poem or song? How did you learn it by heart?
Suggestion. Students should write National Anthem: Jan-Gan-Man-Adhinayak. Please refer to the introductory page no. (vi) of your textbook.
National Song: Vande Mataram.
We have heard as well as read the song. We have repeated it again and again. We have learned it singing usually daily in our school Morning Assembly before/after prayer.

Question 8.
In the Rigveda, people were described in terms of the work they did and the languages they spoke. In the table below, fill in the names of six people you know, choosing three men and three women. For each of them, mention the w ork they do and the language they speak. Would you like to add anything else to the description?

NameWorkLanguageAnything Else


NameWorkLanguageAnything Else
RamTeachingHindiHe is a Hindu by faith.
RahimDoctorEnglishHe is a Jew.
Raghubir SinghLabourPunjabiHe is a Sikh.
SitaNurseTamilShe works in a nursing home.
ReshmaWeavingUrduShe spins, weaves, and prints cloth.

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