CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 Social Science Paper 6

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 Social Science Paper 6 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 Social Science Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 Social Science Paper 6.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 Social Science Paper 6

SubjectSocial Science
Sample Paper SetPaper 6
CategoryCBSE Sample Papers

Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 12 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme, as prescribed by the CBSE, is given here. Paper 6 of Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 Social Science is given below with free PDF download solutions.

Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions

(i) The question paper has 27 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Marks are indicated against each question.
(iii) Questions from serial number 1 to 7 are very short answer questions. Each question carries 1 mark.
(iv) Questions from serial number 8 to 18 are 3 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 80 words each.
(v) Questions from serial number 19 to 25 are 5 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 100 words each.
(vi) Question number 26 and 27 are map questions of 2 marks from History and 3 marks from Geography. After completion, attach the maps inside the answer book.


Question 1:
What was the reason for increasing the taxes by the French government?

Question 2:
What do you mean by the term proportional representation?

Question 3:
Define referendum.

Question 4:
Name the types of states in India during British Time.

Question 5:
Name the different factors of production.

Question 6:
What are the investments done in humans to make them a resource?

Question 7:
Define seasonal hunger.

Question 8:
What were the causes of subsistence crisis in France during the old regime?

Question 9:
Write a note on the division of workers in social groups in Russia.

Question 10:
How can democracy be criticized?

Question 11:
Give a brief description about Dr. Rajendra Prasad.

Question 12:
How can you say that the Election Commission in India is independent and powerful?

Question 13:
Write a note on the river called Dakshin Ganga.

Question 14:
Which factors decides the climate of any place?

Question 15:
Mention any three non-farm activities in the village Palampur.

Question 16:
How are the market activities different from the non- market activities?

Question 17:
What are the causes of poverty in India.

Question 18:
Explain the dimensions of food security.

Question 19:
Discuss the steps taken against the Jews between 1933-1939.

Question 20:
What were the causes that led to the decline of forest area in the Indian sub-continent between 1880 and 1920?
Write a note on the movement of pastorals in the mountains.
What were the effects of open field system in England?

Question 21:
How are the political executives different from the permanent executives?

Question 22:
“International covenant has contributed to the expansion of rights”. Justify.

Question 23:
How are the Western Ghats different from the Eastern Ghats?

Question 24:
Population is a dynamic phenomenon. Justify.

Question 25:
What do you mean by the term food security? Discuss the role of green revolution in food security in India.

Question 26:
Identify these places and write their correct names on the lines marked on the outline map of France:
(a) Marseiles
(b) Bordeaux

Question 27:
On the given political outline map of India locate and label the following features with appropriate symbols:
(a) Rajaji wildlife sanctuary
(b) The Chhotanagpur plateau
(c) State having lowest density of population.


Answer 1:
The French Government increased the taxes to meet the regular expenses of maintaining army, the court, the government offices and the universities.

Answer 2:
Proportional representation is an electoral system in which political groups get the number of seats in the legislature in proportion to the number of votes

Answer 3:
It is a system of direct voting in which the people are asked to accept or reject a proposal entirely.

Answer 4:
The two types of states in India before 1947 were – the princely states and the provincial.

Answer 5:
Land, labour, physical capital and human capital are together called factors of production.

Answer 6:
The two investments done in humans to make them a resource are- education and skill formation.

Answer 7:
Seasonal hunger is related to the cycles of food growing and harvesting. People face seasonal hunger in the rural areas because of seasonal nature of agricultural activities.

Answer 8:
The causes of subsistence crisis in France during old regime were:

  1. There was increasing demand for the food grains due to the increase in the population.
  2. The price of bread increased because the production of food grains was not increasing.
  3. As the prices were rising but the wages were not.

Answer 9:
The following is the explanation of the division of workers in the social groups in Russia:

  1. Some of them were closely associated with the villages while others settled in cities.
  2. Metal workers in Russia were more skilled than other workers.
  3. Females were also working in the factories along with the males but they were paid low.

Answer 10:
Democracy can be criticized on the following basis:

  1. There is high political competition therefore there is no morality.
  2. There is a situation of instability in case the leaders keep changing.
  3. Decision making in democracy is a big problem as so many people have to be consulted.

Answer 11:
Dr. Rajendra Prasad was bom in Bihar. He was elected as the President of the constituent assembly. He played an important role in the Champaran Satyagraha in Bihar. He was the first President of independent India.

Answer 12:
Yes, it is true to say that the Election Commission in India is independent and powerful. It is due to the following reasons:

  1. The election commission can express his disapproval to the government.
  2. The election commission can order for a repoll in case of unfair polling at a particular booth or the entire constituency.
  3. All the government officers have to work under the control of the election commission when they are on election duty.

Answer 13:
The three characteristics of the river called Dakshin Ganga are:

  1. The Godavari River is called the Dakshin Ganga, which is having the largest river basin in the peninsular.
  2. The Godavari rises in the Nasik district of Maharashtra and drains into the Bay of Bengal.
  3. The Puma, the Wardha, the Pranhita, the Manjara are the main tributaries of the river Godavari.

Answer 14:
There are various factors affecting the climate of any place. The most important are as follows:

  1. Latitude: If a place is near to the equator then it will have high temperature and humidity. As we move towards the pole temperature decreases.
  2. Relief: The high altitude areas will have cold climate and the low altitude areas will have comparatively hot climate.
  3. Distance from the sea: Places located near to the sea will have the moderating influence of the sea whereas places away from the oceans will have extreme climate.

Answer 15:
The following is the explanation for the non-farm activities in the village Palampur:

  1. Dairy farming: Some people in the village Palampur do dairy farming. They rear cattle and feed them on grass, jowar and bajra. They have collection cum chilling centres in the nearby cities.
  2. Small-scale manufacturing: It is done with simple production methods carried out at homes with the help of family members.
  3. Transport: There are different means of transport in Palampur used to ferry people.

Answer 16:
The following are the three differences between market and non-market activities:

  1. Market activities includes the activities related to the production and consumption whereas the non-market activities includes non-economic activities.
  2. Market activities are performed to earn some money whereas non-market activities are performed for self-consumption.
  3. A doctor in a hospital is performing market activity whereas a farmer producing crops for self-consumption is a non-market activity?

Answer 17:
The causes for poverty in India are:

  1. Low level of economic growth in the pre independence time.
  2. High growth rate of population.
  3. Unequal distribution of land and other resources among the people.

Answer 18:
The three different dimensions of poverty are:

  1. Availability: It means the food grains are available in the country through production or import or the previous year stock.
  2. Accessibility: It means food grains are within reach of all the people of the country.
  3. Affordability: It means all the people of the country are able to afford i.e., can buy the nutritious food grains.

Answer 19:
The steps taken against the Jews between 1933-1939 were:

  1. Only the Germans will be enjoying the protection of the state.
  2. The Jews were not allowed to marry with the Germans.
  3. Extra marital relations between the Jews and the Germans were declared crime.
  4. Jews were discarded from the government services.
  5. Jews were not allowed to fly flags.

Answer 20:
The different causes that led to the decline of forest area in the Indian sub-continent between 1880 and 1920 were:

  1. Wood was needed for the development of railways. It was needed to run locomotives, to lay the railway lines and sleepers.
  2. The demand for wood increased in England for shipbuilding as they were facing shortage of timber for the royal navy.
  3. The forest areas were degraded for raising commercial crops like cotton, jute, wheat etc.
  4. The British government thought that the forest areas are unproductive and should be converted into agricultural lands so that they can get surplus food grains and expected revenues also.
  5. Even the Adivasi’s and the peasants were also totally dependent on the forest for their livelihood. So they also contributed in the depletion of the forest areas.


There are so many pastoralists in the mountainous parts of India.
The Gujjars and Bakarwals of Jammu and Kashmir were the herders of sheep and goats. They moved in a group called Kafila. During the summer they move to the upper heights of the mountains and during the winter they were back to the valleys.
The Gaddi shepherds of the Himachal Pradesh moved to the low hills of the shivaliks during winter and to Lahul and Spiti in summer.
The Bhotiyas, Sherpas, Kinnauris and other pastoral communities practiced the same cyclic movement between the summer and the winter pastures.


The open field system affected the women in England in various ways. Now they had to pasture their cows and graze their sheeps, collected fuelwood for fire and fruits for food and fished in the rivers and ponds. Now these peasant women were in a better position than before. With this system of open field these women were able to supplement their family income. This system was also helpful for them in their bad times when the crops failed.

Answer 21:
The political executives can be differentiated from the permanent executives on the following grounds:

  1. The political executives are elected by the people of the country whereas the permanent executives are the civil servants.
  2. The political executives consists of the Prime Minister and the council of ministers whereas the permanent executives incudes IAS, IFS, IPS etc.
  3. The political executives are elected for a fixed tenure whereas the permanent executives are appointed for a long period.
  4. The political executives are responsive whereas the permanent executives are not responsive.
  5. The political executives are more powerful than the permanent executives.

Answer 22:
It is true to say that International covenant has contributed to the expansion of rights. It helped and binds its signatory countries in providing some socio-economic and cultural rights. These are:

  1. Right to work which gives says that people are free to work and earn their livelihood.
  2. Right to safe and healthy working conditions.
  3. Right to adequate standard of living.
  4. Right to social security.
  5. Right to education.

Answer 23:
The Western Ghats and the Eastern Ghats can be differentiated on the following basis:

  1. The Western Ghats are the western margins of the Deccan plateau whereas the Eastern Ghats are the eastern margins of the Deccan plateau.
  2. The Western Ghats are discontinuous whereas the Eastern Ghats are irregular and dissected.
  3. The Western Ghats causes orographic rainfall whereas the Eastern Ghats causes cyclonic rainfall.
  4. The Western Ghats have higher elevation than the Eastern Ghats.
  5. The important rivers draining the Western Ghats are the Narmada and the Tapi whereas the Eastern Ghats are drained by the major rivers like the Mahanadi, the Godavari, the Krishna and the Kaveri.

Answer 24:
The various factors responsible for the population change are birth rate, death rate and migration.

  1. Birth rate: Birth rate can be defined as the number of live births per thousand in a particular year. If the birth rate of a country is high then it will cause a high growth rate if it is assisted by the low death rate. If the birth rate is low then there will be low change in the population.
  2. Death rate: Death rate can be defined as the number of deaths per thousand live birth in a particular year. If the death rate of a country is high then it will cause a low population growth rate and if it is low then the population growth will be high.
  3. Migration: It is defined as the movement of people from one place to another due to the push factors like unemployment, lack of health and education etc., and the pull factors of a place like better health and educational facilities, job opportunities etc. both the factors will bring a change in the population.

Answer 25:
Food security can be defined as the availability, accessibility and the affordability of food to all people at all times. The condition of agriculture in India before independence was not good and so was the total production. So that time people were facing the problem of food insecurity. The major step taken by the government after independence to improve the condition of agriculture was the introduction of green revolution in 1960s.
With the introduction of green revolution Indian farmers started using the HYV seeds, chemical fertilizers, modem tools and machines in agriculture which helped in increasing the crop production to a new heights. Then after the government of India started the buffer stock and the rationing system to provide food grains to all the people which helped in maintaining food security in India.

Answer 26:
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 Social Science Paper 6 26

Answer 27:
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 Social Science Paper 6 27

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