CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Paper 2

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Paper 2 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Paper 2.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Paper 2

SubjectPhysical Education
Sample Paper SetPaper 2
CategoryCBSE Sample Papers

Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 12 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme as prescribed by the CBSE is given here. Paper 2 of Solved CBSE Sample Paper for Class 12 Physical Education is given below with free PDF download solutions.

Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

  • All questions are compulsory.
  • Answers to questions carrying 1 mark should approximately 10-20 words.
  • Answers to questions carrying 3 marks should approximately 30-50 words.
  • Answers to questions carrying 5 marks should approximately 75-100 words.


Question 1.
Define Strength? 1

Question 2.
Define personality? 1

Question 3.
What do you understand by Friction in Sports? 1

Question 4.
Define Fracture? 1

Question 5.
Define Cardiac Output? 1

Question 6.
Define Yoga? 1

Question 7.
Define Good Posture? 1

Question 8.
Enlist types of disorders and disabilities among children? 1

Question 9.
Define Axis and Plain? 1

Question 10.
Indicate the formula used for ‘BYE’ in knock-out tournament? 1

Question 11.
Define Aggression? 3

Question 12.
Describe the objectives of Intramural Competition in institutions? 1

Question 13.
Describe Newton’s law of motion used in sports? 3

Question 14.
Explain micro and macro nutrients? 3

Question 15.
Elaborate reasons for mal posture? 3

Question 16.
Explain factors effecting motor development? 3

Question 17.
The school has proposed to organize sports activities for its school children. The sports committee was formed and it proposed for an inter house sports competitions. All the children of the school have been divided into various houses and designated with different colours to differentiate. 3
(i) Which type of competition is being discussed for school children?
(ii) What are the various committees required for organization of the competitions?
(iii) What are the benefits of organizing such sports competition?

Question 18.
List Different types of fractures? 3

Question 19.
Draw a fixture of 9 Football teams participating in a Tournament on the basis of knock? 3

Question 20.
Explain the role of sports in development of personality? 5

Question 21.
Explain the role of nutrition on sports performance? Describe the essential nutrients influencing sports performance? 5

Question 22.
Describe the concept of PRICE used for injury management? 5

Question 23.
Explain the effect of exercise on Cardiovascular system? 5

Question 24.
Describe Trajectory? Explain the factors affecting projectile trajectory? 5

Question 25.
Illustrate AAPHER motor fitness test? 5

Question 26.
Appraise the role of physical activity for maintaining functional fitness among elderly people? 5


Answer 1.
Strength is the ability of the muscle to overcome resistance. It is the amount of force a muscle or muscle groups can exert. It is achieved by voluntary muscle contraction. Specified types of strength is required for different types of activity, exercise and sports.

Answer 2.
Personality is the unique and relatively stable pattern of behaviour, thoughts and feelings of an individual. It is derived from the latin word ‘persona’ meaning ‘mask’. Personality is described as sum total of all traits and distinguishing qualities of an individual.

Answer 3.
The action of one surface or object rubbing against another. It is the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.

Answer 4.
Fracture is any discontinuation in bone due to any trauma. It can be a complete or incomplete break in a bone resulting from the application of excessive force. A fracture usually results from traumatic injury to bones causing the continuity of bone tissues or bony cartilage to bedisrupted or broken.

Answer 5.
Cardiac output is the effective volume of blood expelled by either ventricle of the heart per unit of time (generally per minute); it usually refers to left ventricle output. It is equal to the stroke volume multiplied by the heart rate. Normal values are 4 to 8 liters per minute.

Answer 6.
Yoga is a science of balancing between mind, body and spirit. It is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’in spiritual terms mean the union of the individual consciousness with the universal consciousness.

Answer 7.
“Good posture is applied to right position of the body assumed while doing any action so that minimum energy is consumed in order to get maximum efficiency.

Answer 8.
Disorders:  ADHD, SPD, ODD, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, learning disorder.
Disability:  Physical, Cognitive, Intellectual, Adaptive.

Answer 9.
An axis is a straight line around which an object rotates.
Plane is the surface on which movement takes place.

Answer 10.
Formula for giving Bye = Next power of 2 – No. of Teams

Answer 11.
Aggression is defined as any form of behaviors directed towards the goal of or injuring another living being who is motivated to avoid such treatment.

Answer 12.
Objective of Intramurals:

  • Promote physical, mental, social and emotional development of students.
  • Create health awareness and promote well being.
  • Inculcate Values and Ethics among students.
  • Provide opportunity to every student to participate in sports.
  • Develop leadership qualities.
  • Develop group cohesion
  • Provide recreation
  • Facilitate talent identification and development
  • Provide opportunity to experience sports environment

Answer 13.

The Law of Inertia: A body at rest tends to remain at rest. A body in motion tends to continue in motion with consistent speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an outside force. Example is the most anything in the real world—gravity, the surface of the playing field, a defensive player, or the braking action of an athlete’s body to stop.

The Law of Acceleration: The velocity of a body is changed only when acted upon by an additional force. The produced acceleration or deceleration is proportional to and in the same direction of the force. If a baseball player hits a ball with double the force, the rate at which the ball will accelerate (speed up) will be doubled. Football players can slow down, stop, or reverse the direction of other players depending upon how much force they can generate and in which direction.

The Law of Counterforce: The production of any force will create another force opposite and equal to the first force. A swimmer propels herself through the water because the water offers enough counterforce to oppose the action of her hands pushing, allowing her to move. An athlete can jump higher off a solid surface because it opposes his body with as much force as he is able to generate, in contrast to sand or other unstable surface.

Answer 14.
Nutrients are environmental substances used for energy, growth and bodily functions by organisms. Depending as the nutrient, these substances are needed is small amounts or larges amounts. Those that are needed in large amounts are called Macronutrients.

Micronutrients: as opposed to Macronutients. (protein, carbohydrates and fat), are comprised of vitamins and minerals which are required in small quantities to ensure normal metabolism, growth and physical well-being.
Minerals can be classified as macro minerals like calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorous and micro mineral (like iodine, iron, chromium, etc.)
Vitamins can be soluble like Vitamin A, D, E, etc.) or water soluble (like Vitamin B complex, B2, B3 etc.)

Answer 15.
Mal-posture means faulty carriage or incorrect alignment of different parts of body in respect to each other. It occurs due to the following reasons.

  • Muscular weakness
  • Malnourishment
  • Faulty desks and seats
  • Defective eye-sight or hearing
  • Improper exercises
  • Typical occupations
  • Too rapid growth during adolescence
  • Carrying weights
  • Use of improper belonging
  • Poor posture of teachers
  • Heredity and environments

Answer 16.
Growth of the child: As children grow and learn, their ability to perform more activities with their body and understand actions improves. This can be affected by age and size. While most motor development skills have age-specific target ranges, the skills are also influenced by children being small or tall for their age, their weight, and their mental development.

Environment: The child’s environment has a large effect on their motor skill development. The more opportunities they have to develop both gross and fine motor skills, the faster their capacity increases. For instance, if a child is encouraged to play outside on park equipment or other areas where they can climb, run, and play, their gross motor skills will develop quickly. Additionally, fine motor skills increase when children are encouraged to play with their hands, hold and touch smaller items, feed themselves, and draw or color.

Genetics: Children are affected both by the genetics of their parents and their own genetics. If there are genetic weaknesses, they may have slower motor skill development than general guidelines suggest for their age range. For instance, if a child has weak muscle tone or health issues, they will likely develop at a slower pace than other healthy children of their age.

Muscle Tone: As mentioned previously, muscle tone can affect motor skills. The stronger a child is, the more ability they may have to move and control their body. Muscles are a fundamental factor in a child having the strength to move their body and control their actions. If muscle development is weak, their motor skill development will be slower.

Gender: Gender plays an important role in how children develop. Boys often have more advanced motor skills than girls because they are typically stronger and more aggressive physically. At the same time, girls often have more advanced eye and hand coordination. They may be more able to balance fine motor skills and gross motor skills, using both large movements and more detailed actions interchangeably.

Answer 17.
(i) Intramural Competition
(ii) Committee:

  • Technical Committee
  • Financial Committee
  • Refreshment committee
  • Ceremonial Committee
  • Logistics Committee
  • Record and Certificate Committee
  • Jury of Appeal Committee

(iii) Importance:

  • Motto is towards maximum participation
  • Develop Group Cohesion
  • Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social Development
  • Recreation
  • Psychomotor development

Answer 18.
Types of Fracture:
(i) Close Fracture:

  • Transverse Fracture: Broken at right angle to long axis of bone
  • Oblique: Oblique direction to long axis, confined to one plane .A fracture in which the line of break runs obliquely to the axis of the bone.
  • Spiral Fracture: Occur when one end of an extremity is fixed (e.g., a foot is planted on the floor) but the rest of the extremity remains in motion.
  • Comminute Fracture: A fracture in which the bone has broken or fragmented into several pieces. It happens mostly due to crush.
  • Impact Fracture: An impacted fracture is one whose ends are driven into each other.
  • Green Sticks: fracture in a young, soft bone in which the bone bends and partially breaks

(ii) Open Fracture:

  • Compound Fracture: An open fracture, also called a compound fracture, is an injury that occurs when there is a break in the skin around a broken bone. In order for an injury to be classified as a compound fracture, the outside air (and dirt and bacteria must be able to get to the fracture site without a barrier of skin or soft-tissue.

Answer 19.
Total number of teams =09
Upper half = n + 1/2 = 09+1/2 = 5
Lower half = n — 1/2 = 09-1/2 = 4
Power of two’s = 24 n. of teams
= 16-09 = 7
No.of Byes = 7
No.of Byes in Lower Half = nb+1/2 = 7+1=4
No. of Byes in Upper Half =  nb-1/2 = 7-1=3
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Paper 2 1
Answer 20.
Role of sports in personality development are as following:
(i) Development of cognitive abilities: through sports participation cognitive process of athletes to perceive, evaluate and regulate their behaviour, which is appropriate in given situation improves. It benefits the following cognitive functions of processing information from received stimulus:

  • Influence Intelligence
  • Develops attention span
  • Improves concentration

(ii) Control on arousal and emotion: sports participation helps in psycho-physiological activation helps in avoidance of negative emotions state of feeling of nervousness, apprehension associated with arousal of the body.

  • Reduce anxiety
  • Regulate aggression

(iii) Promote Social Cohesion: Sports participation

  • Team association increases
  • Task association increases

(iv) Create Leadership abilities: Sports participation helps in development of behaviour process of influencing individuals and groups towards set objectives. Athletes are able to take initiative and guide others in performing some required task in an organized form to task attainment. It help in the following:

  • Develop ownership
  • Creates responsibility

(v) Self-Efficacy: Sports participation develops belief in athletes to perform task successfully. Sports participation supports individual belief in his or her competencies and abilities to succeed in particular task.

Answer 21.
Role of nutrition in sports performance can be divided in three phases, Pre-competition, During Competition, Post Competition.
(i) Pre-Competition:

  • Carbohydrate loading before competition helps in storing of glycogen which helps in extra energy during competitions.
  • Sufficient intake of fluid before competitions help in prevention of dehydration.

(ii) During Competition:

  • Small amount of carbohydrates at regular interval helps in maintain blood sugar level and reduces fatique.
  • Frequent intake of fluids are beneficial to stay hydrated during high intensity level activities.

(iii) Post Competition:

  • Initial intake of carbohydrate after competitions help in restoring glycogen.
  • To enhance muscle recovery, protein diet after few hours of competition is helpful.
  • A balanced diet containing of macro and micro nutrients post competitions helps in faster recovery and reduced chances of injury.

Essential nutrients required for performance:
Fat: it is major source of fuel, various sports require different proportion of fat to muscles, although extra fat influences performance.

Carbohydrates: it is a major fuel for muscular contraction. It helps in decrease of fatigue. Low level of carbohydrates results in formation of lactic acid leading to early fatigue. Protein: It is required for growth of tissues. Protein is used as for repair of cells and tissues leading to faster growth and development of muscles. It does have significant effect on performance.

Minerals: are essential for energy balance, deficiency decreases performance and increases chances of injury.

Vitamins: Essential for balance growth by avoiding deficiency. Vitamins protect the body from preventing external bodies to create damage and produce disease in the body.

Answer 22.
Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation, or P.R.I.C.E., adds the concept of “protection” to the traditional R.I.C.E. protocol formula. Protecting the injured area from further damage is crucial to the healing process.
P: Protection is meant to prevent further injury. For example, an injured leg or foot may be protected by limiting or avoiding weight-bearing through the use of crutches, a cane, or hiking poles. Partially immobilizing the injured area by using a sling, splint, or brace may also be a means of protection.

R: Rest is important to allow for healing. However, many sports medicine specialists use the term “relative rest” meaning rest that allows for healing, but is not so restrictive that recovery is compromised or slowed. A person should avoid activities that stress the injured area to the point of pain or that may slow or prevent healing.

I: Ice refers to the use of cold treatments, also known as cryotherapy, to treat acute injuries.Ice is recommended with the intent to minimize and reduce swelling as well as to decrease pain. The most common and most convenient is a simple plastic bag of crushed ice placed over a paper towel on the affected area. It is important to protect the skin and limit the cold exposure to 10 to 15 minutes.
Skin sensitivity or allergy to cold exposure can occur. Skin may become mottled, red and raised where the ice contacted the skin. If this is experienced, the ice treatments should be discontinued.

C: Compression is the use of a compression wrap, such as an elastic bandage, to apply an external force to the injured tissue. This compression minimizes swelling and provides mild support.
Elastic bandage should be applied directly to the skin by starting a few inches below the injury and wrapping in a figure eight or spiraling manner to a few inches above the injured area.
A medium amount of tension should be applied to provide ample, but not too constrictive
compression. The bandage should not cause numbness, tingling, or color change of the soft ‘ tissue.
E: Elevation is recommended to help reduce the pooling of fluid in the injured extremity or joint. Controlling swelling can help decrease pain and may limit the loss of range of motion, possibly speeding up recovery time.

Answer 23.
Effect of exercise on cardiovascular system:
(i) Exercise Effect:

  • Increase in stroke volume: it is the amount of blood ejected per beat from the left r ventricle. During activity SV increases 2-3 times from the resting SV.
  • Increase in Heart Rate: Heart Rate is the amount of contraction of left ventricles per minute. During exercise HR increases.
  • Cardiac Output: Cardiac Output is the amount of blood pumped from the heart per minute. Cardiac Output is the product of HR and S V. A resting Cardiac Output is 5L/ Min which can increase to 20 – 40 L/min after an intense exercise.
  • Increase in Blood Flow: More amount of blood is required by the tissue for immediate demand. At rest, 15-20% of blood is released to skeletal muscles, whereas during intense exercise 80-85% of blood is transported to skeletal muscles.
  • Increase in Blood Pressure: During exercise the systolic blood pressure increases 50¬70 mm/hg. Diastolic blood pressure remains unchanged.

(ii) Long Tem Effects:

  • Increase in size of heart: Muscles of the heart increase in size. The left ventricle adapts
    to the greatest extent. This phenomenon is also called as ‘Cardiac Hypertrophy’ which is not a disease. –
  • Decrease Resting Heart Rate: Regular exercise decreases the resting heart rate. Resting Heart Rate of 72beat/min can reduce to 30-40 beat/min in highly conditioned athletes.
  • Increase in Resting Stroke Volume: After continuous training of several years, resting stroke volume increases to 70-0 ml/beat from 50-70 ml/beat.

Answer 24.
The parabolic path followed by a projectile is called its trajectory.

  1. Initial velocity: Initial velocity is directly related to the distance covered in flight. The speed of release depends on initial vertical velocity and initial horizontal velocity. Having higher horizontal velocity will increase the distance covered.
  2. Angle of projection: An object which is projectedat different angles but the same initial velocity covers different distances. When it is released at an angle of 45o, covers maximum distance.
  3. Projection height: The higher the level of release, the longer distance covered in the flight. The horizontal component will be acting on the projectile for longer duration; hence projectile will be covering a longer distance.
  4. Gravity: Gravitational force is exerted by earth on all the objects. It is constant for all the objects. It decreases at the places of high altitude.
  5. Spin: it is amount and direction of spin directly affects the distance covered. The spin covered low pressure on the top, the object remains in air for longer period covering longer distance. If the spin creates high pressure on the top, the object remains in air for shorter period and covers shorter distance.
  6. Air Resistance: When a projectile moves through the air, it is slowed down by air resistance. It decreases the horizontal velocity of the projectile

Answer 25.
AAPHER motor fitness test was formed in 1965 in United States. It included these items:

  • Pull ups (boys)
  • Flexed arm stand (girls)
  • sit ups 600 yard run walk
  • shuttle run
  • 50 yard dash etc.
  1. Pull ups – to measure arm and shoulder strength
    Procedure – the bar was adjusted according to the height of the subject. The student is advised to raise his body so that the chin reaches the level of the bar. One score is awarded for each pull up. One trial is given.
  2. Flexed arm stand – to measure arm and shoulder strength
    Procedure – the adjusted bar is held with hand grasp. The student lifts her body with the help of assistance of testing personnel so that has chin reaches the bar level. The clasped time is taken as score. The score is nearest second.
  3. Sit ups – to measure abdominal strength and endurance
    Procedure – Student is advised to lie on floor on his/her back keeping knees bent. The angle of knees should be around 90°. Further the student is advised to put fingers interlockedand put behind the head. The student curls up and touches the elbows to knees. The score is counted as maximum number of sit ups in 60 seconds.
  4. 50 yards Dash – to measure speed
    Procedure – the student is advised to run 50 yards and time is recorded nearest to 10th of a second.
  5. 600 yard run walk – to measure endurance.
    Procedure – the student is advised to run or walk 600 yards and time is recorded in minutes and seconds.

Answer 26.
Regular physical activity helps elderly people to enjoy life and increases longevity along through wellbeing.

  1. Immune Function: A healthy, strong body fights off infection and sickness more easily and more quickly. Rather than sapping energy reserves entirely, recovery from an illness will take less of a toll on the body if the person exercises regularly.
  2. Cardio-Respiratory and Cardiovascular Function: Frequent physical activity lowers the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. If the elderly person has hypertension, exercise will help lower their blood pressure.
  3. Bone Density and Risk of Osteoporosis: Exercise protects against loss in bone mass. Better bone density will reduce the risk of osteoporosis, lower the risk of falling and prevent broken bones. Post-menopausal women can lose as much as 2 percent bone mass each year, and men also lose bone mass as they age. Research done at Tufts University shows that strength training can dramatically reduce this loss, help restore bones, and contribute to better balance and less fractures.
  4. Gastrointestinal Function: Regular exercise helps boost your metabolism and promotes the efficient elimination of waste and encourages digestive health.
  5. Chronic Conditions and Cancer: Physical activity lowers risk of serious conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, osteoporosis and colon cancer, to name a few. It also helps in the management of high cholesterol and arthritis pain.
  6. Manage Stress, Improve Mood: Regular, moderate physical activity can help manage stress and improve your mood. And, being active on a regular basis may help reduce feelings of depression. Studies also suggest that exercise can improve or maintain some aspects of cognitive function, such as your ability to shift quickly between tasks, plan an activity, and ignore irrelevant information.
  7. Prevent or Delay Disease: Scientists have found that staying physically active and exercising regularly can help prevent or delay many diseases and disabilities. In some cases, exercise is an effective treatment for many chronic conditions. For example, studies show that people with arthritis, heart disease, or diabetes benefit from regular exercise. Exercise also helps people with high blood pressure, balance problems, or difficulty walking.

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