CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Language and Literature Paper 2

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Language and Literature Paper 2 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Language and Literature Paper 2.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Language and Literature Paper 2

SubjectEnglish Language and Literature
Sample Paper SetPaper 2
CategoryCBSE Sample Papers

Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 10 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme, as prescribed by the CBSE, is given here. Paper 2 of Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Language and Literature is given below with free PDF download Answers.

Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions

  • The paper consists of 3 sections: A, B, C.
  • Attempt all the questions.
  • Don’t write anything on the question paper.
  • Read each question carefully and follow the given instructions.
  • All the answers must be correctly numbered and written in the answer sheet provided to you.
  • Strictly adhere to the word limit given in the question paper. Marks will be deducted for exceeding the word limit.
  • Ensure that questions of each section are answered together.

(Reading – 20 Marks)

Question 1.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (8)
1. One day Gandhiji and Vallabhbhai Patel were talking in the Yeravda jail when Gandhiji remarked, “At times even a dead snake can be of use.” And he related the following story to illustrate his point: Once a snake entered the house of an old woman. The old woman was frightened and cried out for help. Hearing her, the neighbors rushed up and killed the snake. Then they returned to their homes. Instead of throwing the dead snake far away, the old woman flung it onto her roof.
2. Sometime later a kite flying overhead spotted the dead snake. In its beak, the kite had a pearl necklace which it had picked up from somewhere. It dropped the necklace and flew away with the dead snake. When the old woman saw a bright, shining object on her roof she pulled it down with a pole. Finding that it was a pearl necklace she danced with joy!
3. One day a bania found a snake in his house. He could not find anyone to kill it for him and had not the courage to kill it himself. Besides, he hated killing any living creature. So, he covered the snake with a pot and let it there.
4. As luck would have it, that night some thieves broke into the bania’s house. They entered the kitchen and saw the overturned pot. “Ah”, they thought, “the bania has hidden something valuable here.” As they lifted the pot, the snake struck. Having come with the object of stealing, they barely left with their lives.
5. Once he came out of jail, Gandhiji went from city to city, village to village collecting funds for the Charkha Sangh. During one of his tours, he addressed a meeting in Orissa.
6. After his speech a poor old woman got up. She was bent with age, her hair was grey and her clothes were in tatters. The volunteers tried to stop her, but she fought her way to the place where Gandhiji was sitting. “I must see him,” she insisted and going up to Gandhiji touched his feet.
7. Then from the folds of her sari, she brought out a copper coin and placed it at his feet. Gandhiji picked up the copper coin and put it away carefully.
8. The Charkha Sangh funds were under the charge of Jamnalal Bajaj. He asked Gandhi for the coin but Gandhi refused.

1.1. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any eight of the following questions in brief: (1 x 8 = 8)
(a) Why did the woman cry out?
(b) What did the kite do when it saw the dead snake on the roof?
(c) How did the live snake help the bania?
(d) Why was the old woman happy?
(e) Why did Gandhiji go to Orissa?
(f) Describe the woman who went up to meet Gandhiji.
(g) Why did the old woman have to fight her way to the place where Gandhiji was sitting?
(h) Who was in charge of the Charkha Sangh funds and what did he ask Gandhiji for?
(i) Find the word in paragraph 8 which is the Antonym of ‘Accepted’.

Question 2.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (12)
1. The other day I received an unusual and very gratifying gift: I was given a tree or rather, I was given half-a-dozen trees which would be planted on my behalf. I had been invited to give a talk to an organization. After such events, the speaker is usually given a token gift. Sometimes the gift is that of a pen, or something useful. Often, the gift is in the form of a plaque or a similar token. However well-meant, such gifts are destined to gather dust in forgotten comers. Which is why I was agreeably surprised to be given a scroll which attested that, on a designated plantation established for the purpose, trees would be added in my name as part of the ‘green’ movement sponsored by the organization.
2. In an increasingly environmentally conscious world, the gift of a living tree or plant makes for a perfect present. The tradition of giving and receiving gifts has increasingly become a highly evolved marketing exercise. Apart from festivals like Diwali, Holi, Christmas, Eid and others, a whole new calendar of celebration events has been created to promote the giving of gifts: Mother’s Day, Father’s day, Teacher’s day, Valentine’s Day and so on.
3. What do you give to people – friends, relatives, spouses, children, parents, employees, clients, well-wishers who more or less have everything or at least everything that you could afford to give them as a gift?
4. Another box of chocolates? Another bottle of scent or after-shave? Another shirt or a kurta? Another another?
5. Thinking of unusual and pleasing presents which are also affordable is a full-time job. Like wedding planners and planners of theme parties, present planners—professionals who select and make up gift packages for you to give on occasions like marriages and corporate events— and doing increasingly good business.
6. However, the best-planned gifts of mine and thine go often awry. How often particularly during the so-called ‘festive seasons’ when gift giving and gift receiving reach epidemic proportions— have you had the embarrassing experience of getting back as a present a gift you yourself had given to someone who, having no use for it and not realizing that it was you who had gifted it, to begin with had unwittingly returned your gift to you? Like musical chairs, musical gifts only too often go round and round.
7. This is true not only at the individual but also at the level of the state. The diplomatic protocol also demands the exchange of gifts according to culture and tradition. Such tokens like the numbers of crudely made miniature Taj Mahals that Sarkari India has presented into the reluctant hands of foreign guests must fill entire godowns across the globe.
8. How much more preferable a living tree than a crude model of the Taj possibly made of marble from an unauthorized quarry? If the giving of tree sapling were to be institutionalized, it could lead to another green revolution in the lucrative and growing field of gift giving, with a new, eco-friendly industry taking root in plantations and nurseries specially created for the purpose. People could feel good looking at the certificate that trees had been planted in their names. Next birthday, give someone you love a tree one day the two of you might sit under the shade of the same tree.

2.1. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the following questions in brief: (2 x 4 = 8)
(a) What was the gift? Why was it unusual and gratifying?
(b) Why is selecting a gift described as a ‘full-time job’?
(c) What does the writer mean by “However the best-planned gifts of mine and thine go often awry”?
(d) How can we cause another green revolution?
(e) What is a demand made by diplomatic protocol?

2.2. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the following: (1 x 4 = 4)
(a) In paragraph 1, ………… means satisfying.
(i) gratifying
(ii) contenting
(iii) relieving
(iv) modification

(b) A token gift is usually given to …………..
(i) the listener
(ii) the speaker
(iii) the referee
(iv) the leader

(c) Procedure ………. are slanted in their names.
(i) trees
(ii) mangoes
(iii) roses
(iv) gifts

(d) In paragraph 6, the synonym of unintentionally is ……….
(i) diplomatic
(ii) initializing
(iii) unauthorized
(iv) unwittingly

(e) The giving of tree sapling should be ……….
(i) ordered
(ii) mandatory
(iii) institutionalized
(iv) lucrative

(Writing & Grammar – 30 Marks)

Question 3.
Write a letter to the Editor of a local newspaper complaining about employing minor children both boys and girls as full domestic help is a common feature, also advocating the need to stop such practice which deprives the children of their basic rights. You are Kunwar/Shubhangi, B-36, Mayur Vihar, Phase-II, Delhi.
You are Sakshi/Saksham, a customer of Excited Broadband. Write a letter to the Customer Care Department, Excited regarding the poor service of Internet connection. You are a resident of 485, Ram Nagar, Shahdara.

Question 4.
Write a complete story in about 150-200 words on the basis of the startup lines.
Rajan was never ordinary, except his circumstances. A student of class IX ………
Develop a story with the help of the following opening line-
Once a man named Mohanlal lived in a city. He had four sons ………….

Question 5.
Fill in any four gaps by choosing the most appropriate words from the options given below. (1 x 4 = 4)
Today we (a) ………. all familiar with the use of fingerprinting. It is very important and is fighting crime. (b) ………….. many people do not know that it was in India (c) ………. fingerprints (d) ………. first used for catching criminals. Fingerprints (e) ………. be found on practically any solid surface including the human body.
(a) (i) are (ii) is (iii) were (iv) was
(b) (i) Since (ii) But (iii) And (iv) Though
(c) (i) which (ii) who (iii) that (iv) where
(d) (i) was (ii) is (iii) are (iv) were
(e) (i) should (ii) shall (iii) can (iv) will

Question 6.
The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the . incorrect word and the correction against any four lines of the passage. (1 x 4 = 4)
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Language and Literature Paper 2 1

Question 7.
Rearrange any four of the following groups of words and phrases to form meaningful sentences: (1 x 4 = 4)
(a) love / Indians / celebrate / to / festivals
(b) enjoy / time / they / with / spending / families / their
(c) exchanged / are/and / sweets / are / gifts / distributed
(d) even/away / some / stay / people / work / from
(e) religion / of / most / are / the / festivals / India / with / in / associated

(Literature : Textbook & Long Reading Text – 30 Marks)

Question 8.
Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow: (1 x 4 = 4)
Did you finish your homework, Amanda?
Did you tidy your room, Amanda?
I thought I told you to clean your shoes Amanda!
(a) Who speaks these lines and to whom?
(b) What are the various works she has to do?
(c) What does the parent think she asked her Amanda to do?
(d) Does Amanda listen to her mother attentively?
Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful
The land will again experience the oppression of one another.
The Sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievement.
Let freedom reign. God bless Africa!
(a) Who speaks these words and when?
(b) What kind of oppression does the speaker refer to here?
(c) Explain ‘The Sun shall never set’.
(d) Who led the first non-racial government?

Question 9.
Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each: (2 x 4 = 8)
(a) Who received Lencho’s letter? Why did he answer it?
(b) Why was it difficult for Hari to rob Anil?
(c) ‘Horace was no ordinary thief.’ Explain.
(d) How did the young seagull’s mother teach him flying?
(e) What is the story about the origin of the people of Coorg?

Question 10.
Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-120 words: (8)
How did otter behave in the beginning? How did he become familiar with the author?
The course of the Loisel’s life changed due to the necklace. Comment.

Question 11.
Answer any one of the following questions in about 200-250 words:
Give a character sketch of Margot Frank.
What were the economic and social conditions during the war?
Describe Helen’s first experience of encountering a dangerous aspect of nature.
Give a brief character sketch of Helen’s mother.


Answer 1.
(a) The woman cried out for help because a snake had entered her house and that sight frightened her.
(b) The kite dropped a pearl necklace which it had picked up from somewhere and flew away with the dead snake.
(c) When the thieves entered the bania’s house they saw the snake under the pot and ran for their lives.
(d) The old woman was happy because the kite had dropped a pearl necklace on her roof while taking the dead snake.
(e) Gandhiji went to Orissa for collecting funds.
(f) The woman was old and her body was bent with age. She had grey hair and tattered clothes.
(g) The old woman had to fight her way because the volunteers tried to stop the poor woman from going to Gandhiji.
(h) Jamnalal Bajaj was in-charge of the Charkha Sangh funds and he asked for the copper coin from Gandhiji.
(i) Refused

Answer 2.
2.1. (a) The gift was a scroll which attested that on a designated plantation half a dozen trees would be planted on behalf of the writer. It was all usual and gratifying for him as it was different from the usual token of appreciation handed down to a speaker and it was for a great cause.
(b) Selecting a gift is described as a full-time job as often people have all necessities and it is impossible to choose the perfect gift for them. Also most of the time we get things in gifts we usually do possess.
(c) The writer means that sometimes even giving gifts can go totally wrong. Sometimes during the festive, season, one can receive back the same gift from another that he/she had given.
(d) We can cause another green revolution if gifting saplings were to be started. This would ‘ lead to people and even diplomats receiving and giving saplings which would lead to growth of plantations and nurseries.
(e) The diplomatic protocol also demands exchange of gifts according to culture and tradition. Such tokens like the numbers of crudely made miniature Taj Mahals that Sarkari India has presented into the reluctant hands of foreign guests must fill entire godowns across the globe.

2.2. (a) (i) gratifying
(b) (ii) the speaker
(c) (i) trees
(d) (iv) unwittingly
(e) (iii) institutionalized

Answer 3.
B-36, Mayur Vihar
Phase-II, Delhi
19th June, 20xx
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Sub: Stopping Child Labour

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I want to raise my voice against the exploitation of minors by the so-called elite class. They employ some boys and girls as full-time domestic help in order to save money. These children are given very less salary.
They have to work hard the whole day whereas the children of the employer enjoy all the luxuries of life and study in good schools. Sometimes the employers go to the extent of inflicting atrocities on these children. It is really painful to see that at this tender age these children are compelled to work under most unfavorable conditions.
Most of the time, parents of these children are responsible for their plight. Just to add the income of the family they drop their children from school and engage them in doing such a job. Our Government should take some concrete steps to improve the condition of these underprivileged children. I would like you to give appropriate space to my letter in your esteemed newspaper so that the authorities concerned wake up and take appropriate action.

Yours sincerely


485, Ram Nagar
Shahdara, Delhi
15th Sept., 20xx
The Manager
Customer Care Department (Broadband)
Excitel, Exchange Ram Nagar

Sub: Poor Broadband Service

I am a customer of your reputed broadband service and my customer ID is 41721. The Internet service at my home is very poor and I have to restart the modem or adjust the cables 10-12 times to get it working every time. Even after that, it works only for 5-7 minutes and then the modem restarts itself.
I have already raised several complaints on the helpline number but the issue has not been rectified as yet. It seems that there is some hardware issue with modem and it needs replacement as it keeps on restarting and its indicators are also not in proper order.
I would highly appreciate if you would look into the matter to deliver the best to its customers.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully
Mobile No. 97604-19xxx

Answer 4.
Rajan was never ordinary, except his circumstances. A student of class IX he was always above his peers, be it neatness, punctuality or discipline. He never had time to waste. After school, he had to help his father at their small shop. He would always carry his books and when there was no customer he would quickly complete his homework. His teachers were very fond of ’ him, especially his English teacher. The moment the teacher would ask the question, Rajan would be the first one to raise his hand. The only subject that put in a spoke in his wheel v/as Maths. He envied everyone who could solve the Maths problems within no time. Rajan’s dreams were translated into reality when he got the chance to work part-time in the household of a retired college professor of Maths, Mr. Rakesh. Mr. and Mrs. Rakesh not only attended to Rajan’s drawback but also gave him excellent career guidance. With the grace of God and his hard work, Rajan cleared the IIM with flying colors.
Once a man named Mohanlal lived in a city. He and his wife had four sons. Both of them passed away, while the children were still young. Their greedy relatives tricked them out of their property and the boys were left penniless. One day the eldest brother said, “It seems to me that we should master some skills which will help us to earn a lot of money and be free.” After some discussion, they decided that it would be best if they acquired magic powers, which would help to bring in a steady income. They set off in different directions. Many months later, they met at appointed place.

The eldest son said, “I have mastered a particular kind of magic. I can cover the bare bones of an animal with the right kind of flesh.
The second one said, “I have learned to add skin and hairs of the animal after the flesh has been added to the bones. The third one said, “I know how to create the limbs of the animals whose bones have been clothed with skin, flesh, and hair. And the fourth one said, “When such an animal is fully formed, I can fill life into it.

So they went into the forest to look for the bones of an animal. Soon they found some scattered bones of an animal. The three brothers who knew to change showed their magic and they saw that they had made a lion. As soon as the fourth brother muttered a spell, the huge lion arose and ate each one of them. Thus, four brothers died because of foolish ideas. This proves if you lack wisdom and common sense even the best skills cannot help you.

Answer 5.
(a) (i) are
(b) (ii) But
(c) (iii) that
(d) (iv) were
(e) (iii) can

Answer 6.
Incorrect    Correction
(a) in             on
(b) the           a
(c) with         of
(d) for           to
(e) the           a

Answer 7.
(a) Indians love to celebrate festivals.
(b) They enjoy spending time with their families.
(c) Gifts are exchanged and sweets are distributed.
(d) Some people even stay away from work.
(e) Most of the festivals in India are associated with religion.

Answer 8.
(a) These lines are spoken by Amanda’s parents to Amanda.
(b) She has to complete her homework, clean her room and her shoes.
(c) The parents think that she asked Amanda to clean her shoes.
(d) She does not listen to her mother as she is often lost in her world of imagination.
(a) These words are spoken by Nelson Mandela on the ceremony of South Africa’s first democratically elected government.
(b) The speaker refers to the oppression of the blacks by the whites in South Africa.
(c) It means that the independence of the people of South Africa should last forever.
(d) Nelson Mandela.

Answer 9.
(a) Lencho’s letter was received by the postmaster. Since it was addressed to God and the postmaster, who was kindhearted and generous, did not want to shake Lencho’s faith in God. He wanted to help Lencho and his family. Therefore he answered it.
(b) Anil was the most trusting person Hari had met. He had given him a key to the door and therefore it was difficult to rob him. According to Hari, it’s easy to rob a greedy man because he can afford to be robbed. But it’s difficult to rob a careless man because sometimes he does not even notice he’s been robbed and takes all the pleasure out of work.
(c) Horace was no ordinary thief because he loved rare, expensive books. So he robbed a safe every year. Each year he planned carefully. What he would do that he stole enough to last for twelve months and secretly bought the books he loved through an agent.
(d) The young Seagull’s mother kept him hungry forth twenty-four hours. She kept playing with a piece of fish before him. She came to him with it. Then she suddenly stopped before him. It provoked him to dive for food. Thus she taught him to fly.
(e) It is said that people of Coorg are of Greek or Arabic origin. Apart of Alexander’s army is said to have settled here. This is clear from their traditions and rites which are different from the Hindus. The theory of Arab origin draws support from the long, black coat worn by the Kodavus, which is known as Kuppia.

Answer 10.
In the beginning, the otter was neither hostile nor friendly. He was simply aloof and indifferent.
He preferred to sleep on the floor near the author’s bed. But soon he got familiar with the author and started taking a keen interest in his surroundings. The second night he came on to the author’s bed and slept in the crook of his knees. Thereafter he became friendly with the author. Whenever he was in trouble, he rushed to the author for protection. When he was indoors he spent most of the time in play. He even escaped to the bathroom where it struggled with tap for water. In this way, he became familiar with the author.
Matilda lost Mrs. Forestier’s necklace while she was dancing at the ball. Matilda and her husband had to return the necklace after borrowing eighteen thousand francs from lenders. They handed the jewel box to Mrs. Forestier who did not open the Jewel Box. After that Matilda and her husband spent a life of misery. A tremendous change came in the lifestyle of Matilda after this incident. She started living in a rented house, sent away the maid, and also started doing all the household work. She led a wretched, poor and humble life for ten years. Matilda’s desire to show off and one little act of negligence or one small error led to the utter ruin of their life full of pleasures. They suffered poverty for ten years due to the debt they incurred to buy a necklace.

Answer 11.
Margot Frank is Anne’s elder sister. She is sixteen at the beginning of the diary and eighteen at the end of it. She does not get much attention in the diary, yet according to Anne, she is prettier, quieter, smarter and more matured than Anne. We do come across some minor quarrels between the two sisters but Margot is Anne’s wellwisher. She sees Anne as a friend to talk to and confide in. She even encourages Anne’s relationship with Peter. Still, she remains under-appreciated by Anne. Her moves in the diary depict her as a mature and caring person. Margot is docile and not assertive like Anne. She is more self-controlled though for Anne she is weak-willed and passive. Margot is quite intelligent and good at her studies. She is not at all jealous of Anne because she has not found a friend like her so much so, she even tells her sister that she thinks of Peter as a young brother. She is not impulsive and moody. She is not critical of other’s faults. She is closer to her mother. This can be the reason why she has been under-appreciated by Anne. She is of adjusting nature and accepts life as it is. She has not developed much like Anne.
The economic and social conditions worsened day by day during the war. Half a pound of coffee cost eighty guilders, half a pound of tea cost three hundred and fifty guilders and a pound of butter cost thirty-five guilders. Everyone was trading in the black market. People had to queue for vegetables and all kinds of goods. Vandalization, murders, and thefts were daily occurrences. The doctors could not visit the patients since their cars and bikes were stolen the moment they turned their back to them. The little children smashed the windows of people’s homes and stole whatever they could lay their hands on. People never left their homes in the fear of finding their belongings stolen. Even the police and night watchman were getting in on the act. Everyone wanted to put food into their stomachs and since wages had been frozen, people resolved to swindling. Everyday the newspapers were filled with reward notice for the return of stolen typewriters, prison rugs, etc. The electric clocks on street comers were dismantled and public phones were stripped down to the last wire. The police had been mightily trying to track down many girls of fifteen and older who were reported missing every day. The only good thing that came out of this was as the situation became more severe, the act of sabotage against the authorities increased.
Once Helen and Miss Sullivan were returning from a walk and they decided to rest under a wild cherry tree. They decided to have lunch sitting under the tree. Helen managed to climb the tree and found a seat in the branches. Miss Sullivan went away to the house to bring the lunch. Suddenly the sky was overcast with clouds and Helen could feel the difference in the atmosphere. She sensed the sky had turned dark as the sun’s warmth had dwindled. Helen smelt a strange odor coming up from the earth, the odor that preceded a thunderstorm. Helen was very frightened. She was alone, cut off from her friends and family and away from her teacher. Moreover, she wanted to get down from the tree. The tree shivered, the branches swayed and Helen held the branches very tightly. The twigs snapped and fell on Helen, the branches heaved and lashed. Helen had been driven to great fright when luckily her teacher arrived and was greatly delighted to feel the earth under her feet. That day Helen learned another lesson. She woke up to the fact that nature is not always kind and giving. It can be cruel and dangerous also. Beneath the softest touch were hidden treacherous claws.
Right from the beginning, the greatest credit of making Helen self-reliant went to Helen’s mother, who had been the epitome of encouragement and motivation. Helen noticed the entire world sitting in her mother’s lap. Her mother succeeded in making Helen understand a great deal. She learned to distinguish her clothes, do errands, make crude signs and feel all the objects. Her mother stressed on Helen’s strengths and did not complain about her deprivations. During Helen’s temperamental outbursts there was a great understanding on her part. Helen was never alienated. She was always there, within the family entertaining guests and making Christmas preparations. Helen’s mother never gave up hope for Helen’s education as she had read Dickens’ American Notes. She had read of the deaf and blind Laura Bridgman. Most of the family members doubted if Helen could ever be educated but her mother persisted in her efforts and finally, Miss Sullivan arrived at the doorstep. Helen’s mother never interfered with the innovative methods of Miss Sullivan’s teaching and provided all the support. She was a lady who could take a firm step also when things turned a little ugly at the Gilman school. Helen was immediately withdrawn. Helen’s mother tried every way to make Helen communicate. Helen’s mother remained her greatest strength and her greatest inspiration.

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