CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 English Core Paper 3

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 English Core Paper 3 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 English Core. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 English Core Paper 3.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 English Core Paper 3

SubjectEnglish Core
Sample Paper SetPaper 3
CategoryCBSE Sample Papers

Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 12 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme as prescribed by the CBSE is given here. Paper 3 of Solved CBSE Sample Paper for Class 12 Englsih Core is given below with free PDF download solutions.

Time Allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 100

General Instructions

  • This paper is divided into three sections: A, B and C. All the sections are compulsory.
  • Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them faithfully.
  • Do not exceed the prescribed Word limit while answering the questions.


Question 1.
Read the following passage carefully. (12 Marks)

1. Suspense was over when my high school results finally came out. But I was upset. I hadn’t done as well as I had expected. My father tried to console me. “Why are you worried? You have done very well my dear.” “No, I haven’t, Baba,” I protested, controlling my tears, and wondering if I had disappointed him. “It doesn’t really matter,” he assured me. “Do you know what I got when I finished high school ?” I looked into Baba’s face and waited for the answer to his own question. ‘You know,” he told me. “I’ve never told you this. I got just a third division. But, look at me, I’ve done quite well.” Baba got a third division! I was almost in shock, but the thought of my having done a lot better than that made me realize that I had no reason to complain. I certainly felt better! “Everything is under control!” said Baba, smiling. That was his favourite phrase. Posted in Kolkata, my father was then a senior official in the Indian Railway Service, and an expert in goods traffic operations. He was soon to become a director with the Railway Board. By the time he retired in 1981, he was general manager of the Central Railways. By the time Baba passed away in November 2000, his name had found place in several hearts as well. He was open, easy to know, and full of life. We were extremely close, but I had so much more to learn about him from many things I came to know after his death.

2. In September 2000, he was in hospital for treatment of cancer and given just two months to live. When he found out, his reaction was an extremely rational one. He asked me to fetch files from his cupboard, so that he could explain the details of my mother’s pension. He also dictated his will from his hospital bed. “Everything is under control!” After Baba’s death, Satish, our old family retainer, was inconsolable. We tried to cheer him up. “Your Baba had scolded me only once in all these years!” he cried. Satish pointed to the watch on his left hand. “I had been coming late for work and everyone in the family was complaining about it,” said Satish. “Then, one day, your Baba gave me this watch and told me, ‘now that you have a watch, you can’t be late’.” That was the scolding Satish received. On the fourth day after Baba’s death, my sister and I had to perform a ceremony. Since several relatives were expected, we decided to order lunch from a caterer in our locality, reputed for his home cooked food. But, when we went to pay the owner, we got a surprise. He refused to accept any money! “When I wanted to start my catering business, it was your father who lent me money,” he told us. It seems Baba never asked for it back. Now, after four or five years, the caterer wanted to repay that debt. Of course, we made him accept the full payment for the fine food and service. ‘It was Baba’s gift and it ought to remain so,” I told him.

3. Some days later, there was yet another piece of information as we were preparing for the main ceremony. Vikram, my brother drove me to the local market. On recognizing our car, the parking assistant, in his twenties, came running towards us and asked why he had not seen its owner for long. We had to break the news to him and to our utter surprise, he started crying. We were really surprised by this reaction from a stranger – until the man told us that Baba used to pay his daughter’s school fees and buy her books. It seems, it was on my father’s advice that he’d even started sending the child to school. More than three years after Baba’s death, as we were looking into Baba’s personal things, we came across an old file with Baba’s certificates and I found among them, his high school diploma from 1937, the one he’d told me about 30 years earlier, about the third division that had made no difference in his life or career. It had made me see beyond mere marks and first classes as the main road to success. But there was one more fact. Baba had actually got a first division, a rare achievement in his day. Today, . years after his passing, when I think of Baba, I see a man who was able to sympathise with others so easily and touch their lives in such a special way. (Delhi (C) 2015)

I. On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate option. (1 × 4 = 4 Marks)

(a) Why was the narrator in tears when her school results came out?

  1. She did better than she expected.
  2. She did not do as expected.
  3. Her Baba had not done well.
  4. Her Baba had done better than her.

(b) On knowing the result, how did the narrator’s father react?

  1. He scolded her.
  2. He beat her.
  3. He consoled her.
  4. He made fun of her.

(c) Why did the narrator say that she had nothing to complain?

  1. She had done better than her father.
  2. She had done as well as her father.
  3. She had topped in her school.
  4. She had not worked hard at all.

(d) Choose the option that is not correct.

  1. Baba was a senior official in the Indian Railway Service.
  2. Baba was to become a director with the Railway Board.
  3. Baba was the general manager of the Central Railways.
  4. Baba had got a third division in high school.

II. Answer the following questions as briefly as possible. (1 × 6 = 6 Marks)

(e) Why did the narrator’s sick father want her to fetch files from his cupboard ?
(f) Why did Baba buy Satish a watch ?
(g) Why did the caterer not want to take money from the narrator ?
(h) Why were the narrator and her brother surprised on meeting the parking assistant?
(i) Today years after his passing away what has the narrator realized about her Baba?
(j) What was the story that Baba had invented on the day the narrator’s results were published ?

III. Find words from the passage which mean the same as: (1 × 2 = 2 Marks)

(a) tension/anxiety (para 1)
(b) servant (para 2)

Question 2.
Read the following passage carefully. (10 Marks)

1. We often make all things around us the way we want them. Even during our pilgrimages we have begun to look for whatever makes our heart happy, gives comfort to our body and peace to the mind. It is as if external solutions will fulfil our needs, and we do not want to make any special efforts even in our spiritual search. Our mind is resourceful- it works to find shortcuts in simple and easy ways.

2. Even pilgrimages have been converted into tourism opportunities. Instead, we must awaken our conscience and souls and understand the truth. Let us not tamper with either our own nature or that of the Supreme.

3. All our cleverness is rendered ineffective when nature does a dance of destruction. Its fury can and will wash away all imperfections. Indian culture, based on Vedic treatises, assists in human evolution, but we are now using our entire energy in distorting these traditions according to our convenience instead of making efforts to make ourselves worthy of them.

4. The irony is that humans are not even aware of the complacent attitude they have allowed themselves to sink to. Nature is everyone’s Amma and her fierce blows will sooner or later corner us and force us to understand this truth. Earlier, pilgrimages to places of spiritual significance were rituals that were undertaken when people became free from their worldly duties. Even now some seekers take up this pious religious journey as a path to peace and knowledge. Anyone travelling with this attitude feels and travels with only a few essential items that his body can carry. Pilgrims traditionally travelled light, on foot, eating light, dried chickpeas and fruits, or whatever was available. Pilgrims of olden days did not feel the need to stay in special AC bedrooms, or travel by luxury cars or indulge themselves with delicious food and savouries.

5. Pilgrims traditionally moved ahead, creating a feeling of belonging towards all, conveying a message of brotherhood among all they came across whether in small caves, ashrams or local settlements. They received the blessings and congregations of yogis and mahatmas in return while conducting the dharma of their pilgrimage. A pilgrimage is like penance or sadhana to stay near nature and to experience a feeling of oneness with it, to keep the body healthy and fulfilled with the amount of food, while seeking freedom from attachments and yet remaining happy while staying away from relatives and associates.

6. This is how a pilgrimage should be rather than making it like a picnic by taking a large group along and living in comfort, packing in entertainment, and tampering with environment. What is worse is giving a boost to the ego of having had a special darshan. Now alms are distributed, charity done while they brag about their spiritual experiences!

7. We must embark on our spiritual journey by first understanding the grace and significance of a pilgrimage and following it up with the prescribed rules and rituals — this is what translates into the ultimate and beautiful medium of spiritual evolution. There is no justification for tampering with nature.

8. A pilgrimage is symbolic of contemplation and meditation and acceptance, and is a metaphor for the constant growth or movement and love for nature that we should hold in our hearts.

9. This is the truth! (Delhi 2015)

I. On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate option. (1 × 2 = 2 Marks)

(a) How can a pilgrim keep his body healthy?

  1. By travelling light
  2. By eating small amount of food
  3. By keeping free from attachments
  4. Both (i) and (ii)

(b) How do we satisfy our ego?

  1. By having a special darshan
  2. By distributing alms
  3. By treating it like a picnic
  4. Both (i) and (ii)

II. Answer the following questions as briefly as possible. (1 × 6 = 6 Marks)

(c) What change has taken place in our attitude towards pilgrimages?
(d) What happens when pilgrimages are turned into picnics?
(e) Why are we complacent in our spiritual efforts?
(f) How does nature respond when we try to be clever with it?
(g) In olden days with what attitude did people go on a pilgrimage?
(h) What message does the passage convey to the pilgrims?

III. Find words from the passage which are similar in meaning to the following. (1 × 2 = 2 Marks)

(a) made / turned (para 3)
(b) very satisfied (para 4)

Question 3.
Read the following passage carefully. (8 Marks)

More than a century ago, some countries had no police force. Local leaders devised their own methods of ensuring that their orders were carried out and fulfilled. The offender was not given a second chance to repeat his mistake for he was either killed or hunted out of the district.

In England the modern police force grew largely from an unofficial body gathered together by a London magistrate. He found that it was practically impossible to apprehend any of the criminals in his area unless he deployed some men secretly to detect and hunt the culprits.

These unofficial constables had to patrol one large district. They looked upon their position largely as an honorary one and had very little power. Worse still they were sometimes corrupt men themselves for they would conveniently look the other way round in times of trouble, like theft, hooliganism and vandalism.

Magistrate fielding enrolled a few men whom he could explicitly trust and employed them to catch the thieves and other undesirable persons. The majority of the people resented what they thought was a threat to their liberties, intrusion on their privacies and above all spying on them. They maintained that they should have every right to drink themselves to death with any form of alcohol, as so many of them did. They thought too that they should be allowed to quarrel, to fight and even kill amongst themselves. The situation was made worse by the fact that the penalties for offences were very heavy in those days and man could be hanged for the theft of some unimportant thing. Arrest by the magistrate’s men could bring disastrous results.

Contrary to general feeling, the authorities gradually admitted that these early policemen were vitally necessary, after much discussion, argument and persuasion, the government secretly agreed to re-imburse the magistrate for the men he employed. This step was not made public lest it should be thought that the government was planting spies amidst its people. Eventually the public came to look upon the police with a more friendly spirit as the benefits became more noticeable. At long last, men and women could walk along the streets by day and even by night without fear of robbery and other acts of violence. Hitherto, the people were free to do practically anything-good or bad, irrespective of the possible consequences, as the police force built up. The people gave up their freedom to commit evil deeds so that they might have a greater freedom to do good so as to enable one and all to enjoy life peacefully and harmoniously.

A. On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it, using headings and sub-headings. Use recognizable abbreviations (wherever necessary—minimum four) and a format you consider suitable. Also supply an appropriate title to it. (5 Marks)

B. Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words. (3 Marks)


Question 4.
An inter class drama competition is to be held in St. Stephens School, Vishakhapatnam. As Akash, head boy of the school, draft a notice to be put up on the school notice board inviting entries in about 50 words. Provide all necessary details. (Delhi (C) 2015) (4 Marks)
You are Varsha/Varun, Secretary, Inlingua Institute. The institute is going to start fresh batches in foreign languages shortly. Write a classified advertisement for a local daily announcing the courses in not more than 50 words. Give relevant details.

Question 5.
Along with air and water pollution, our cities are also under attack of noise pollution. Marriage, DJ’s during wedding receptions, loud music from neighbourhood flats, etc. are all sources of noise which is not good for the old, the ailing and students. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a local newspaper describing the problem and making a request to the concerned authorities to solve it. You are Karan/Karuna, M 114, Mall road, Delhi. (All India 2016) (6 Marks)
You are Karan/Karuna, pursuing a course in tourism from YMCA, Delhi. You recently saw an advertisement offering a limited period discounted trip to Paris. Write a letter to Thomas Cook Travels enquiring about the trip and giving your requirements.

Question 6.
Brain drain is a bane for India. Write an article on it for the school magazine in 150- 200 words. You are the head boy of Salwan Public School, Delhi. (10 Marks)
On Teacher’s Day your principal has asked you to deliver a speech in the morning assembly on ‘The Role of Teachers in a Society’. Write a speech in 150¬200 words. You are Navtej/Navita. (Foreign 2015)

Question 7.
You are Nitin/Navya. You have to participate in a debate for the motion, ‘Westernization has eroded Indian culture’. Write this debate in 150-200 words. (10 Marks)
You are Pari/ Rakesh of Bluebells Academy, Delhi. As the reporter for your school magazine write a report on the Annual Inter School English Debate that was organized in your school recently in about 150 -200 words. Include relevant points like inauguration, venue, participants, etc.


Question 8.
Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow: (1 × 4 = 4 Marks)

At back of the dim class
One unnoted, sweet and young. His eyes live in a dream,
Of squirrel’s game, in the tree room, other than this. (Foreign 2015)

(a) Why is the class dim?
(b) Why is the child called ‘sweet and young’?
(c) What does the child want to enjoy?
(d) What is the significance of the phrase ‘other than this’?


And such too is the grandeur of the dooms
We have imagined for the mighty dead;
All lovely tales that we have heard or read:
An endless fountain of immortal drink,
Pouring unto us from the heaven’s brink. (Delhi (C) 2015)

(a) Name the poem.
(b) Who are the ‘mighty dead’ referred to here?
(c) What is the endless fountain of immortal drink?
(d) What does the word ‘brink’ mean?

Question 9.
Answer any four of the following questions in about 30-40 words each : (4 × 3 = 12 Marks)

(a) What does the line ‘Therefore are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth’ suggest to you? (NCERT)
(b) What symbol from nature does the poet involve to say that there can be life under apparent stillness? (NCERT)
(c) What is the misadventure that William Douglas speaks about?
(d) Garbage to them is gold. Why does the author say so about the rag pickers? (Delhi 2008)
(e) Why is Rajkumar Shukla described as being ‘resolute’? (NCERT)
(f) What precautions and arrangements were made for the smooth conducting of the examination and providing Evans with no means of escape?

Question 10.
To be grateful is the virtue of a gentleman. How did the peddler show his gratitude to Edla? (Delhi (C) 2015) (6 Marks)
“It is his Karam, his destiny that made Mukesh’s grandfather go blind.” How did Mukesh disprove this belief by choosing a new vocation and making his own destiny? (Delhi (C) 2015)

Question 11.
How did Jack end Roger Skunk story? How and why did Jo want to change it? (120-150 words) (All India 2016) (6 Marks)
What change took place in Derry when he met Mr. Lamb?(120-150 words) (Delhi (C) 2015)

Question 12.
After reading the novel, The Invisible Man, what opinion do you form of Dr. Kemp? (120-150 words) (6 Marks)
How do William Dane’s deceit and Sara’s desertion affect Silas? (120-150 words) (All India 2016)

Question 13.
Describe Dolly Winthrop as the most lovable character in George Eliot’s ‘Silas Mamer’. (120-150 words) (Delhi 2015) (6 Marks)
Attempt a character sketch of Marvel. (120-150 words) (Delhi 2015)


Answer 1.

I. (a) (ii) She did not do as expected.
(b) (iii) He consoled her.
(c) (i) She had done better than her father.
(d) (iv) Baba had got third division in high school.

II. (e) The narrator’s sick father wanted her to fetch files from the cupboards as he wanted to explain to her the details of her mother’s pension. if) Baba bought a watch for Satish so that he would never be late.
(g) The caterer did not want to take money from the narrator because he felt indebted to Baba as he had helped him financially to start his business.
(h) The narrator and her brother were surprised on meeting the parking assistant as he started crying on hearing about Baba’s demise. Actually, Baba had been helping him by paying his daughter’s school fees and buying her books.
(i) Years after passing away of Baba, the narrator realized that baba was a deeply sympathetic man and touched people’s lives in a special way.
(j) On the day the narrator’s results were published Baba had invented the story that he had got third division and yet had done so well in his career.

III. (a) suspense (b) retainer

Answer 2.

I. (a) (ii) By eating small amount of food
(b) (iv) Both (i) and (ii)

II. (c) Today we see pilgrimages as picnics.
(d) When pilgrimage is seen as a picnic, spiritual significance is not understood. Comforts, food, AC rooms and entertainment become more important than spiritual activities.
(e) We are complacent in our spiritual efforts because we are materialistic and listen to our ego.
(f) Nature responds with fury and natural disasters can wipe away humans.
(g) In olden days people went on pilgrimages with humility and grace. They understood the spiritual significance of the pilgrimage and respected nature.
(h) The passage conveys the message that pilgrimage should be done for contemplation, meditation and acceptance.

III. (a) rendered (b) complacent

Answer 3.

A. TITLE: Rise of Police Force in England

1. A century ago
(a) no police force
(b) local leaders devised their own methods for law and order
(c) extreme punishments
(i) death (ii) exile

2. Modern police force
(a) by effrts of fielding a magistrt
(b) deployed trustworthy men secretly to catch culprits

3. Duties of constables
(a) patrolling
(b) catch undesirable men

4. Reaction of the people
(a) resented constables as
(i) threat to their freedom
(ii) threat to their rights

5. Authorities’ decision
(a) constle role crucial
(b) secretly agreed to pay them

6. Effects of the decision
(a) ppl became friendly to police
(b) law and order became better
(c) less fear of vio
(d) led to peaceful life for citizens


A century ago there was no police force in England. Leaders devised their own methods to curb crime. Culprits were either killed or exiled. Trustworthy men employed by a magistrate were fielded to keep vigilance on culprits. These men would patrol and nab undesirable men. People saw these constables as impinging on their rights and liberties. However the authorities upheld the practice recognizing that constables were crucial for peace. Gradually when the law and order bettered and people led safer lives, they became friendly to the police.

Key to Abbreviations
effrts : efforts
magistrt : magistrate
constle : constable
ppl : people
vio : violence

Answer 4.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 English Core Paper 3 1
Answer 5.

M 114
Mall Road
September 5, 20××
The Editor
Times of India
New Delhi

Sub: Noise pollution caused by excessive noise.

Dear Sir

I beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that along with air and water pollution, our cities are also under attack of noise pollution. Marriage, DJ’s during wedding receptions, loud music from neighbourhood flats, etc. are all sources of noise. Nobody seems to realize that noisy activities are not only stressful but against the norms of civic behaviour.

High levels of noise may cause dull hearing and ringing in the ears. Regular high level noise exposures lead to loss of hearing and other adverse health effects.

Noise is very harmful for the old and the ailing who are in need of peace and quiet. Excessive noise also distracts the students especially during examination days. Recently I had to take my preboard class 12 examinations. I had immense problem concentrating at night because our neighbours had organized a ‘jagrata’ lasting the entire night.Every year a prohibitory order is issued for banning the use of loudspeakers at late night but the question is that who will enforce it?

I request you to ban the use of loudspeakers totally for a period of two months so that the students can prepare well for their examination. I also wish that the law is enforced strictly at all times. Lastly the people need to be sensitized to the harms of noise pollution I request you to publish this letter in your prestigious daily so that the concerned authorities will take note of the distressing rise in noise pollution.

Thank you
Yours sincerely


Rajiv Chowk
9 th September, 20××
The Manager
Thomas and Cook
Barakhamba Road

Sub: Inquiry about a trip to Paris

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are doing a vocational course in tourism from YMCA, Delhi. We were surfing on the internet when we came across an advertisement offering a limited period offer of a trip to Paris in your website. We are a group of five and are very interested in visiting Paris because we have Christmas holidays from 25th December to 5th January. We haven’t got a lot of information about the trip and we would like to know more about it. Our queries are listed below:

What does the tour include?

What kind of accommodation will we have?

Will there be a guide on the tour?

In particular, we would like to visit the most important monuments such as the Eiffel Tower or Versailles.

We will be grateful if you send us a brochure at your earliest.

Yours faithfully

Answer 6.
According to a UN definition, the flight of talent that is required for a country’s development, to another country is called brain drain. It was with great effort and high hopes that we set up our institutes of higher education. It is unfortunate that thousands of our doctors and engineers are leaving the country every year.

We have a large pool of scientific and technical manpower that is waiting for respectable assignments. Several thousand engineering graduates are waiting for employment. Some feel that they are under-employed, so they migrate to countries wherever they find better opportunities. It is also the grievance of some of them that they do not have adequate facilities and a congenial environment for work or research in this country.

The human resources department of the government has laid stress on the evolution of suitable mechanism to bring back and woo talent from other countries. The government must think in terms of instituting a compulsory national service for a limited period of time. The basic facilities congenial for research and education should be provided in the institutions so that our technical graduates do not feel ill-at-ease in their own set-up. Let every graduate realize that he has a duty towards the country that educated him.


A very good morning to the Principal, respected teachers and my dear friends.

We are here today to celebrate a most revered occasion of Teacher’s Day. It is an honorable occasion for the students of India. It is observed every year to pay respect to the teachers. So, dear friends come on and join this celebration to pay a hearty respect to our own teachers. Teachers are the backbone of our society because they contribute to building our characters, shaping our future and help us to be ideal citizens of the country. Teacher’s Day is celebrated all across the India every year on 5th of September to pay tribute to teachers. Teacher’s Day is an occasion to pay tribute and gratitude to teachers for their continuous, selfless and precious efforts in shaping the future. They enrich the quality of education system in the country and improve it. Our teachers teach us from their hearts. As students we need inspiration and motivation which we get amply from our teachers.

They prepare us to tackle life through knowledge and patience.

Dear teachers, we are and will be always grateful to you!

Thank you

Answer 7.
Indian culture, which is one of the oldest and richest cultures, is nowadays posing a serious threat as western culture is establishing its strong base in India and slowly and gradually wiping the Indian culture.

One of the esteemed members of the jury I, Navya stand before you to debate for the motion that westernization has eroded Indian culture.

Westernization has affected our traditions, customs, family and our respect and love for others. The concept of joint families is fast declining and everyone wants to remain aloof from others. Nobody now bothers about others which is totally contradictory to our Indian culture which teaches us to love and share. Westernization has given rise to single families. Marriages are fast breaking and our tolerance and patience are at an end. In today’s scenario where both husband and wife are working, there is no one at home to look after their children or to instill ‘sanskaras’ in them. In majority of case the children prefer to remain away from their parents which is very unfortunate. It is unfortunate that today’s generation has little knowledge about their culture and their roots. This is the mistake of their parents who fail to enlighten their children.

Contradictory to it, parents feel proud in giving the western sanskaras to their children. Unless adults initiate educating their children, they will remain miles away from Indian culture.


Bluebells Academy Hosts Inter-School English Debate
By Rakesh

Delhi, 13th September: Bluebells Academy organized an annual interschool debate competition on 12th September, 20xx. The programme was organized in the spacious auditorium of the school. Twenty four prestigious schools of Delhi and NCR participated enthusiastically in the much awaited debate.

The programme began with the lighting of the lamp. The principal Ms Navya Doshi introduced the chief guest and the three esteemed judges. The chief guest for the programme was Mr. J.M Goel, former ambassador to Thailand. The judges were Mr. M.K. Rana, a professor of English at JNU, Ms Kajal Banneiji, renowned columnist and Ms Lalitha Lalwani, professor at Jamia Milia University.

The participants debated enthusiastically on the motion-Examinations are not a true reflection of a student’s ability’. They also interjected other speakers. The best team prize was bagged by Rajmal Pubilc School. The first two prizes were bagged by Nitin and Mohan of Rajmal Public School, while the third was secured by Suhana of SLF Public School, Noida. They received attractive prizes. The judges congratulated the winners heartily. The chief guest remarked, “It was an honour to be part of such a prestigious debate.” The programme ended with a vote of thanks proposed by-the principal.

Answer 8.

(a) ‘The class is dimly and insufficiently lit. That’s the reason that it has been referred to as ‘dim’.
(b) The child is innocent and indeed young as he belongs to an elementary class.
(c) The child wishes to enjoy watching the squirrel’s play outside. Perhaps he too wishes to be outside in a tree house.
(d) The child dreams of being outside, anywhere except in the confines of the dull and dim classroom.


(a) The poem is A Thing of Beauty by John Keats
(b) The mighty dead are the ancient powerful and brave men who did noble deeds in the past. But now they are dead.
(c) The beautiful things mentioned in the poem are the endless fountain of immortal drink.
(d) The word ‘brink’ means ‘edge’ of heaven.

Answer 9.

(a) We know that this world is often not a happy planet to stay on. From birth to death, it is full of suffering and pain. These things depress our spirits. But God has provided us several things of beauty that pour love and happiness to our depressed feelings. These objects of beauty are like a ‘flowery band’ that keeps us bound to the earth.

(b) The poet does not want us to confuse stillness with total inactivity. There is life under apparent stillness. He quotes the example of the Earth which is active round the clock. Thus the poet involves the Earth as a living symbol to prove his point. When everything seems dead, the Earth proves to be alive under apparent stillness, the nature remains at work and thus keeps the Earth alive.

(c) The narrator was at the Y.M.C.A. pool. He had decided to learn to swim. Suddenly a strongly built boy of eighteen came. He teased the narrator and finally tossed him into water. Very soon he went to the bottom. He struggled to come up but couldn’t. He felt paralysed and suffocated. He was nearly drowned.

(d) For the ragpickers of Seemapuri, garbage is nothing less than gold. It is their ‘daily bread’. For the children it is wrapped in wonder. Sometimes they find a ten-rupee note or even a silver coin in a heap of garbage. For the elders it is a means of survival.

(e) Rajkumar Shukla is described as being ‘resolute’ because he was fully determined to take Gandhi to Bihar. Being an illiterate and poor share cropper from Champaran, he had come to apprise and complain to Gandhi about the injustice of the landlord system in Bihar. He met Gandhi in the Lucknow session of the Congress. He was committed to accompany Gandhi everywhere. Gandhi was very much impressed by his tenacity and fixed time for him in Calcutta. Months passed in waiting. Shukla was sitting at the haunches at the fixed place in Calcutta, till Gandhi was free. Finally both boarded a train to Patna.

(f) The prison-staff and the Governor made all precautions for the smooth conduct of the examination. A parson, Mr. McLeery was to invigilate. Stephens and Jackson were to stand outside the locked cell. Evans’s cell was thoroughly searched for two hours. The Governor himself coordinated and supervised all the activities.

Answer 10.
It is true that thankfulness is the mark of a gentleman. Miss Willmansson had been kind to the peddler all day long, as if he were a captain. For the first time he had received such compassion and trust. He would have been caught in this world’s rattrap if he had not been raised to a captain. That gave power to him to redeem himself. Miss Willmansson found a rattrap and in it lay three wrinkled ten kroner notes. In the rattrap lay a letter. It was addressed to her. She was praised for being so nice to the peddler. Miss Willmansson was full of joy. The peddler returned the stolen 30 kronors to be given to the rightful owner. She also got a rattrap as a Christmas present from him. Thus in showing his gratitude to Edla he proved how he could be as dignified as a captain.


Despite long years of hard labour, Mukesh’s father couldn’t renovate his house nor was he able to send his two sons to school. Mukesh’s grandmother said that it was in his ‘karam’ or destiny to suffer in poverty. But still they couldn’t change their ‘God-given lineage’. Born in the caste of bangle-makers they learnt nothing else except making bangles. Though Mukesh belonged to a poor family of bangle-makers, he dared to challenge his fate. He was determined to be a motor mechanic. He didn’t dream of flying a machine but a car on the roads of Firozabad. It is heartening to see that at least somebody tried to break the shackles of the debilitating mentality of the older generation. With hard work and focus Mukesh could indeed be successful.

Answer 11.
In Jack’s story Roger Skunk’s mommy was very furious that the wizard had made Roger smell like roses. She went straight to the wizard. She took an umbrella and hit that wizard right over his head. Then the wizard was ready to do what she wanted. Roger Skunk did not smell of roses any more. He smelled very bad again, just like a skunk. Jo was unhappy that the hero of the story Roger Skunk was made to smell very bad again. Roger’s mommy wanted it to happen. Jo wanted that the stupid mommy should have been punished. The wizard should have taken the magic wand and hit it very hard on her head. Jo wanted her little hero to smell of roses. The conflict arose because of different perspectives of an adult and a child. While Jack felt compelled to show loyalty to his own mother, Jo felt loyalty for the baby skunk’s peer group with which she identified.


Derry is withdrawn and defiant. He hates people. Acid had burnt one side of his face . This creates an inferiority complex in his mind. When he looks in the mirror and sees it, he is afraid of himself. He thinks that no one will ever kiss him. Only his mother kisses him and that too on the other side of his face. Mr Lamb is a physically challenged man. He has a tin leg. Children call him ‘Lamey Lamb’. But Mr Lamb never minds such things. He has a positive attitude towards life. Mr Lamb’s meeting with Derry brings a turning point in Derry’s life. He gives confidence to Derry. He counsels him that he can get better than rest of the people and that hatred burns one’s inside. Mr Lamb brings a change in Derry’s life. He develops confidence to face the world in a more positive way.

Answer 12.
Dr Kemp is the perfect foil for the maniacal Griffin. Kemp continues his own study in the hope of being admitted to “the Royal Fellows.” His own experiments and fascination with science enable him to listen sensibly to Griffin, but his common sense and decency prevent him from being a part of Griffin’s scheme as he is able to see the evil in them. He betrays Griffin to the police. Kemp is also a calm and practical person in the town once the final attack begins. He runs to escape Griffin, but as soon as Griffin catches him, he has the presence of mind to turn the capture around. He is also the first to realize that even though Griffin is invisible, he is injured, and, ultimately, dead Griffin hopes that Kemp would help him spread the reign of terror, but Kemp is too ethical to join him.


The deceit of William Dane, his close friend leaves Silas disillusioned. On top of that Sarah’s desertion leaves him heartbroken and bitter. He shuts himself up and makes no effort to defend himself in front of Sarah. His faith in God was shaken . He took refuge in his work and devoted himself to it. When he receives the message that Sarah has broken his engagement to him, he responds with silence and resumes his work of weaving. Within a month he gets news of Sarah’s marriage to William Dane. Thus heartbroken and faithless he left for Raveloe where he remains a mystery.

Answer 13.
Dolly is the wheelwright’s wife who helps Silas with Eppie. Dolly later becomes Eppie’s godmother and mother-in-law. She is a kind, patient woman who aids Silas greatly. She first visits him in Raveloe, bringing him a plate of cakes with the initials I.H.S. on them and begging him to at least give up weaving on Sunday. When Silas starts caring for Eppie, Dolly advises him how to care for a child. Later, she becomes Eppie’s godmother and Silas’s trusted advisor in religion and life. Silas goes to seek her advice whenever he has a problem, whether it concerns Eppie’s welfare or his past. Dolly makes him see that he should trust the world. She represents Raveloe’s community spirit and has real concern for others. She is not a stereotyped character. Through her discussions with Silas, she comes across as a convincing personality, slow in thought but steady in faith.


Marvel is a tramp whom Griffin frightens into aiding him. Marvel is short, fat, and a loner. Marvel is something of a stock comical character when we first meet him. He’s a poor, homeless, jobless wanderer, in other words, he’s a vagabond. He wears a shabby, old-fashioned clothes, like his “obsolete hat”, and he has buttons replaced by pieces of string to tie his coat. He is the area tramp. The narrator goes so far as to tell us that he does everything in a leisurely manner. He doesn’t seem to like work or excitement Griffin tries to use as an accomplice. Mr. Griffin perhaps also thinks that he is a little stupid and will thus not be able to resist and will not be believed even if he tries to tell anyone about his predicament. He even thinks of resigning from his job but in vain. Surprisingly he ends up owning an inn and in possession of Griffin’s money and books.

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