Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Extra Questions and Answers Understanding Diversity

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Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Extra Questions and Answers Understanding Diversity

Understanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions and Answer Civics Chapter 1 Very Short Answers Type

Question 1.
What do you mean by the word ‘diversity5?
The people are dissimilar in various aspects like language, colour, height, food habits, clothes, living styles, customs, religions, regions, interest, culture, practices etc. This dissimilarity is called diversity.

Question 2.
Are we all similar?
No, all are not similar. There are many differences existing in the society.

Question 3.
How is India a country of diversity?
Languages, foods, festivals, religions, culture, customs are different. In this way, India is a country of diversities.

Question 4.
What are constant reminders of our rich traditions?
Songs and symbols.

Question 5.
Give an example of diversity in India.
The people of India, living in different parts, speak different languages.

Question 7.
Give one example of difference between Kerala and Ladakh.
Kerala is a spices producer state while the Ladakh is sheep rearing region.

Question 8.
Which are the religions practised in Ladakh?
Islam and Buddhism are practised in Ladakh.

Question 9.
Which are the religions practised in Kerala?
Judism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism are practised in Kerala.

Question 10.
What do you think Indian diversity is useful or harmful?
Diversity of India is very useful for us. This diversity is beauty of India.

Question 11.
Who fought against the British rule?
Men and women belonging from different regions, languages, religions, culture fought together
against the British rule.

Question 12.
Who wrote our National Anthem?
National Anthem was written by Rabindranath Tagore.

Question 13.
Who wrote the book “The Discovery of India”?
“The Discovery of India” was written by our first Prime Minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru.

Question 14.
Where is Ladakh situated?
Ladakh is situated in eastern part of Jammu and Kashmir.

Question 15.
What do you mean by ‘Kesar Saga’.
This is the local version of the Tibetan national epic sung by both Muslims and Buddhists of Ladakh.

Question 16.
Where is Kerala situated?
Kerala is state in the south-west comer of India. It is surrounded by the sea on one side and hills on the other.

Question 17.
What do you understand about ‘cheena-vala’?
The fishing nets used in Kerala look exactly like the Chinese fishing net and are called ‘cheena-vala’.

Question 18.
How were the songs and flags used during the freedom struggle?
They were used as a symbol of protest against the British by people.

Question 19.
What is the similarity between Kerala and Ladakh?
Both regions were influenced by Chinese and Arab traders.

Understanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions and Answer Civics Chapter 1 Short Answers Type

Question 1.
Which types of differences occur in the people?
The people may be different on the basis of language, colour, height, food habits, clothes, living styles, customs, religions, regions, interest, culture, practices etc.

Question 2.
How does diversity exist in India?
India is a country of much diversity. People of India speak different languages, have various types of food, celebrate different festivals, and practise different religions. Apart from it, we do many things that are similar.

Question 3.
What are the reasons for existing diversity in India?
For a long time, people travelled from one place to another place for various reasons such as-trade, employment, droughts, wars, natural calamities etc. Due to the migration of people from one place to other places, their languages, food, music, customs, traditions become a mix of the new and old culture and from them came something new and different.

Question 4.
What was the thought of the British men?
The British thought that they could divide Indians because of Indians’ diversity. But the Indians showed how they could be different and yet be united in their battle against the British.

Question 5.
Why is the sheep rearing special in Ladakh region?
Sheep rearing is special in Ladakh region because they produce pashmina wool. This wool is prized and pashmina shawls cost a lot of money. People also eat meat and use milk of sheep.

Understanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions and Answer Civics Chapter 1 Long Answers Type

Question 1.
Describe historical and geographical factors influencing the diversity of Ladakh.
Ladakh is a desert in the mountains in the eastern part of Jammu and Kashmir. Very little agriculture is possible here since this region does not receive any rain and is covered in snow for a large part of the year.

People rear sheep in the region. Pashmina wool, meat and milk of sheep is used there. Other reared cattle are goats, cows and dzos. Pashmina is a great demanded and valued product of this region and thus traders are attracted. It was considered a good trade route as it had many passes. Caravans passed through these route and carried textiles and spices, raw silk and carpets.

Buddhism reached Tibet via Ladakh. Ladakh is also called little Tibet. Significant Muslim population is here. Ladakh has a very rich tradition of songs and poems. Local versions of the Tibetan national epic the “Kesar Saga”is performed and sung by both Muslims and Buddhists.

Question 2.
Describe diversity of Kerala.
Kerala is surrounded by the sea at one side and hills on the other. It is the spices that made this region an attractive place for traders. Jewish and Arab traders were the first to come here. Arab traders came and settled here.

The Apostle of Christ came here nearly 2000 years ago and he is credited with bringing Christianity of India. Ibn Battuta who travelled here about 700 years ago, wrote that the Muslims were a highly respected community.

Vasco da Gama landed with his ship here. Because of all these various historical influences, people in Kerala practice different religions such as Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism.

The fishing net used by the people of Kerala called cheena-vala etc., and these words came from China. The fertile land and climate are suited for growing rice and a majority of people here eat rice, fish and vegetables.

Question 3.
Mention how history and geography are often tied in the cultural life of a region. Describe in the view of Kerala and Ladakh.
While Kerala and Ladakh are quite different in terms of their geographical features, the history of both regions has seen similar cultural influences. Both regions were influenced by Chinese and Arab traders.

It was the geography of Kerala which allowed for the cultivation of spices and the special geographical location of Ladakh and its wool that drew traders to these regions. Thus history and geography are often tied in the cultural life of a region.