NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English A Pact with the Sun Chapter 9 What Happened to the Reptiles

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English A Pact with the Sun Chapter 9 What Happened to the Reptiles are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English A Pact with the Sun Chapter 9 What Happened to the Reptiles.

ClassClass 6
SubjectEnglish A Pact with the Sun
ChapterChapter 9
Chapter NameWhat Happened to the Reptiles
Number of Questions Solved7
CategoryNCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English A Pact with the Sun Chapter Chapter 9 What Happened to the Reptiles


Question 1.
In what way is Pambupatti different from any other village ?
Answer :
Unlike other villages, people of Pambupatti lived in peace. They did not fight in the name of religion or language.

Question 2.
Why is Prèm determined not to return to his village ?
Answer :
Prem is determined not to return to his village because of the violence there. In his village people burnt others’ houses and killed one another. These memories of his village made him bum with shame. So he did not want to go back there.

Question 3.
Why did Makara dislike tortoises, snakes and lizards ? Write a line about each.
Answer :
Makara disliked tortoises because they were stupid and slow. They carried their houses on their back. He disliked snakes because they were very slimy and weird. He disliked lizards because of their strange habits. Moreover, some of them changed colour.

Question 4.
What went wrong when the tortoises, snakes and lizards left the forest ?
Answer :
Many awful things happened. With no tortoises the jungle seemed to be rotting. Earlier, the tortoises used to eat the rotting fruit and the rotting animals in the river. When the snakes left, the rats increased. They became the biggest nuisance. Similarly, when the lizards left, there was no fear to the insects. There were now millions of them growing bigger and nastier by the day. So the whole forest seemed to have gone crazy when the tortoises, snakes and lizards left it.

Question 5.
Why do you think Prem wants to tell the story of the reptiles to the people of his village ?
Answer :
The people of Prem’s village quarrelled with one another. The stoiy of Pambupatti gives a message of peace and cooperation. It tells why it is necessary for different kinds to live together. So Prem wanted to tell the stoiy of Pambupatti to the people of his village.

Question 6.
Do you agree that it is difficult not to go along with someone who is very strong and powerful ? Express your views frankly and clearly.
Answer :
Of course, it is difficult not to go along with someone who is very strong and powerful. It is human nature to be on the safe side. Disagreeing with a powerful person is likely to call for trouble. Moreover, even if someone is bold enough to oppose him, his becomes a lone fight. Such idealists may leave an impact on the society. But they do so at the cost of their own ruin.

Question 7.
If you were a baby crocodile, would you tell Makara that he was wrong ? What would you say to convince him ?
Answer :
As a baby croçodile, I would certainly tell Makara that he was wrong. The elders can be frightened into silence more easily as Makara did in his meetings. It is, however, not so easy to shout at a baby. It is because this lets a person down in the public image.

To convince Makara that he was wrong, I would make three important points. First, it is the duty of the strong to protect the weak and not to torture them. Secondly, a strong animal is strong only when there are the weak. Eliminate the weak and the strong become the ordinary. Thirdly, all creatures together form the environment and the loss of one may be the loss of all.

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