CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7

Sample Paper SetPaper 7
CategoryCBSE Sample Papers

Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 12 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme as prescribed by the CBSE is given here. Paper 7 of Solved CBSE Sample Paper for Class 12 Maths is given below with free PDF download solutions.

Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100

General Instructions:

  • All questions are compulsory.
  • Questions 1-4 in section A are very short answer type questions carrying 1 mark each.
  • Questions 5-12 in section B are short answer type questions carrying 2 marks each.
  • Questions 13-23 in section C are long answer I type questions carrying 4 marks each.
  • Questions 24-29 in section D are long answer II type questions carrying 6 marks each.


Question 1.
If A is a square matrix of order 3 and |adj A| = 144, then find the value of |3A| ?

Question 2.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 Q2

Question 3.
Evaluate \(\int { \frac { { sec }^{ 2 }\left( logx \right) }{ x } } dx\)

Question 4.
Differentiate log (x + \(\sqrt { { x }^{ 2 }+{ a }^{ 2 } }\)) with respect to x.


Question 5.
Using elementary transformation find the inverse of the matrix \(\begin{pmatrix} 5 & 4 \\ 3 & 2 \end{pmatrix}\)

Question 6.
Using differentials find the approximate value of f(5.001) where f(x) = x3 – 7x2 + 15.

Question 7.
Find the equations of tangents to the curve 3x2 – y2 = 8 which passes through the point (\(\frac { 4 }{ 3 }\) , 0)

Question 8.
If cos y = x cos (a + y) prove that \(\frac { dy }{ dx } =\frac { { cos }^{ 2 }\left( a+y \right) }{ sina }\)

Question 9.
Find the coordinate of the point where the line \(\frac { x+1 }{ 2 } =\frac { y+2 }{ 3 } =\frac { z+3 }{ 4 }\) meets the plane x + y + 4z = 6.

Question 10.
Let A and B are two events such that P (\(\bar { A\cup B }\)) = \(\frac { 1 }{ 6 }\), P(A ∩ B) = \(\frac { 1 }{ 4 }\) and P(\(\bar { A }\)) = \(\frac { 1 }{ 4 }\) .Prove that A and B are independent events.

Question 11.
Solve for x, tan-12x + tan-13x = \(\frac { \pi }{ 4 }\)

Question 12.
Evaluate \(\int { \frac { x-4 }{ \left( x-2 \right) ^{ 3 } } } { e }^{ x }dx\)


Question 13.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 Q13

Question 14.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 Q14

Question 15.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 Q15

Question 16.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 Q16

Question 17.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 Q17

Question 18.
Form the differential equation of the family of circles in the first quadrant which touches the coordinate axes.

Question 19.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 Q19

Question 20.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 Q20

Question 21.
An instructor has a question bank consisting of 300 easy True/False questions, 200 difficult True/False questions, 500 easy multiple choice questions and 400 difficult multiple choice questions. If a question is selected at random from the question bank, what is the probability that it will be an easy question given that it is a multiple choice question.

Question 22.
An insurance company insured 2000 scooters and 3000 motorcycles. The probability of an accident involving a scooter is 0.01 and that of a motorcycle is 0.02. An insured vehicle met with an accident. Find the probability that the accidented vehicle was a motorcycle. How we can avoid accidents?

Question 23.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 Q23


Question 24.
If the sum of the lengths of the hypotenuse and a side of a right angled triangle is given, show that the area of the triangle is maximum when the angle between them is \(\frac { \pi }{ 3 }\).
A tank with rectangular base and rectangular sides, open at the top is to be constructed so that its depth is 2 m and volume is 8m3. If building of tank cost ₹ 70 per square metre for the base and ₹ 45 per square metre for the sides, what is the cost of least expensive tank?

Question 25.
Find the area of the region included between the parabola y2 = x and the line x + y = 2 using integration.
Find the area of the smaller region bounded by the ellipse \(\frac { { x }^{ 2 } }{ 9 } +\frac { { y }^{ 2 } }{ 4 } =1\) and the line \(\frac { x }{ 3 } +\frac { y }{ 2 } =1\) using integration.

Question 26.
If \(A=\left( \begin{matrix} 3 & 2 & -1 \\ -2 & 1 & 2 \\ 1 & -3 & 1 \end{matrix} \right)\) , find A-1. Hence solve the system of linear equations
3x – 2y + z = 2
2x + y – 3z = – 5
-x + 2y + z = 6

Question 27.
A company manufactures two types of toys. Toys of Type A require 5 minutes each for cutting and 10 minutes each for assembling. Toys of type B require 8 minutes each for cutting and 8 minutes each for assembling. There are 3 hours 20 minutes available for cutting and 4 hours available for assembling. The profit is ₹ 0.50 each for type A and ₹ 0.60 each for type B toys. How many toys of each type should be manufactured in order to maximize the profit?

Question 28.
The points A (4, 5, 10), B(2, 3, 4) and C(1, 2, -1) are three vertices of a parallelogram ABCD. Find the vector and cartesian equation of the sides AB and BC and find coordinates of D.
Find the angle between lines whose direction cosines are given by the relations 3l + m + 5n = 0 and 6mn – 2nl + 5lm = 0

Question 29.
Solve the differential equation \(\frac { dy }{ dx }\) = sin (x + y) + cos (x + y)


Solution 1.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S1

Solution 2.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S2

Solution 3.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S3

Solution 4.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S4

Solution 5.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S5

Solution 6.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S6

Solution 7.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S7

Solution 8.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S8

Solution 9.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S9

Solution 10.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S10

Solution 11.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S11
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S11.1

Solution 12.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S12

Solution 13.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S13

Solution 14.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S14
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S14.1
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S14.2

Solution 15.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S15

Solution 16.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S16
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S16.1

Solution 17.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S17

Solution 18.
Equation of family of circle in the first quadrant which touches both the coordinate axes is
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S18
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S18.1

Solution 19.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S19

Solution 20.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S20
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S20.1

Solution 21.
Let E1 is the event: it is an easy question
E2 is the event: it is an M.C.Q (Multiple Choice Question)
True/False Easy Question = 300
True/False Difficult Question = 200
MCQ easy question = 500
Difficult MCQ = 400
Total Questions = 300 + 200 + 500 + 400 = 1400
Total easy questions = 300 + 500 = 800
Total difficult questions = 200 + 400 = 600
E1 ∩ E2 = easy M.C.Q = 500
E2 = 500 + 400 = 900
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S21

Solution 22.
E1 : Total insured scooters = 2000
E2 : Total insured motorcycles = 3000
Total vehicles = 5000
A is the event insured vehicle meets with an accident.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S22

Solution 23.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S23

Solution 24.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S24
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S24.1
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S24.2

Solution 25.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S25
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S25.1

Solution 26.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S26
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S26.1
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S26.2

Solution 27.
Let x type A and y type B toys manufactured.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S27
Hence profit is maximum at the point (8, 20) means 8 toys of type A and 20 toys of type B should be manufactured.

Solution 28.
In parallelogram diagonal bisect to each other, so mid point of BD = Mid point of AC
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S28
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S28.1
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S28.2
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S28.3

Solution 29.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Paper 7 S29

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